Thursday, June 13, 2019

Full Moon 25º ♐︎- June 16-17, 2019

Red lines on the Chart mean tension, challenge, urgent change of direction. If we don't want it, we are forced to change!  The blue lines demand adjustment, adaptation, or compromise.  The green lines indicate the support to the process. Let's take a look at the details.

The Sun and the Moon

The Sun is at 25º 53' Gemini and the Moon at 25º 53' Sagittarius. The Sun in Gemini illuminates all activities based on the mind. Thinking, reasoning, communication, even communication and broadcasting devices and media (i.e. internet, TV, radio, press, etc.), conversations, debates, information, all of those are enhanced during the time the Sun transits Gemini. At the Full Moon something hits culmination in our mental process. The Moon reflects the Sun light in the big picture area of Sagittarius. We now are able to see the whole scheme of things, understand the truth, make sense of the true meaning of the information learned by putting together all the pieces (Gemini mind balanced by Sagittarius mind). The spiritual, ethical and even legal implications are now evident.  Too obvious, I'd say, because Jupiter makes a loose but still active conjunction with the Moon from 18º of Sagittarius, magnifying the clarity brought out by both the Moon and the Sun.

The T-Square

Talking about the magnifying glass help from Jupiter, I also need to refer to its square to Neptune, who, at the same time, makes a loose but still effective square to the Sun from 18º of Pisces. Yes, there is a risk of confusion when we are tuned in to lower vibration, however, we can also count on Neptune's spiritual, intuitive, inspirational influence. In fact, Neptune is the antennae to the heavens, he is able to connect us to the ethereal vibrations of the cosmos and let us 'see' what is not visible to the physical eye. Neptune shows a reality we can see with our eyes closed, when we tune in with our third eye. Curiously, what we call the third eye nowadays, was called 'common sense' in Socrates' times. Today the common sense not only is not common, but it's very elusive. Why? Because we live in a materialistic society where we only focus on the tangible reality, and, lack of practice and awareness, we have lost this natural ability to perceive the unseen.

Moreover, the Full Moon is only about a degree away from the Galactic Center. What is the Galactic Center? It's the black hole where everything comes from, and everything goes back to nothingness. God? The Source of all existence? It seems to be the upload and download place of consciousness and creative energy. Existence comes to be to become conscious of itself. Therefore, a planetary contact with this powerful Source of All Knowledge, especially the Moon, whose intuitive energy is a revealing conduit, can open up a gate of understanding, wisdom, and clear intellectual activity.

In my interpretation, the Full Moon T-Square to Neptune has the power to show us probably more than we can handle and are ready to receive. Most people, especially those who don't have any spiritual practice, may feel really confused, delusional or have a tendency to numb themselves with substances, because it may be too much for their minds to grasp. Others may react just focusing on the tangible familiar reality. If you are inclined to do a meditation practice, this Full Moon is a great propitious time for it.

The powerful opposition

The Cancer Capricorn Nodal Axis is in full force at the time of this Full Moon. The North Node of the Moon conjuncts -even though not exactly, it's tight- Mars and Mercury. The South Node is still in close proximity to Saturn and Pluto, both now retrograde.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, unearthing, decomposing, and demolishing anything that is no longer useful for our progress, that no longer belongs to our present evolutionary stage, or does not contribute to our future stage. Referring to the house he's transiting in your personal chart (natal or progressed) you may have a better understanding of where, how, what and why is being transmuted there. In general, while Pluto navigates this house, we only see the demolition; it's not until the end, when he's ready to move on to Aquarius for his next demolition there, that we see the new shape we have turned in. Now, that he's retrograde, again! we are in reflection, revision mode, walking through the rubble and pondering the extent and meaning of the destruction, wondering what would come out of this once we put the pieces back together.

