Sat Sangat Astrology
Sat Sangat is a Professional Western Tropical Astrologer. She is also a Master of Arts, Translator, Energy Healer, and Metaphysical Counselor. She interprets & guides you through regular & rare astrological cycles. The Celestial Sphere is the mirror of the Soul.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Thursday, January 9, 2025
The Cycle of Mars Pluto - Opposition
Mars opposite Pluto
Keep in mind that their cycle started in Aquarius, precisely at 0º♒️. They now have their first (29º♋️♑️ 46’) and second opposition (1º♌️♒️08’) right around this degree.
In addition, Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer opposite Pluto is an extremely rare event.
Mars Pluto conjunction in Aquarius talks about rebellion, independent action and disregard for any authorities. Their energy challenges society and fights to create new social structures, wanting to change the course of history. There is a powerful desire to completely transform social systems.
Considering the concurrent Sun Mars synodic cycle (read the article here), the way the social transformation is done is through sheer ruthlessness, and extreme cruelty, especially against certain groups of people. Hence the exacerbation of killings and mass murder, especially but not limited in the current wars.
Since Aquarius is also the market place, Mars with Pluto represent the will power to reconvene parties and organize new alliances which make their own market deals. This is changing the economic dynamics of the world. In that regard, the BRICS block has increased its power lately.
“Originally made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the group is expanding and has been welcoming new members and partners since last year. By 2025, at least nine countries, including Cuba, Bolivia, Indonesia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, and Thailand, are expected to join the BRICS”1
At that conjunction on February 14, 2024, the news talked about an escalation in the Middle East and Ukraine Wars. 2 Russia started using supersonic missiles and threats to use nuke heads. Israel expands his aggression to neighboring Lebanon, and is accused of targeting and killing children of all ages. Journalists are killed. 3 Acts of cruelty and war crimes are denounced all over the world while people protesting out in the streets against Israel’s atrocities are repressed, intimidated, and arrested. 4
Unfortunately, the pent-up anger and resentment and potential for violence has been increasing day by day. Mars opposite Pluto is associated with power struggles, aggression and violence in public areas. Not a good time to be in big groups of people attending public events. Of course, it won’t affect everyone on Earth, but during the days surrounding this opposition, there have been several public attacks.
Intense passion is the general mood, and unfortunately some people are prone to lose their mind under this kind of transits. The common denominator seems to be a resentment, long held and unresolved grudges against the powers that be.
If you are minimally informed, you’re probably worried about the insecurity in public spaces, considering that anyone can be killed in the street, at a festive event, in a grocery store or an elementary school these days, no matter where you live.
While Mars was approaching the opposition to Pluto the news were grim. United Healthcare CEO assassination, a Tesla car explosion at a Trump building, intensification of war conflicts, and two separate episodes of a vehicle ‘ramming’ into a festive crowd (one in Germany, the other in Louisiana USA). I use the verb ‘ram’ because the way these attacks were done resonate with the impulsive charging energy of Mars and Aries, associated with the ram.
This planetary (and human) confrontation is accentuated by their also being contraparallel ( = opposition by declination); Mars is 23º declination North, Pluto at 23º declination South. In addition, the Sun has been contraparallel Mars and parallel Pluto during the last days of December. This makes for a supercharge Martian ego energy butting heads against the powerful forces in society or against certain political or economic groups (Aquarius). Moreover, Mars is OOB December 31, 2024 until April 8, 2025!!
An escalation of belligerence and cruelty could be expected, which could exacerbate around the end of April. Disturbed individuals losing their mind could continue to commit mass killings.
On the positive side, this strong energy can be useful for people who want to shake free from the chains of tyranny, be it personal or political. A significant example is the people of Venezuela defending (Mars retrograde in Cancer) democracy, and their human rights as they fight for the freedom from a cruel dictatorship.
In spite of what some Astrologers have predicted regarding the Pluto Uranus Neptune Small Trine, saying that it relates to peace and prosperity, I think that these planets will work in tandem to destroy the world as we know it and open the way to create a new one. This is supposed to be a long range process that may actually last until Pluto ingress Pisces, in 20 years.
In your personal life
Just be aware of this transit, because it may suddenly ignite a fire from any passive aggressive long subdued anger against family members or a significant other. Friendships with a long overdue expiration date may be destroyed in the spur of a moment. However, this could be a positive push if you’ve had pernicious relationship conflicts for a longtime, and never found the courage to end the struggle. Now, could be the decisive moment when you could liberate yourself. However, take caution, the severance could come with an explosion of anger and even violence leading to physical injuries. Try to avoid any aggressive behavior and even language.
