Sunday, September 29, 2024

October 2024 Critical Events for the USA - Decisive October 9

We are in between eclipses and have seen enough catastrophes already from fires, explosions, mad water, mad humans and a great boost to wars. However, October starts with a punch, the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10º♎️ 04’, with the Sun pretty close to USA Saturn. Americans can expect significant events already in regards, most probably, to the President (Sun).

However, the biggest event for the USA comes October 9 when Jupiter turns retrograde at 21º
♊️20’, exactly conjunct the USA MARS!

This is a signature for an expansion/increase/boost (Jupiter) of aggression (Mars). It falls in the 7th Whole Sign House of associates/enemies. In the past, this transit coincided with the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor Attack on December 7, 1941. This time the transits are more complicated. The Jupiter Mars conjunction squares the natal USA Neptune! This may imply a subvert/covert attack, which may include or consist in a cyber-attack of sorts. Since Neptune is in the 10th house, the Executive/Head of State may be involved in some way. The attack may come from open enemies, or the USA may attack another country, or announce some direct implication in a war.

But, that’s not all. Not only is the USA having the Chiron return, but at the moment, Chiron squares the natal USA Mercury. This may indicate a painful conversation/ news/ announcement/ realization. Chiron in 5th WSH implies something wrong regarding the country’s diplomacy/diplomatic representatives or negotiations.

The strongest (tighter) aspect is the square from transiting Uranus retrograde to the natal USA Moon, from the 6th WSH (problems, military activity, conflicts) to the 3d house of communications. This may relate to unwelcome news for the American people regarding health problems, or war conflicts, open enemies, or other things going wrong.

Also, transiting Saturn in the 4th house in semi sextile to natal USA Pluto indicates internal problems in the country, like economic troubles, scarcity, some kind of hardship affecting the people.

Since the 4th WSH is opposite the 10th representing the opposition to the Executive. There have been indications of the President’s health weakening, and his authority being in question. The 4th house relates to the opposition party as well, and Saturn transiting it, indicates restrictions and adverse attitudes against the executive power or against the President per se.

In summary, I think, the month of October brings decisive moments for the USA that may compromise its peace, the economy, and the future in general. Just pay attention to the news, especially from alternative sources to mainstream in order to get an accurate picture of the current state of events.

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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pisces North Node - Virgo South Node

January 1, 2025 - July 27, 2026

The true Nodes change to Pisces Virgo on January 1, 2025 (the mean Nodes change on January 11, 2025).

Note: This Astrologer uses the true Node. All Nodes dates in this article are for the true Nodes.  

Eclipses in Virgo Pisces Axis

Lunar Eclipse     September 17, 2024        25º♓️40' conjunct North Node and Neptune

Lunar Eclipse     March 14, 2025               23º♍️56' conjunct South Node 

Lunar Eclipse     September 7, 2025         15º♓️22' conjunct South Node 

Solar Eclipse     September 21, 2025        29º♍️04' opposite Saturn Neptune

Lunar Eclipse     March 3, 2026               12º♍️53' 

Lunar Eclipse     August 28, 2026            4º♓️53'    square Uranus

Lunar Eclipse     February 20, 2027        2º♍️05     conjunct Mars, square Uranus

Six Lunar Eclipses mean several culminations on the axis Virgo Pisces, only one Solar Eclipse in Virgo means a fresh start.

North Node in Pisces  

North Node conjunctions with planets

February 1, 2025 conjunction with Venus @ 28º♓️09' (Cancer degree*)

February 7, 2025 conjunction with Neptune @ 28º♓️09'

March 1, 2025 conjunction Mercury @ 27º♓️24' (Gemini degree)

March 17, 2025 conjunction with Sun @ 27º♓️23'

April 21, 2025 conjunction with Saturn @ 26º♓️50' (Taurus degree)

March 13, 2026 conjunction with Mars @ 8º♓️55' (Scorpio degree)

The Pisces North Node represents the most ethereal and subtle condition of human life. It promotes the development of one's spiritual journey towards enlightenment and emotional growth. For that reason, its influence could increase one's spiritual urges or, negatively, increase one's confusion, and submerge us in an ocean of delusion where reality becomes elusive. It will be easy to get lost and disoriented, especially if one's doesn't have a steady and sound spiritual practice.

It would be necessary to learn to be properly guided by spirit and intuition, because there is a risk of falling in the traps of dubious religious practices, sects or gurus that usually proliferate during this period. Caution is recommended because people are susceptible to suggestions, or unfounded illusions. In other words, be careful not to believe in flying pigs, or things too good to be true.