Capricorn themes are the outside structures of our life. The societal paradigm and conventions, our public functions, political correctness, ethical matters, the boundaries and security agreements of the individual with the society he or she lives in, they are all under Pluto's scalpel and alchemical potions. Walls don't mean a thing for Pluto's power, he is able to knock over any Capricornian wall. He likes to go deep into the essence, dig into the underlying reasons why we want walls, structures, restrictions, limitations. If we haven't yet, we will soon realize how much power we give away to accept the so well organized Capricornian hierarchical security.

 The South Node is there to help us leave behind all the debris. It's acting as the trash collection truck going to the dump.

Saturn's two and a half years visit to Capricorn is taking stock of the chaos left behind. Now retrograde, he reflects, reviews, reassesses the whole structural situation, so when he comes back direct, he will have a plan for reconstruction. That's the plan he will propose to Pluto during the anxiously waited meeting  at 24º of Capricorn in January 2020. This will be the turning point, especially because of the conflictive and progressively aggravating events that will develop through the eclipses, and, in fact, during the next six months. It's going to feel like we are inside a pressure cooker! I will discuss more about the eclipse season in July, stay tuned.

That wedge!

I you take a look at the chart, all those red lines talk about conflictive, opposing and polarizing energy, which we already see playing out in the public sphere. The green lines are supportive, softly flowing favorable energy.

The wedge formed by the green and red lines connecting the Cardinal opposition (planets with the Nodal Axis) and Neptune, gives a more passive feminine energy to play with, helping us solve the disparities with a relentless but quiet effort and determination.

Even though Jupiter square Neptune has a bad rap for the negative implication of deception, lies, and delusion, we should be grateful for their Mutable, Water and Fire contribution, that can soften the harsh radical changes occurring in the Cardinal Signs of Cancer and Capricorn. Moreover, it is thanks to Neptune that we can envision the conflicts at hand from a higher spiritual perspective. Jupiter gives us hope for a better future, and the need to look for the truth of the matter. Neptune can be forgiving, understanding, unconditional love, service and charitable feelings. In fact, all that 'ocean of water' (Pisces) helps us to effect the necessary changes, taking into consideration, or based on, not only our gut feelings, but also on our intuition and higher perspective.

All those inconjunctions!

The blue lines are inconjuncts, or energetic relationships that need readjusting, adaptation, compromising.

The Sun inconjunct Pluto marks our fear of the uncertainty and confusion coming from Neptune square the Sun. Pluto pushes us to study, analyze, and ponder all factors and many hypothesis in the situation,  maybe obsessively, but needed nonetheless. It provokes us to reconcile the profound upcoming changes with our identity. "If this happens, I will have to be this way, if that changes, I will have to adapt that way", kind of thinking.

Jupiter inconjunct Mercury and the North Node asks us to reconcile the information we have to go forward into the future with our enthusiasm and need for truth and wisdom. We may face the tendency to exaggerate, to just look at the forest without seeing the trees or vice versa. We see already the media distorting communications or only consider a high perspective, now they may just focus on the details. We will need to reconcile our grandiose, confusing or delusional mental picture (Jupiter square Neptune), and our day to day reasoning (Mercury).

We also need an adjustment to balance our actions (Mars) and our beliefs (Jupiter) taking into consideration other people (Moon).


We may be so overwhelmed by information at this lunation, that we may feel triggered into radical actions. Our minds may be driven by high hopes in a better future, and at the same time, we need to consider the practical details and facts in order to make sound and compassionate decisions.

This second part of June the personal planets transiting Cancer will activate already the July Eclipses AND the Pluto Saturn upcoming Conjunction at 24º of Capricorn in January. This means that we are already experiencing the eclipse season theme. Whatever happens from now on in the area of Capricorn (zodiac house) is the matter we will be dealing with then.

Step back, don't rush into actions, make sure you reflect, meditate and especially take care of yourself with great TLC. No one will take care of you better than yourself, and others may need you sound and healthy.

Make it a great day! Sat Nam

This is the link if you prefer watching the video about this Full Moon.
Contact me for a personal reading at I look forward to help.

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