Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New Moon in Leo 8º - July 31- August 1st, 2019

New Moon in Leo with a Love shake! 

July 31- August 1

There is a new start in the realm of creativity with the sacred fire of the Leo season. Love, optimism, generosity, joy, and play are now revived. With Venus nearby in square to Uranus, expect to attract and be drawn to the most unusual, unexpected, and shocking things, situations, likes, people and places. You want to break free from the old boring and known. Some uncertainty and anxiety is expected as we don’t know what is coming or how far this can go. Whatever you get these days, in a form of relationships, financial decisions or purchases, probably won’t last long unless there was some previous background work, planning, or aim. It’s just the time to enjoy the moment. On the other hand, Uranus' shake can help trigger a long waited decision after so much restriction and rumination (Saturn, Pluto and South Node in Capricorn, Mercury and four more retrograde planets).

Grand Fire Trine

You should pay attention to the loose grand fire trine of the New Moon with Jupiter and Chiron. From Sagittarius, Jupiter is promising too much with a pompous optimism; from Aries, Chiron doesn’t feel too confident. In fact, this New Moon can boost our assertiveness, give us some degree of confidence and forgiveness of our shortcomings and faults. Just tell Chiron not to be a party pooper. Read more about what Chiron is doing in August. Adding Neptune square Jupiter to the concoction, one may have the tendency to drift away to dreamy land on the fiery flying carpet of indulgence.

Mercury Turns Direct

On the reasonable side, Mercury is turning direct today, but in Cancer, the mind is still emotionally driven and kind of slow before the Messenger of the Gods gains some speed forward. The mind shows us images and metaphors, we talk in symbols and synthesize ideas into images. Mercury in Cancer also allows us to listen to and use our intuition. Hummh… going back to the inspiration and intuition of Neptune? Well, after all, if we consider Neptune trine to the North Node of the Moon, that’s what we are supposed to do! I agree, it’s confusing! So keep these keywords : confusion and indulgence.

Make this day the best you can! Sat Nam

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

August 2019 Chiron Activation

From Wikipedia commons
That white speckle around 10 o'clock is not dust on your screen, it's Saturn, the blue circle in the middle is Jupiter's orbit around the Sun. The crazy red 'circle'? It's Chiron's orb. Do you understand now why it's called 'wounded'?

August 1 - Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aires 

"True love cannot be made without Chiron" Jeremy Neal

Venus comes along to the Sun stage in Leo as part of the cast, remember from July's episode of Chiron Story? Once more, she stirs Chiron's sensitivity to his ugliness and disharmony, but this time his painful love has matured. Chiron is now ready to take the challenge of unconditional love. His enlightenment allows him to "see beauty where [he hadn't] noticed it, and find value in what [he previously] dismissed as ugly or worthless" (Melanie Reinhart, The Healing Journey, pg 207).

Chiron's enlightenment is due to the influence of Venus square Uranus, the Lord of the Heavens, the awakener, and the maverick. This may have us like things we didn't like before, especially things, places, people foreign to us, different, foreign cultures, foreigners, out of the norm, and yes, imperfect! We  may attract or feel attracted to the weirdness of Chiron. Remember that Uranus is also making a long-lasting semi sextile with Chiron, about which I wrote in my July story.

Venus trine Chiron is part of the New Moon in Leo energy (July 31-August 1). Now, that Venus is so close to the Sun, she is 'shy', she is ready to make the necessary compromise, and give Chiron the kiss. Belle kisses the Beast. However, like with Shrek, the Beast may not transform into the beautiful blue-eyed charming Prince. That's not the point. What is important is to love ourselves just as we are. Are we ready to love the ugliness as well as the beauty? Can we live with imperfection and [maybe] dysmorphia? Can we forgive our shortcomings and try once more? Yes, we can, because Venus is inspired, generous, forgiving, and humble.

Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aires is the most sacred self healing. A generous pouring of love helps Chiron to open up and show his wound of repressed feelings. We regain confidence in being human, a spiritual being living this wonderful physical experiment. Yes, we are vulnerable, yes we are hurt, yes we are imperfect, and THAT's our medicine. If we are to succeed in a love relationship, we start by learning self-love.

August 11 - The Moon square Chiron

The Moon in Capricorn forms the Third Quarter Square with Chiron. We find ourselves in introspection, reassessing the emotional process of our healing. We may feel grateful for the results. We have gained some revealing insights about how the Chiron wound works in our life. So, we are ready to let go of a piece of the pain and suffering. We assimilate the healing like fresh water in a hot day.
The Moon is the one that is constantly touching our wound, so you might want to read my blog post on the specific influence of the Moon Phases on Chiron.