The veil with the so called 'other world' or 'great beyond' is blurred with the North Node in Pisces, but more so during the ingress when in conjunction with Neptune. It's difficult to distinguish what is what. There could be an increase ability to perceive spiritual things, especially through intuitive hints, however, with the need to use discernment. It's easy to self-hypnotize, or make oneself believe in things that are not proven to be real without understanding them.

North Node in Pisces calls for relaxation, retreat, and a peaceful environment. One will be more in tuned with one's instincts and intuitive hunches. So one's gut feelings may be stronger than normally and may feel the urge to follow them if not doubting them. A nice influence can make one understand things or learning the truth, without knowing how or the need for reasoning. It's common to download 'revelations'.

Feelings will soften. One may experience a heightened compassion, greater love for everybody and everything. That can potentially favor psychosomatic healing, or the predisposition to empathize with others or the collective suffering.

North Node in Pisces opens up boundaries. The personal aura is extremely permeable to everything in the environment. This may be emotionally overwhelming. There is a need to develop protection skills, like learning how to clean and remove foreign energy from the aura. However, there could be an increase in immune vulnerability which makes one prone to bugs, virus, bacteria & yeast. With the South Node is in Virgo, discernment can be lacking, and sound judgement be impaired. Anyway, it's important to make every effort to assess any situation and event by their facts, and people by their actions. It's easy to fall victim of another's 'victim' story.

These Signs Nodal axis may activate the victim/victimizer syndrome, as well as the healing journey. In fact they can combine in a way that the former can function as a psychological and emotional healing process. If one participates in a codependent relationship where one has assumed the caretaker role of someone who is otherwise perfectly able, the situation may escalate in negative ways. It's important to recognize any distortion of the notion of service to make sure one is not unnecessarily enabling an impairing dependence.

The North Node in Pisces will enhance inspiration in the heart and spirit of artists and creators. The fantastic world can manifest into wonderful music, amazing movies with breathtaking photography that stimulates burning emotions. AI contributes to an explosion of creativity in all forms of artistic expression that can be profoundly therapeutic.

At the mundane level, the collective takes precedence over the individuality. This means that one fallen feather from a bird in North America can be the original trigger of an earthquake in India. If you have ears to hear, listen. The globalization has reached such an extreme expression that an individual as well as one country cannot pretend to have any level of autonomy. Everything is interdependent if not codependent.

There will be an easy intuitive access to the collective unconscious. This allows individuals to understand those who are different. The whole world could benefit by the sharing of cultures and exchange of ideas in order to solve the real life problems (Virgo reflection) Humanity is facing.

On the negative side of things, fake news, conspiracy theories, scams, fraud, deceptions and extortion may proliferate. This is due to the mental vulnerability caused by letting go of discernment (South Node in Virgo).

South Node in Virgo

Planets conjunction with South Node in Virgo

Mars conjunction on July 21, 2025 @ 19º♓️38' (Libra degree)

Sun conjunction on September 10, 2025 @ 18º♓️20' (Virgo degree; extremely unfortunate degree*)

Mercury conjunction on September 12, 2025 @ 18º♓️3' (Virgo degree)

(Mercury cazimi on September 13, 2025 @ 20º♓️54')

Venus conjunction on October 4, 2025 @ 18º♓️14' (Virgo degree)

Behind were left the cooties. Virgo South Node lets go of worries about them, done with fears of contagion, done with precautions, masks and social distance. Nothing can convince people to care much about bugs, due to the lack of boundaries (especially after Saturn leaves Pisces). There may be reminiscences of the past pandemic, and other past health or healthcare issues. However, people will not take it seriously, may not acquiesce. Especially having Saturn in Pisces, because the authorities are not reliable and people has lost trust in them. Old information and recommendations are heard again, but they seem to come back from the time of the 'dinosaurs'.

Organization, schedules and order previously used don't work anymore in the present situation. On the contrary, with Pisces North Node, people may risk exposing themselves inadvertently, defiantly, or carelessly, again because boundaries are so blurry.

Another possibility is that focusing on hygiene, preventive measures, or any kind of prophylaxis may be a thing of the past. Some people (government institutions or healthcare regulations) may obsess about them, but they could not be effective any longer in face of new threats. Healthcare professionals may want to stick to conventional, and well proven methods of treatment without the same results. Regulations will probably either be eliminated or ignored (Saturn in Pisces with Neptune); people refuse control over them, and, instead, look for spiritual healing alternatives.

