Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Sun in Taurus -April 19 to May 19, 2022

    The Sun ingresses Taurus. Happy Birthday my Taurus friends and clients! Beware of surprises though! For all of us it means that we become better attuned with Nature, more stable but not without one or two shocks.  Normally, Taurus is steady and able to enjoy the small pleasures of life, like a good table, some sweets, and other activities using the senses. Homemade food is a delight to your palate. Listening to music a delight your ears. Find your favorite and enjoy! The quiet may not last too long.
We are already in the Taurus Scorpio Eclipse Season and by the end of the month the solar eclipse conjoins Uranus. This could bring a shake! Stay tuned and read about this eclipse here.
    The Sun at 0º Taurus squares the 0º Aquarius where Jupiter and Saturn conjoined on December 21, 2020. Every time a planet aspects this point in the sky some unconscious memory, as it were, comes out to show us the way onto the new Air Era that the sky chronocrators set up in motion. Just observe the world and your personal life, take note, and remember. Some time in the future those memories of the world to come will be significant.
    The Sun journey in Taurus is full of bumps. After the Solar Eclipse, he joins Uranus on May 5. You want to be different, do something unexpectedly. Find some time for relaxation, you’ll need it before the Sun conjoins Uranus. Moon conjunct Uranus first, just a few hours after the eclipse. The Sun a few days later. This means that our conscious and unconscious self are united to initiate innovation. People everywhere in the world are asking themselves and others, how do we need to change our way of producing food in order to ensure that we eat tomorrow. Uranus work is to fracture our stability and the Taurus inertia in order for us to understand that the economic activity as we know it is no longer working for our benefit. This 'fracture' transforms our values and desires, which translates in us changing our consumerism habits. Our eating and buying habits are changing drastically in response to this fracture.
    In the same way Uranus in Taurus accompanied the Great Depression between 1934 and 1941, he is drying out the climate, the land, the air. Strong wind carrying dust and sand will probably have damaging effects over different regions of the earth. Agriculture will be affected by drought and some fertile lands become deserts.

    However, Uranus works also like the strike of a thunderbolt in our intellect. People will come up with genius seeds of ideas in order to face the losses, the scarcity and the economic contraction. A higher level of consciousness will help us expand our awareness of reality, make radical transformations in our daily lives, operate sudden changes and adopt innovative methods of food production.

    Uranus rules Aquarius where Saturn is transiting, showing us that we need to restructure our social behavior. One way Saturn imposed restriction was social separation, but we can expect that other social restructuring is here to stay. More than ever before, people realize how important is the exchange of ideas, and finding your own like-minded group to pool together, unite the creative variety in order to build something new. The creation of the new paradigm is up to our collective collaboration and cooperative undertakings for the benefit of the local community.

    Soon after on May 7, Sun sextile Mars, and you're ready to take the opportunity to do it. One week later, the Sun joins the North Node. You receive a boost of energy and others congratulate you and admire you for what you have done. 
    However, by the middle of the day on May 15, the Sun is not so happy in square with Saturn.  Some serious situation blocks your project, and you need to stop and consider the long term repercussions of your ambition. You may also feel frustrated. You want to enjoy life, but are tied by restrictions, responsibilities, hard work, or a rigid and pessimistic attitude. Your self-expression takes a back seat, and most probably don’t even feel like having fun. You need to take responsibility for something, and rather work than watch TV. Be careful with harsh or rigid attitudes towards others. That would mostly happen because you really feel drained out of your vitality, tired, maybe somewhat pessimistic. If someone around you ignore this heavy attitude of yours, you may accuse that person of being selfish or childish. Remember that Saturn didn’t like childish behavior, in fact, he just ate his children to avoid having to deal with them!  (I hope at least you smiled at that) I’m sure you won’t want to eat your children, but you will discipline them more than you normally do.
If all that were not enough, right before leaving Taurus on May 19, the Sun trine the Mighty of the zodiac, Pluto. Pluto has been stationary, and turned retrograde on April 29, which means that he is digging deep in the 29th degree of Capricorn, and will do it until the end of June. This Sun Pluto trine will certainly not pass unnoticed. Authority figures might strengthen their power, possibly through manipulation or obscure dealings. On the bright side, it could be your opportunity for empowerment, or to build the necessary fortitude to succeed in some challenging task or endeavor. 
Use the Taurus season consciously and you could greatly benefit from these transits.

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