August 16 - Mercury trine Chiron

Mercury in Leo has come to serve Apollo, he is the negotiator messenger or mediator in conflicts. If you remember,   last month Mercury stopped less than a degree short of trining Chiron when he turn 'retrograde'. There was a piece of information he was missing and went back to the degree of the July 16 Lunar Eclipse to find it. Picture this in your mind's eye: Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, goes back where Apollo was at 24º ♋️ to find something left behind. Something that happened or was stirred up during that eclipse was crucial and instrumental in the message Mercury brings to the Sun's home of Leo and to Chiron today.

Maybe, today we realize how this identity wound of Chiron in Aries, is related to our early childhood (Cancer) when we lived with our parents. We may remember, "When I was a child... I was once an unhappy child... I long for my home as I wanted it to be... I was hurt in my family then... that was the first time I felt  this wound." Something happened then. But we are ready to deal with it now, aren't we?

Again, remember that Mercury is also square Uranus. Uranus's electricity can jolt the mind, completely changing the thinking connections and patterns, and helping us see the reality from a entirely new perspective. Uranus awakens the mind! Especially in a hard cosmic aspect with Mercury, it challenges outmoded concepts, and questions our naming process. 

If you remember, from my Chiron activation in June blogpost, today's story may be related to what was going on June 7. It even can refer to Chiron story in May when Mercury activated him. It is important to keep a journal, so we can observe our evolution, take conscious actions, and make conscious decisions. Listening to Mercury's message makes us aware. We question things and find answers.

When I heard the song "You Say" , it blew my mind how well it represents Mercury trine Chiron. It says: "I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough. Every single lie that says I'll never measure up. Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know." I hope you enjoy it.

So, today is the day to intellectually understand the lies we've been telling ourselves because of what we were once 'fed' at home early in life. Mercury in Leo, even though it's still combust because of the proximity of the Sun, still makes our mind confident, positive. This song or some other communication may be the inspirational message that can flip our wounded thinking forever. Listen!

August 25 -  Mars and Venus conjunct 5º Virgo, quincunx Chiron in Aries

Now we are learning how to adjust our performance, our actions with the new 'warrior' gear we just got with the Leo lessons. It may feel awkward to move with the new Chironic skills. Sometimes we may feel too impulsive, trying to initiate a different kind of relationships for example, other moments we may feel that we can't 'wear' this new concept of ourself so easily, we spend our energy analyzing or we just decide is better to retreat. Mars and Venus together increase our sensual attraction, we long for a tender sexual mate, but Chiron is nagging on the other side, still insecure, still not trusting in himself. The wound of love may bring up past life or childhood traumas in relationships that now need to be looked at in order to be resolved. But let's keep trying, in spite of the mistakes. Practice, practice, practice, makes it perfect.

August 29 - The Sun in Virgo quincunx Chiron

Now we need to adjust the new shine we have from the Sun energy. Since it is so new, we may try to show off too much, or we may fall back again to the shy side of  Chiron, avoiding taking the personal authority and confidence necessary to show who we really are. There might be moments when we ask, "is it true that I am OK with these faults, imperfections, shortcomings?,  will you accept me anyway?". Yes, you are OK! The more beautiful because you are crooked, hurt, full of scars, you are UNIQUE! So use the Sun's confidence and warmth to your advantage.

The Astronomy of Chiron

On a side note, remember that Chiron is now transiting the coldest side of his orbit around the Sun, meaning that is the farthest from him.  Chiron came to perihelion (closest point to the Sun) in 1996 and will reach aphelion mid 2021.  This deepens the meaning of Chiron transiting the Sign of Aries. The identity issues can be more cruelly perceived, may be more obscure also and harder to pinpoint for us. The more awareness you develop, the better. It is a good time to learn and practice some alternative healing methods based on using the wound. If you're interested, I refer you back to a previous post on the Healing Journey and the Cycles of Healing.

   Sun ·    Jupiter ·   Saturn  ·   Uranus  ·    2060 Chiron Wikipedia commons

Note: Always consider transits in the context of your whole chart. I made the effort to do my analysis as thorough as possible, but it is not possible to give all the possibilities, much less the personal influence. Any transit is felt more intensely when it aspects one of your Natal or Progressed planets or points. In order to have a more accurate personal report you need a personal reading.

Much love to you. Sat Nam.