South Node in Virgo has mastered self-improvement efforts. It's tired of diets, fitness activities, tight schedules, organization of tasks, and all those efficient and perfectionist practices. The tendency is to let go of order and relax or embrace chaos, and the natural development of things. Even the Virgo inclination to identify what is wrong, and love for problem solving goes now down the South Node drain.

Since there is an inclination to empathy for the suffering of others, service efforts through methodic skillful work can contribute to compassionate charity service for the collective. Given that mass migration is overwhelming, due to wars and conflict promoted by the powers that be, now the governments of those powerful nations create obstacles, rules of law and other forceful measures to deport those already in their territory and deter others to migrate. Saturn in Pisces cohabitating with the Pisces Lunar Eclipses takes care of that 'business', at least until Saturn moves to Aries for good in 2026.

Saturn enters Aries from May 24, 2025 to Sep 1, 2025 and
from Feb 13, 2026 to Apr 12, 2028.

Saturn leaves Pisces May 24, 2025, but comes back from September 1, 2025 till February 13, 2026.

This means that Saturn is in Pisces during the eclipse seasons of  September/October 2024, March, 2025, and September 2025.

The Virgo ability to solve problems using facts, skills and accurate information can only be effective if used for one's spiritual evolution. World events may trigger a process of chaos that, in fact, promotes the development of spiritual healing for Humanity. The North Node in Pisces helps to tune into intuitive perception favoring a better understanding of others' needs. In turn, this empathetic approach contributes to more compassion for the suffering of others, an important switch from the North Node in Aries that made us focus on the individual, and selfish action.

The critical and practical traits of Virgo can favorably be applied in creative activities. The best way of expressing emotions and subconscious material would be with any form of art, but most especially, inspirational music, photography, and movies. This way of using the energy, could reveal itself very therapeutic for self and others when sharing the works of art.

If the South Node in Virgo manifests negatively, then one may get stuck in finding fault, criticising, judging, and requiring data. Whereas, if the North Node in Pisces shows up in negative ways, people would fall into escapist behaviors, refusing to accept the reality of things, disconnecting from reality, disillusionment, total lack of boundaries, codependence, and severe self-undoing.

Just remember that the Virgo/Pisces axis is associated with disease and healing, with imbalances and loss, with order and chaos. The South Node in Virgo makes it difficult to "separate the chaff from the wheat", in other words, have a sound discernment. The key is to learn how to balance both energies.

Virgo Pisces Rulership

It would be important to follow the planets that rule Virgo and Pisces, namely Mercury and Jupiter/Neptune.

When the Nodes ingress Virgo Pisces on January 1st, 2025, Jupiter is at 13º♊️13' Rx;
turns direct on February 3, 2025;
enters Cancer June 9, 2025 and goes up to the 25º♋️ where
will turn Rx on November 11, 2025;
turns direct again at 15º♋️ on March 11, 2026.
On July 1st, 2026, both Jupiter and the True Nodes are at 0º of respectively Leo and Pisces!

If you have placements in Pisces and Gemini, it would be useful to track Jupiter's travels. It will certainly show where there is growth, expansion and exploration opportunities or events.

Neptune straddles between Pisces and Aries during the period of the Virgo Pisces Nodes, marking a time of transition and changes in those areas.
Neptune enters Aries March 31, 2025;
turns retrograde on July 4, 2025 at 2º♈️11';
joins Saturn with a 13' orb on July 12, 2025 right when Saturn stations Rx at 1º♈️56' and Neptune at 0º♈️15';
ingress back in Pisces October 22, 2025;
perfects sextile with Uranus on November 19, 2025 @ 29º♓️30' ;
turns direct on December 19, 2025 at 29º♓️22';
conjunct Saturn on February 20, 2026 at 0º♈️45';
Neptune exact sextile to Pluto occurs on July 25, 2026 at 4º♈️20' /4º♒️20', in tight 26' orb with Uranus.

If you have placements in this Pisces/Aries cusp, or both squares, and opposition, follow these transits, observe and correlate with the Saturn/Neptune archetype.

For Mercury, pay attention to his ingresses in different Signs, and the shadow and retrograde/direct periods.
Mercury will retrograde in Sagittarius on November 2024. In 2025, he will also retrograde in Fire Signs.

The most interesting period is when his retrograde goes from 9º♈️ 35' on March 15, 2025 till April 7, 2025 at 26º♓️50'.
At the start of the shadow on March 1st, 2025, Mercury is conjunct Neptune and the North Node at 28º♓️;
when turning direct in April, Mercury joins Venus, Mars, and the North Node in Pisces!
If that is not enough, this period coincides with two eclipses on March 14 and 29.