If you are a peaceful person, just be careful while exercising or during physical work, especially if you have a Mars Pluto hard aspect in your natal chart. If, on the contrary, you have soft aspects for them, then it would be a great day to tackle some demanding work, like hard gardening work, or other heavy-duty home chore, even remodeling. It all depends on where in your chart is this transit, and are natal Mars and Pluto by house, sign, and condition. Observe personal developments and correlate, or just consult your trusted Astrologer.
Mercury square Neptune
Keep an attentive eye, but use your critical thinking as much as possible to analyze the different pieces in detail. Mercury will favor deeper and conscientious analysis once he moves to Capricorn. There Mercury squares the Aries Libra Nodal Axis. This implies a mental conflict that requires a change of ideas oriented towards a more self-protective attitude (Aries North Node). Sometimes, one is faced with a karmic adjustment to reconcile past actions with future possibilities. A challenging piece of information may totally change the course of events.
One thing is to see with your eyes, another is to see through beyond what is visible. In that regard, Mercury square Neptune can only help, if one pays attention to the soft voice of intuition. No need to believe everything you are told, not even what I write, but rather practice meditation, introspection. Disconnect from the media noise, and fine tune with your authentic energies. Everyone is able to access knowledge this way.
1- Brasil de Fato, São Paulo | 03 de janeiro de 2025 às 12:17; Source: Telesur and Agência Brasil; Edited by: Nathallia Fonseca. Translated by: Ana Paula Rocha
2- DemocracyNow! News February 14, 2024
3- New York Times February 14, 2024 Summary of news
4- Al Jazeera News February 17, 2024
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
The World That is Coming - Small Trine - Uranus Neptune Pluto
A World's New Dawn?
In spite André Barbault writing,
"[...] a triangular quartet of planets with a double sextile to a trine between Uranus in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius is the most benefic configuration of the century and its planetary partnership will work for the best in a splendid relaunch of civilization. It contains a harmonious relationship between primordial polar opposites; the coming together of the external and the internal, rational and spiritual, mind and soul... human beings surpassing themselves while experiencing life on a higher level",
many Astrologers have a hard time believing that those Titans working in tandem can actually change their natural disposition and all of the sudden become 'benefic', especially taken into consideration the current world circumstances.
It is the viewpoint of this Astrologer that soft aspect angles are not necessary 'benefic' per se but they rather indicate an easy flow of energy between the planets. Sextiles are of the Venusian influence, trines of the Jupiter energy, but from our astrological experience, we cannot say that these two are always 'benefic'. One cannot dig too far in the past to find examples. Jupiter was prominent -opposing Uranus- during the 1962 Cuban crisis (see chart for Havana below),
and Venus was at the MC with Mars when Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022 (see chart for Moscow below).
There are innumerable examples that confirm my viewpoint. One need to start from the premise that Jupiter main signification is expansion, and Venus' is desire/attraction. Jupiter can expand everything he touches, good or bad. Same for Venus, who can desire/attract good or bad things.
This article will argue that each of the planets involved in this Small Trine will combine their basic raw energies and work together. What does it mean actually?
Let's explore each of their energies separately to get started.
"A Neptune Cycle is roughly 164 years, about two-thirds of a 244-year Pluto Cycle. Each conjunction (♆ ☌ ♇) occurs about 500 years apart in the same sign for a roughly 2,500-year period. The most recent conjunction occurred in 1891 at 07° Gemini; the next one will occur in 2385AD at 12° Gemini." (2)
The first conjunction for this period occured in 1398-99 at 2-3º Gemini. The current one started in 1891-92 at 7-8º Gemini. The end of the complete Gemini phase will be in the 3800s. (3)
Uranus and Neptune combine inspiration with innovation. They may promote the realization of the wildest dreams. For this, they require to let the imagination fly to the farthest corners of fantasy land, and letting the mind explore infinite possibilities.
It will be much easier to find new ways of doing things, pioneering projects. Simple eureka moments of inspiration with a dose of intuition will lead to original discoveries and to initiate experiments. People may have mind opening experiences leading to spiritual revelations that may refute the basic principles of organized religions.
Scientific, artistic and mental explorations and findings can totally transform the mind and thinking processes (Aries=mind). This spiritual evolution may be confusing and disturbing for many who are still attached to the structures of the past. In fact, the concept of being interconnected and all being one may destroy the very concept of individual rights in a world where people understand that whatever one does affects the rest of humanity.
Soft aspects between Uranus and Neptune are, in fact, associated with spiritual awakening and even enlightenment. Astronomical discoveries in the cosmos, like Copernicus revolutionary assertion in the past, will profoundly shake traditional human cosmologies.