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Saturn Pluto Conjunction - January 12, 2020

Saturn Pluto Conjunction

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

We  are privileged to be part of this generation that is experiencing this powerful transition, because last time that it happens, it was about 500 years ago. This conjunction is the most powerful influence we will have in our lifetime. Power structures, social conventions, power distribution and use will be forever transmuted. Humanity is entering a whole NEW ERA. Something we haven't seen in our lifetimes is gestating during 2019. The gestation culminates in January 2020 with a metamorphosis that will completely change the world we live in forever. There is nothing trivial about it. We are not able to elude, avoid, evade, or escape this 'atomic' force (Pluto) upon us. Everyone will be affected one way or another, depending on the place this conjunction falls in one's own chart, what natal planets it challenges (specifically with hard aspects). The effects of it are the experience of our human evolution as a collective entity.

Every time Saturn makes a conflictive contact with Pluto, power is challenged, restructured, reorganized, redistributed at a massive level. Be assured that even though the establishment may try to hold its grip, even more strongly, it will not prevail. There is a higher source of power at play here, from the Universe, from the Spiritual Realm, from the ‘global’ collective.

This power is combined with the Jupiter square Neptune, making their challenging dance, each strongly planted in their own ‘homes’ during the whole 2019 year. They represent our spiritual development, inspiration, vision of the future, the search of truth, our need to connect with something greater than Humanity. They are indicating our elevation to a higher level of evolution. We long for a 'better' world, that includes all forms of life living in harmony. We long for peace, for a society that recognizes and incorporates the Natural Law, that is ready to face truth at the extreme moment we feel at the edge of extinction. As a collective, we are ready to change, a change that implies a death and rebirth process (Pluto) and the creation of new structures (Saturn).

Let us go back to the last two times when Saturn and Pluto conjoined in Capricorn to ponder the historical events that it generated, and how they reshaped humanity and the world as it was known at those times.

December 29, 1284, Saturn and Pluto met at 26º Capricorn, with the North Node, opposite Uranus, trine Neptune! After the end of the Crusades there was an increase and reorganization of the religious powers in Europe. In a way, Europe brought back new knowledge from the East that broke the Dark Ages of Medieval Times, and slowly paved the way to the Renaissance. "Europe was on the verge of one of the most productive and creative periods in its entire history. Following this long period of darkness there came this tremendous explosion of cultural achievements" (Jim Masschaele). (2)

There was a search for higher knowledge, so they started building and creating Universities. They started the creation of new legal systems with jurisprudence and judicial Courts. There was a new burst of creativity not seen since the time of the Roman Empire. Kingdoms were consolidated. Europe started the monumental construction of the gothic cathedrals with elaborated art reminiscent of what they had seen in the East. This reaffirmed the religious zeal of Europe.

Politically, the Catholic Church consolidated its power with the religious unification of Eastern and Western Europe, thus creating a stronger cultural and religious European identity. This further the polarization between the Western and Eastern worlds known at the time (1). But this also promoted the fall of the Byzantine Empire at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

"The entire structure of European society changed during the 12th and 13th centuries, and there was a time when this change was attributed largely to the Crusades. [...] There can be little doubt that the Crusades slowed the advance of Islamic power, although how much is an open question. At the very least, they bought Europe some much-needed time. Without centuries of Crusading effort, it is difficult to see how western Europe could have escaped conquest by Muslim armies, which had already captured the rest of the Mediterranean world." (3)

And, according to Wikipedia, in 1284 "The Republic of Venice begins coining the ducat, a gold coin that is to become the standard of European coinage, for the following 600 years." (6)

The next Saturn Pluto conjunction happened January 5, 1518, at 4º Capricorn with the South Node.

The ongoing travels to, exploration and ‘Conquest’ of the American Continent changed FOREVER the shape and concept of the world! 1518 was the year when Hernan Cortes decided to head to America.
"In 1518, dissatisfied with life as a landowner, administrator and politician, he set out on his expedition to the American mainland. [By 1522, he had conquered] the Aztecs, Cortés was appointed captain-general and governor of “New Spain” (Mexico)."(4)
Europeans argue that those 'savages' needed to be 'christianized', and they used that as the excuse for all the atrocities committed against peoples completely different, so much so that it was impossible for them not only to be able to communicate, but to understand each other.

Another significant change was started with Nicolaus Copernicus affirmation that the Earth was not the center of the Universe, but the Sun was the center and the planets orbit around it. This set Humanity in a completely different direction that pave the way to the Scientific and Industrial Revolution, and the transformation of human perception of the macro and micro cosmos.