Of course, you can order your astrological consultation with me ahead of time. It would be most important for you, especially if you have placements nearby that section of the sky or in square or opposition.

Sat Nam, thank you for your visit.

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*Degree Theory by Nikola Stojanovic

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Remember January 12, 2020?

Remember January 12, 2020?

Ceres and Pluto in the Underworld

Remember January 12, 2020?

What some don’t remember is that the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn was almost exact with Mercury, the Sun and… CERES! Remember how the authorities (Sun) empowered themselves & the institutional structures (Saturn, Pluto) were “taking care” (Ceres) of us in such a “motherly” way?

Ceres is obsessed in protecting her offspring, desperate looking for Persephone after she disappeared, or was kidnapped by Pluto, and trying to rescue her. It was not until Mercury went down to Hades that they were able to ‘negotiate’ Persephone's liberation.

Well, Ceres in Capricorn doesn’t do it for free. She has ambitions. But she organizes things, takes responsibility in nurturing, teaching people to be responsible and disciplined, gives them tools in order to succeed over the adversities brought about by Pluto and Saturn.

Ceres Pluto conjunction in Capricorn ‘may signify intense emotional crises brought about through the loss or separation of loved ones. Intense grief, sorrow, and depression my result’ says Demetra George. And regarding Ceres Saturn in Capricorn, the government institutions and their authorities took upon themselves to do everything for us (as parents overdo their care for their children?) because we were not ‘adult enough’ to take care of ourselves on our own.

But the other side of Ceres symbolism is that she ushers the dead to the other world. According to Demetra George in her book Asteroid Goddesses, “she governs our need to understand the death process and thereby resolve our fears about dying”

Finishing her 4-year cycle, Ceres is now back in Capricorn, squaring the Nodal Axis and approaching Pluto again. This time around, she will conjoin Pluto at 0º♒️24’ on December 8, 2024.

Ceres in Aquarius 'fosters self-determination and the recognition of the rights of others.' Taking care of people implies accepting eccentricities, originality, weirdness, and freedom. "This manifests as being a 'rebel without a cause'".

Ceres with Pluto in Aquarius could mean that during another certain crises of sorts, the science, technology or Internet ‘have to take care of us’ for our own good. Especially, the powers that be may take special interest in 'caring' for those who are not able to "gain inner control and self discipline to be able to handle the responsibilities of freedom." There may be deadly consequences for those who rebel against such ‘care’.

Pluto in Aquarius reminds me of the Reign of Terror in France in the late 1700's.

This time around Saturn and Uranus – Aquarius rulers- will be in Pisces and Taurus respectively in a sextile, and Uranus will trine the Pluto Ceres conjunction, so the whole context may not be that clear. Let’s wait and see.


Demetra George with Douglas Bloch, Asteroid Goddesses, The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Reemerging Feminine.

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Friday, May 17, 2024

New Course Offer - ALL You Need To Know About Zodiacal HOUSES!

ALL you need to know about HOUSES! 

Now, in a 5-hours+ online course. I offer a 3-video course for a total of more than 5 hours. Introduction, definition, meaning, several classifications, descriptions. With this course you will deeply understand what the zodiac stands for, how it describes your life. When you apply it to your chart, you will also better understand the function of each of your planets in their respective houses. Comment below, Messenger me, or send me an email to

Promotion May 2024 - August 2024
3 videos for a total of 5 hours 15 minutes for just U$ 150.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The World that is Coming - Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 20, 2024

Mix and match keywords to understand the
meaning of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction

On April 20th, 2024, expansive inspiring Jupiter finally makes a conjunction with revolutionary Uranus in Taurus, closing their ~13 year cycle and opening a new one. Take a look at previous dates for this conjunction trying to remember the events in your personal life. Some of them had three hits, due to the retrograde motion of one or both these planets during the period. In other instances, like the one this year, there is only one conjunction. Jupiter will swiftly fly through the rest of Taurus and enter Gemini in May.

The experiences you had in your personal life related mainly to the Sign and House where the conjunction occured. The next conjunction will relate to the significations of the Sign of Taurus, and the themes of the zodiacal house where it falls. It's best to use the Whole Sign House System, where one Sign is a house.