Jul 18 2026 4º Gemini/Aquarius 30’
Nov 29 2026 3º Gemini/Aquarius 31’
Jun 15 2027 6º Gemini/Aquarius 52’
Jan 13 2028 6º Gemini/Aquarius 52’
(1) Astrologer Dane Waites, The World Report Youtube channel.
(2) John Christopher
(3) Neptune Conjunct Pluto in Gemini previous dates
I am live at least twice a month in Youtube
Sunday, October 20, 2024
The Shadow of Pluto Last Breath in Capricorn
Pluto transit in Capricorn since 2008 has brought to light the shadows of public figures and public institutions structures, as well as the shadows of our own life structures.
What is your Pluto in Capricorn shadow? How successfully have you been at recognizing and healing your own personal shadow.
Here are some ideas according to your Rising Sign, and to some extent to your Sun Sign if you're older than 30:
You undermine yourself emotionally resisting your own power, doubting your own skills, or capacity to do what you want. Your partner, spouse or significant other in your life may manipulate you, be jealous, do things behind your back that infuriate you, so you discover your own power, and learn how to use it. Pluto and Saturn seem to weaken you so you find your own strength.
You may have to face your secret enemies, like addictions, shady dealings, unconscious psychological material, self undoing behaviour, family history 'baggage', past life unfinished business or skeletons in the closet that haunt you even in your dreams. Pluto and Saturn bring any of that to the surface so by resolving those issues you discover your power, and learn how to use it.
In your social life, you may be facing friends, older relatives, or groups of people to which you belong that are trying to impose on you their ideas, refute your position, or obsessively persecute you for what you say or do. By reacting to those situations, you may discover your own creative power, and learn how to use it.
You may have experienced power struggles with your boss because of your or his/her hidden motives. Also a father figure or external powerful force, like government authority, regulation or institution may be pushing your buttons. This way, Pluto incites the recognition and transformation of your own power to confront them and develop your own personal authority.
You have the opportunity to see raw and clear your faulty ethics. Some powerful spiritual teacher, or having access to eternal truths through higher studies, reading an inspirational book, or learning different lifestyles from people of other cultures creates an internal battle of ideologies. Pluto works slowly and runs deeply inside your consciousness to show you that real power lies on not letting your beliefs be in the way of accepting the truth, no matter how fearful you might be.
A profound crisis, traumatic events, financial misfortunes or criminal behaviour overpower you, and trigger your primal survival instincts. Also sharing financial resources with a partner or financial institution may disempower you so you can learn how to stand on your own feet. Sexual merging with your partner can also awake your fears of losing your own power. Pluto and Saturn present those situations to teach you how to conquer your fear and manage your own energies in relationships.
Similar to Rising Capricorn because the opposition always involves relationships, through the manipulation, power struggles, obsessive compulsive and jealous behaviour of your life partner, you are forced to learn how to stand for yourself, defend your position and empower yourself. Pluto and Saturn present you with this person's behaviour to teach you how to conquer your fear to be you, and manage your own energies in relationships.
You may have an overpowering health issue, a challenging workplace or situation, or a daily schedule with which you have a hard time keeping up. Saturn and Pluto will scare you to death, literally, fear of death. You are forced to tap into your natural healing ability, or into your regenerating power, determination, and stamina to overcome the situation, or illness. This way you discover your own inner power to sustain your life and heal.
You may experience strong feelings and desire for someone who is not romantically available, feeling powerless in face of the impossible love. You may have a strong longing for a connection with your children that are separating from you for whatever reason, like in the empty nest syndrome. Outer forces may remove all possibility of enjoyment, or you may not be able to experience joy in your life. Saturn and Pluto make you fear loneliness so you learn to generate joy within your own soul.
You may be deprived of home and family life, which makes you fear for your safety, comfort and nurturance and feel abandoned. Pluto and Saturn gives you these experiences so you find those powers inside of yourself and learn how to provide security and wellbeing for yourself.
Siblings, classmates, neighbors or just your immediate environment can present overwhelming influences that seem to crush your life force. Saturn and Pluto are trying to teach you that you don't need to surrender to what happens to you, and that you have the power to influence your environment and affect the lives of people with whom you relate every day.
Scarcity, personal financial instability, material deprivation, lack of life essentials to survive, and even hunger squeeze your life force energy to the point that you are compelled to work harder to be able to thrive. This way, Saturn and Pluto show you that you have the power within to stand up for yourself and be strongly independent.
I am live at least twice a month in Youtube
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