Pluto is a power difficult to reckon with; it has a relentless grip. Pluto dissolves, liquifies, destroys, demolishes, in order to rebuild. Saturn is the one driving by handing the new foundation and structure needed to rebuild.

Other Challenging Aspects of Saturn and Pluto in other Signs.

More recently, you may remember dates like July 28, 1914, Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Cancer with the North Node in Pisces.

"A month after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, on July 28, 1914, the Austro-Hungarian government declares war on Serbia. Immediately, and within a period of six days, European countries declare war upon one another." (5)

By the end of August 1914, the whole world is at War, and the conjunction is exact at 1º ♋️. The whole European political landscape was reshaped, with changing frontiers and shifts of power holders.

September 1, 1939, Pluto in Leo square Saturn in Taurus, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. After this war, there is new power dynamics not only in Europe, but around the world. The participating countries have made alliances that redistributed the balance of powers.

August 28, 1947, Pluto and Saturn meet in Leo, there is a trigger event that starts a Civil War in Palestine at the time. A year later, following the occupation of the territory by the Jews, the British had left, and Palestinians start their Exodus. This event marks another redistribution of powers and political realignments around the world.

September 11, 2001. Pluto in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius. Not much is needed to explain to my contemporaries how this event changed our whole world forever. There has been a religious polarization, political alliances aimed to protect and defend security. The exacerbation of xenophobic sentiment expresses the grip of fear. Since then, human beings are now led by the power of fear  of death and extinction (Pluto).

Religious powers drove and were actively involved in most of those events. You can take a look at the power dynamics in each of them, and get an idea of the repeating theme. We are certainly approaching some kind of redistribution and reorganization of powers affecting the whole world. Let us brace ourselves.

In our personal life, we are learning how to harness power, and how to exert it in a more balanced way. Examine your own Birth Chart or order a reading, but, by now, it should be evident to you what is the area of your personal life that needs a restructure of power.

Every time Saturn Pluto conjunct in Capricorn there is a global redistribution of power, but not without conflicts.  Read my whole series about this important multiple conjunction in Capricorn on January 12, 2020, and how it is the door to a New Era, starting HERE.

My Spiritual Perspective

Does Humanity need another bloody conflict to learn to live in peace?
Are we ready to learn to live in peace, first with self and then with others?
Let us temper our will, decrease our desire to have and conquer things we don't need to be happy.
Let us learn to manage our own power. Real power comes from humility, meekness and love.
I believe that mutual understanding and non-violence is possible. It is just a matter of decision.
It may just start with not hating, not judging, not condemning, not abusing, not sabotaging ourselves and others.
Please, please, please reflect, meditate, ponder the possibility of PEACE.

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
John Lennon

Order your Reading

(1) Consequences and Effects of the Crusades
(2) Effects of the Crusades
(3) Encyclopedia Britannica The results of the Crusades
(4) Cortes and Moctezuma: the Conquest of Tenochtitlan
(5) Declaration of WWI 
(6) Wikipedia on 1284

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Venus Pluto opposition - July 20/21, 2019

July 20, 2019 - What is REALLY going on?

Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn at 21º. Venus represents the desires, what we value and attract, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Those values relate to relationships and finances as well, they imply duality, and relating to something outside of ourselves that we deem lacking and needing.

Now, Pluto is a superpower of attraction, and repulsion. It is the transformative power of destruction and creation, death and rebirth. There is nothing light about Pluto’s influence, it works slowly and relentlessly. Pluto is also obsessive and compulsive, the energy of holding on with a tight grip, a force that cannot be resisted, a force that dissolves (think of the caterpillar inside the chrysalis) the matter to give it another form (butterfly). Pluto is the black holes of the Universe where everything becomes energy, where everything visible disappears and whence everything is generated into matter.

These two energies cannot be more unalike. Venus represents harmony and gentleness, Pluto was also Hades, the darkest of darkness. To complete the picture one can remember the Myth of Persephone being dragged to the Underworld, and kept captive there until an agreement was reached to let her free for a time (Spring and Summer).

We can already see powerful economic dealings in the world stage (in your life?), probably some secret financial agreements that will have long-lasting effects for all. The wealth (Pluto) and resources (Venus) of the world are being slowly redistributed somehow, dissolved in some areas, reappearing in others.

Love relationships can undergo powerful transformations, with power struggles, great tension, and profound changes. Couples can have a period of crisis where one side wants to break the shackles and the other tightens them. Pluto attempts to seduce Venus at all cost. If Venus surrenders or falls prey, like Persephone, she may be forever a prisoner. There might be a dose of sexual or another addiction as well. Pluto may incite people to have secret affairs, taboo, or hidden sexual contacts, so they need to beware of the consequences. In all cases, there is a lesson to be learned, so if you are in those kinds of situations, step back and reflect before acting... if possible.

