Saturday, October 16, 2021

Daily Transits - October 17, 2021

"To The Fairest" 

The Apple of the Discord


Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Chaos

    The Sun starts the Final Act of 2021 by a square to Pluto and the opposition to Eris. Not only does the Sun prepare for the Full Moon in Aries, but he opens the gate to the final release of explosive energy this year. 

    Let's be reminded that, at the same time, Pluto opposes USA Mercury forming a Grand Cross of destructive energy for Mercury, which is the symbol of the country's public opinion, the collective mind, communications, Internet as a communication device, domestic transportation, etc. Mercury in Cancer impacts the USA Eight house of profound transformations. He also rules its Seventh house of partners and open enemies and the Tenth house of the Executive Branch of the Government represented by the President. Therefore, any or all those areas could be dramatically impacted. 

As the polarization reaches a peek, there may be violence and dangerous attempts against the Constitutional Government. Eris, the planet symbolizing the ire of those who were left out of the Gods' feast because they were not considered 'fair' enough, 'perfect' enough, is now sewing rage and chaos. 

Moon (quincunx the Sun) conjoins Neptune, and you may feel lost or drowning under an ocean of emotions in confusion, deception, or disillusion. She's getting ready for the Full Moon in Aries in just four more days.

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