Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Daily Transits - October 13, 2021

Grand Cross With Pluto Opposite Natal USA Mercury

"I want you!" Enlist! by James Montgomery Flagg, 1940.
National Archives, Army Recruiting Bureau

    Let's imagine the Grand Cross is a boxing ring. And there are four fighters. On one corner, Pluto in Capricorn. Next corner, Eris in Aries. Then USA Mercury in Cancer. Finally, on the last corner the Sun and Mars in Libra. Each boxer is against the other three! These days are very volatile in USA politics. 

    Pluto has been opposing USA Mercury since 2020, simultaneously square Eris in Aries, hence the heavy propagandistic tone of the politicians and activists at all levels and about all subjects. The last time Pluto exactly opposed US Mercury was January 1st, 2021 and we all know what happened just 5 days later.

Now, the Sun and Mars entered a 3 degree orb to the Grand Cross by opposing Eris and squaring Pluto. The configuration will perfect around October 17 through the 21, when first Sun then Mars reach the 24ยบ mark in Libra.  Expect explosive antagonism between opposing camps, factions, sectors, opinions, parties. Each band will try to 'enlist' you. Try to stay neutral and observe. The 'air' is so hot, that a symbolic fire can start. And I guess, it all started in Texas. In fact, it all started with the previous USA President, and a 'little help' with the unbridled social media and its convoluted logarithms.  

May the common people spread peace and understanding instead of anger and hate. May we all reflect (Mercury retrograde) on what is really important and learn to live together in harmony to preserve the good values and discard the bad ones (Pluto transit 2d house of USA chart).

Sat Nam.

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