I also notice that the 21º Cancer Capricorn is matched by the numerology of today's date 7-20-2019=21.
This is what <> says about this number:

"Number 2 resonates with the attributes of duality and finding balance, consideration and co-operation, relationships and partnerships, encouragement, selflessness and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. The energies of the number 1 include new beginnings, independence, uniqueness, motivation, striving forward and progress, attainment, achievement and success. This makes 21 a number of versatility, energy, charisma and communication. Number 21 suggests that there may be some new opportunities or directions for you to take that will lead you in new and exciting directions. Trust that your angels are by your side throughout these changes and transitions and are guiding your every step. They encourage you to remain calm, balanced and happy and you will find that all will work out for your highest good."

This transit lasts from the 18 to the 23 approximately, and it’s very powerful. Now you know, be mindful, become aware of the energies influencing your life.

Make it a great day! Sat Nam.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 14, 2019 - Spotlight on the Underworld

Hades abducting Persephone
Are you seeing the darkest side of yourself yet? Are you face to face with the most vilest of the villains? Is there someone around the ‘neighborhood’ of your world who is showing the ugliest face of life? That’s because the Sun is opposite Pluto, the spotlight is on the ‘underworld’. 
It is a good day to explore the shadows of our personality. What is your most protected secret? What would happen if others could peek at your sexual behavior? The door to the closet where we hid our skeletons is wide open!  Our jealousy, passions, obsessions, manipulative conduct, power struggles, vile taboos are out in the open for us to see. 
If one is subject to violence, it can be the mirror of the violence we’ve stored inside. Otherwise, we realize how we have been sabotaging ourselves. Self sabotage is the work of Pluto as well. The Sun is the most potent light that can help us overcome it. If we have been consciously or unconsciously manipulating someone, if we have been doing shady stuff, today it’s obvious for the whole world to see. 
Today we see the dead carcass of some situation, the ugliest and most disgusting shape of it. In a relationship, we can be provoked to reveal the ugly side we conceal. The other person may poke your most vulnerable emotions, it may feel like a burning inside ready to burst. Even if we want to present the best face, if we look for the bright side, we cannot avoid having shortcomings. We are human beings making this amazing spiritual experience.
It can be a great day to understand how strong of a grip the addictions have on our soul. It can be a great day to realize that pornography, or drugs or alcohol is destroying our life, our happiness. They are telling a lie, because  they cannot give us true fulfillment. In fact, we do it because we don’t believe in our greatness, in our wholeness, in our divinity. We do it because we are scared of our own power! Today we can say, ‘I’m done, I’ve had enough’, ‘I want to be happy, I leave behind the crutch of escapism, addiction, avoidance’. 
When we can see the darkest of night, we long for the dawn. Today it’s a great day to empower yourself!
Make it a great day! Empower yourself! Sat Nam

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Lunar Eclipse July 16, 2019 - Emotional Regeneration

July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse 

The Full Moon at 24º Capricorn is very close to the South Node of the Moon, which makes it a Lunar Eclipse, where the Moon is covered by the shadow of the Earth. You can learn the Astronomy of it and watch it live here. A Full Moon opposes the Sun that, normally, shines all his light on her, however, during an eclipse the Moon gets dark. Watch my video version of this Lunar Eclipse in my channel.

Looking into the mirror

 Symbolically, the Sun is the masculine principle facing across the Moon or feminine principle. Any planetary opposition relates to relationships, in this case between the yin and yang energies inside of us; but in  our life, the opposition can manifest in a relationship between two people, be it lovers, partners, or any other kind of confrontational relationship. During the Lunar Eclipse, consciousness (Sun) illuminates the unconsciousness (Moon), real evidence appears from the hidden, covered, unseen reality. Individually, what is shown in the ‘mirror’ may be the reflection of something unspoken, veiled in the most secret chambers of our psychology. At this time, we are forced to see ourselves in the spotlight of a revelation.

The Sun in Cancer sheds light on family issues, childhood themes, safety, protection, the Moon, exiled in Capricorn, shows the shadow side of governmental, institutional, societal structures, and conditionings that are not supporting our emotional life. The crab (Cancer) may walk sideways looking for asylum, refuge, safety, but the goat (Capricorn) only has the top of the mountain in mind, and the steep flank of the mountain cannot stop it. To reclaim its emotional refuge, the conscious self, may need to adopt some new protective structures, formal boundaries, restrictions and limits in order to overcome and heal the unconscious issues now in the open. She requires us to take responsibility, and stop crying for the spilled milk, wipe our tears and get to work. The feelings are very strong and profound with the Moon conjunction with Pluto.

Under her light, Pluto has unearthed the rotten, longtime submerged issues from the ‘underworld’. Something from the repressed collective unconscious mind is ready to burst any protective lid that was forcefully used to push it down.

In our personal life, if one has not been consciously working to heal, an 'explosion' is inevitable. The zodiac house occupied by the Full Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, is the personal area of life where this spills out. The alchemical mutation that Pluto has been operating for a long time is strong and long lasting. If you have been taking care of business there with meditation or with therapy, things can go a lot smoother. The process requires us to let go of something that is no longer beneficial, or that has become burdensome, so we can make progress.

If the Sun is not happy in the melancholic Sign of Cancer, the Moon is even more unhappy in Capricorn, the opposite sign from her home. There she needs to regain composure, wipe her tears, exercise self-control and discipline, work hard and for a long time to obtain what she wants.
The Capricornian environment is hostile to her emotions, memories, and intuitive actions. On the other hand, the boundaries that Capricorn provides help the Moon to stabilize. She is restricted, unable to express her emotions in the moment. She needs to wait to express her emotions, the kind of wait that takes the pain to bed time when you can cry without witnesses. The feelings that may arise are affliction, pressure, frustration, a knot in the stomach, powerlessness, impotency. She is overpowered by Pluto’s intense atomic power.

Pluto is regenerating our emotional body, and through the process, we transform. Like the caterpillar inside the chrysalis, we are liquified with emotions (caterpillar made fluid to regenerate into a butterfly) in order to transmute. The change this eclipse will operate is profound. Some force outside of our control is destroying something inside of us to recreate it into another form completely new. Death and rebirth.

Cancer, the water, emotions, and Capricorn the earth, the forms, are both needed to give shape to the physical reality. The opposition creates the tension necessary to mix them together and rebalance the polarities of “inner knowing and outer power” (1). Because the new reality must first be created inside of us in order for us to recreate it in the outside world. The “inner energy creates outer reality”. We first have to look for happiness and emotional shelter inside, introspectively, in order to be able to manifest it outside. Usually, what we do is that we look for it in the environment first, dissipating our energy, giving our power away to external forces. i.e. “I am happy and feel safe because I have a home”, or “I need a home/a partner/my children/a job, etc. to feel safe”. The Sun Moon opposition creates the necessary tension for us to achieve this process. 

The Full Moon takes us to the Underworld

Pluto will certainly bring very intense experiences for everyone. Each of us will experience this in a different area of life, not necessarily on the Eclipse day, but throughout the 2-year period, as I explained before in my previous Eclipse post. With a crisis of some sort, we will -if not done so already- realize something critically important for our soul evolution. Some unconscious conditioning is out in the daylight forcing us to deal with it.

The disintegration of structures and systems Pluto operates in Capricorn, forces us to reinvent self-identity, regenerate self-authority, (Sun in Cancer) and ultimately empower our core emotional personality. We are in the process of integration of a new identity, a higher self. Given the transformation of the context in which we live, we end up asking, ‘Who am I?’

The transiting contact of the faster planets with the Nodal Axis, specifically with the North Node stirs up karmic and past issues, childhood conditionings, past lives unfinished business, people, events, circumstances from the past, anything that may carry consequences we haven’t dealt with. The eclipses have brought those themes to the surface for us to deal with them. Once we process them, we are ready to use the experience to move forward (to the North Node).

It is important to develop awareness and be mindful of those issues that are coming out to the light in order to overcome fears, restrictions, frustrations, and long held unconscious baggage. Coincidentally, one of my teachers sent me his article where he wrote about the true meaning of mindfulness. He explains that the word sati in the original Pali writings, is less about applying the full mind in the moment and more about memory. By sati, the Buddha meant recollection, or complete memory of all things past and their lessons (2). The Lunar Eclipse can mean a hard encounter with memories, a naked reality, a past real pain, and suffering. We may have one of those experiences when we come face to face with our deepest most suppressed fears.

What is your most intense fear? It’s certainly related to the themes of the house where the Moon and Pluto meet in Capricorn.

It’s useless to try to avoid, elude, or evade what is coming to us. Those of us who have lived long enough, know that in the end, whatever comes, even the most painful event or circumstances, is helping us direct our energy to our personal evolution. Every experience helps us to grow, to become wiser, to learn unconditional love, to learn and understand truth, that which is the immutable essence of all. We are sure to come back to the surface to fly like the caterpillar breaking out of the chrysalis.

The aim is perfecting Love

Simultaneously, just about 7º away from the Sun and the Moon, Venus conjoins the North Node and Saturn the South Node. Our desires, values, love relationships, finances receive the impact of Saturn’s dryness, discipline, contraction, regulation, and conventional demands.

In order to obtain the needed emotional stability, we are asked to approach our values, love interest, and desires very seriously, patiently, and work hard for them. Saturn retrograde with the South Node is revising and assessing the old structures, social conditionings, and regulations. We are reflecting about the need to revive, adopt and defend family values, moral values, conventional societal values that ensure human dignity and prosperity.

Jupiter square Neptune have been inspiring us to incorporate more spiritual ideals and practice to our life. Saturn sextile Neptune not only support their realization, but give the material to make them tangible. Now, Neptune trine Venus and the North Node inspires to perfect love, the unconditional love that encompasses all and everything.

Just a few days earlier, an explosive rebellion or a tragic powerful eruption provoked by Uranus in Taurus square Mars in Leo was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. It triggered the necessary reaction for us to make the change. For some it may have caused a physical, or material sudden change, for others just an emotional or psychological realization, but in any case, whatever happened, it was like the wise helpful trickster in the fairy tale, showing another perspective and a better path to follow.

Cancer Capricorn Eclipse Season

This Lunar Eclipse is just half way through the Capricorn Cancer eclipse season. We have four more to come  highlighting the same theme. Patience and reflection is the best course of action, because we still have a lot to learn, and a lot to change. Because of Pluto Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, changes are profound and long lasting, so we need time to digest them and assimilate them.

Here is the whole series:

Solar Eclipse 20º♋️July 12, 2018
Solar Eclipse 15º♑︎January 5, 2019
Solar Eclipse  10º♋️July 2, 2019
Lunar Eclipse 24º♑︎ July 16, 2019
Solar Eclipse 4º♑︎December 26, 2019
Lunar Eclipse 20º ♋️January 10, 2020  AND ♄ ☌ ♇ 22º ♑︎ January 12, 2020
Solar Eclipse 0º♋️June 21, 2020
Lunar Eclipse 13º♑︎July 5, 2020

Find out where those degrees fall on your personal chart and you will realize what subject you are working with. If you need help, you can order a reading. Just email me to
Order your Reading

(1) Barbara Hand Clow, Astrology and the Rising of Kundalini
(2) Bhikkhu Cintita Dinsmore, With Needle and Thread

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Tale of Chiron - Activation in July 2019

This is a continuation of the series I am writing on Chiron. If you are not familiar with his story, I refer you to a previous post about him.  After studying Chiron's astrology from different authors, and having matured his archetype with his whole Revolution on my own chart, I have personally adopted him as the co-ruler of Virgo, my Rising Sign. Barbara Hand Clow makes the suggestion that Chiron is the actual ruler of Virgo, and I immediately agreed. Writing this series maybe I end up convincing Virgos about it. In any case, my sharing is part of my own Healing Journey.

Transits Activating Chiron - July 2019

July 6
Mercury ALMOST square Chiron
Not yet, because Mercury will turn retrograde July 7 at 4º ♌︎until 23º ♋️. However, in fiery Leo, Mercury can be dramatic and spontaneously childlike with a message, conversation or understanding that can help us heal the wound of our identity (Aries). Just pay attention. Mercury will come back with the definite answer beginning August.

July 7
Venus in Cancer square Chiron, and sextile Uranus

Venus in Cancer wants to be all cozy, gather the family around the fireplace in a cold winter night, eat her favorite homemade food, and enjoy the harmony of her home. And when the children fall asleep, she likes to slip with her lover under the covers for a warm embrace. 90º away, Chiron in Aries doesn't really know what to do, he feels insecure about her accepting him, he feels too ugly, insecure, inadequate. This is the true story of Belle and the Beast. He is so afraid of her kiss. He thinks, 'and if nothing happens? if she kisses me and I remain a monster?' He can't bear the idea of feeling ridiculous. For him, the best option is not even attempt it, and completely renounce to his dream of love.
With Uranus in between them, Venus is not too conforming. She is willing to seduce Chiron in unconventional ways, maybe becoming more intellectual, becoming friends, talking about scientific subjects.
Then Chiron, with the Uranus influence of the semi-sextile, is forced to diverge the energy by creating a solution that doesn't have to deal with the reality of the problem, or deals with it indirectly, with a detached, aloof, and sterile approach. Read about his Maverick friend, or foe? It also comes to my mind my favorite movie, Cyrano de Bergerac, where the 'beast' takes the vicarious approach to send his love letters to her lady. I have cried the hundred and one times I watched it.

Then, Chiron turns around and goes find the most horrendous witch of the forest, the one with a wart on her nose, so he can feel beautiful around her. No kidding! Having Chiron in the first house in a hard aspect with Venus, not only can the person always be attracted to the impossible, unattainable, unavailable love, but unconsciously has a tendency to find an ugly mate or make ugly acquaintances in order not to feel 'so bad or ugly' himself. This he does to ensure not being abandoned, because, in Chiron's mind, "how can the 'ugly duck' reject the awesome 'swan'?"

Chiron first wound was his mother's rejection, the second was his abandonment by both parents. This is why "True love can't never be made without Chiron". One needs to be able to parent oneself, and it is a long road of learning unconditional love. One needs to learn to accept oneself, with all the faults, shortcomings and deformities, as a whole perfect imperfection, like a parent should have loved us. Once we have made our own journey, we become healers. We talk about Chiron, and we do the Chiron touch on others with his magic wand.

July 8 Chiron Rx

Chiron looks back, he is 'retrograde'. Because he is so insecure, he reviews every step of his way. This time he will take 5 months to go back until 1º Aries where he was March 8 this year. From now until December 13, we will revisit everything related to his archetype during those previous four months. Time to reflect, meditate and ponder about our wound.

July 10
Mars in Leo trine Chiron Aries

Remember, Mars rules Aries! Mars has a great impact on Chiron travels in Aries. With the unexpected outburst from eccentric independent Uranus 90º away in Taurus, the sweaty and fearsome warrior climbs the stage and becomes an actor in this play. Of course, he's not too skillful at it, he may not even have a script, but he dares, has initiative. He doesn't really worry about making a career out of it, so it doesn't really matter how good or bad his performance is, he just shows up and does it.

This impulsive attitude lets Chiron leave behind his insecurities, after all, "if Mars can perform without skills, I can with all my talents!" -he thinks.  And he starts to see his skills. He is dexterous with the bow and arrows. He has endurance in the run because of his horse legs, so he can go long distances fast. He can make potions because he's studied Alchemy. He is an alternative healer, so can cure people with his herbal and energy healing techniques. He is an Astrologer, so he can help people understand themselves better and make better, sound decisions. With a newly gained confidence, he says to himself, "I can do it!" Chiron is making progress in his 'retrograde' reflective mode.

July 28
Sun in Leo square Uranus trine Chiron in Aries
Apollo Belvedere c. 120–140 CE

The Sun is the epitome of acting and creating, shining bright in his own home, and stirred up by a square to Uranus, performs unexpectedly on his own stage. Now the Sun calls Chiron on stage, gives him the fiery spirit and confidence about his differences (Uranus), so he comes out and performs himself. Even though Chiron can see his 'imperfection' clearer, the Sun's warmth, love and generosity fires up Chiron's spirit with the power of forgiveness. Remember that Apollo was Chiron's adoptive father. Apollo, the God of the Sun in Greek Mythology, was the one who cared for, raised, and taught Chiron until he became an adult. Apollo enlightened Chiron, he taught him all he knew about diseases, healing, music, poetry, songs, dance, archery, and who knows what else! Apollo must have trusted his disciple very much because he assigned him the education of Asclepius, who became the God of Medicine, Healing, Rejuvenation and Doctors.
So, now, Chiron trusts Apollo's advice, and he is ready to climb to the stage and perform with confidence in his talents, with the conviction that he is there to help others heal as well as he did. After all, Uranus says that it is OK to be different, weird and queer!

August 1
Venus in Leo trine Chiron

By the end of July and beginning August, Venus comes along to the Sun stage in Leo as part of the cast. Once more, she stirs Chiron's sensitivity to his ugliness and disharmony, but this time his painful love has matured. Chiron is now ready to take the challenge of unconditional love. His enlightenment allows him to "see beauty where [he hadn't] noticed it, and find value in what [he previously] dismissed as ugly or worthless" (Melanie Reinhart, The Healing Journey, pg 207).

Next month, I'll tell you more about Venus and Chiron story, because that belongs to the month of August. I hope that little tale inspires you to take a second look at your Chiron in Aries, and transfer its symbolism to your life now, so you can heal that wound. Much love to you!

Make it a good month! Sat Nam.

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