• Oct 7, 1954, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 27 Cancer 22 • Jan 6, 1955, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 26 Can 05 • May 10, 1955, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 24 Cancer 16
• Dec 11, 1968, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 3 Libra 39 • Mar 11, 1969, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 2 Libra 27 • Jul 20, 1969, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 0 Libra 40
• Feb 18, 1983, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 8 Sagittarius 51 • May 14, 1983, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 7 Sagittarius 42 • Sep 25, 1983, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 5 Sagittarius 49
• Feb 15, 1997, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 5 Aquarius 55
• Jun 8, 2010, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 0 Aries 18 • Sep 18, 2010, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 28 Pisces 43 • Jan 4, 2011, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 27 Pisces 03
• Apr 20, 2024, Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 21 Taurus 50 

Jupiter Uranus conjunction localized in Austin,TX

What is going on in the world

The Jupiter Uranus conjunction happens horseback between April 20 and 21, depending on the location of the world. It's the milestone of 2024. What is shaken to the core is the sign of Taurus, representing the Earth, its resources, the substance and the energy that generates and maintains life. 

The Sun is not only powerfully illuminating all those significations, but exactly opposing Haumea, both at 1º ♉️♏️, and square Pluto in Aquarius. Haumea, represents the power of life regeneration, the ability to give birth abundantly. It could be said that she is Life reproducing itself to the infinite. However in the Sign of Scorpio, in perfect square with its ruler Pluto, she is suffering the risk of extinction. It's easy to see this manifesting around the world where humans are assaulting Nature and life in all its forms in so many imaginable ways.

The Sun as well as Jupiter and Uranus respond to the ruler of Taurus, Venus, now planted exactly at the degree of the Solar Eclipse just two weeks ago. Significantly, she is the first one to travel over that 19º♈️, and it's her way of indicating that the meaning of the Eclipse and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction are so much intimately related. She says that the radical changes in the Earth resources, in the material reality, in the economic system, and the beliefs humans have about Life and Nature are dying to make room for a new relationship with these forces. Venus being in the 12th house from the conjunction adds the element of loss and dissolution. 

Venus represents the world economic order. It is significant to point out the news about the Stock Exchange 400 year old building in Copenhagen, Denmark that burnt to the ground on April 16, 2024, just a few days before the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus. 2 Random? Maybe, but extremely synchronistic and symbolic. Because the angular relationship between the Jupiter Uranus conjunction and Pluto (Lord of Power and Wealth) is a biseptile. Even though this angle could be subtle and random, due to the fact that the circle divided by 7 gives an irrational number, there is an element of destiny's invisible hand.

The septile kind of tension between the planets at play is stressful and laser beam focused, making room for the sudden and at the same time, transcendental liberation of energy. This aspect brings about events that attract a broad spectrum of attention and present an eureka moment of discovery. Ironically, Copenhagen promises to rebuild it! It couldn't be otherwise with Pluto. Something has to die in order to be reborn. What they probably don't know yet is that as they will rebuild it, a brand new economic system will also be built. 
 "John Addey reckoned that septiles were connected “with sacred matters, with one’s creations and creativity, and with inspiration and one’s receptivity thereto. To this we may add that it is evidently connected with the unitive and mystical aspect of things ...” For comparison, the US astrologer Delphine Jay wrote, “I like to refer to the septiles as the consciousness-expanding aspect.”1
Additionally, Uranus is the modern ruler of Pluto in Aquarius, which means that the destruction in view of reconstruction that Pluto is doing in society, is exponentially blown up by the Jupiter influence. Under this energy, the common people will suffer deprivation of resources, scarcity of goods, and the consequences of dismantling the financial economic organization. The banking system will collapse to make room for a different management of resources, assets and property. For more on Pluto in Aquarius, I refer you to my blog post Collective Reformation, as well as Starting from Scratch.

Let's not overlook the traditional ruler of Aquarius, Saturn in Pisces conjunct Mars and Neptune. This trio represents the merciless extermination of life that goes beyond all boundaries. Pisces uses less obvious means, like secret attacks, intentional introduction of disease, subversive wars, hacking, genocides in the name of religion, nuclear explosions in the sea with much destruction of all life forms. Since Pluto ingressed Aquarius, mass death have been on the rise around the world. Some kill others whom they perceive as a threat to their survival, others do it simply because of mental disturbance. 

Jupiter also is the traditional ruler of Pisces, which increments the incidence of losses indicated by the stellium in that last sign of the zodiac. 

As it can be noticed, the last two Signs of the astro wheel and the first two are intimately linked among themselves by their rulerships. The upcoming collapse is obvious. The leading planet is Pluto, which indicates that everything we start implies a profound transformation. We don't know what will happen next, for that is a subject for 2026. Eventually, the Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars  will reach the 21º♉️ in that succession over the next months reactivating the Jupiter Uranus energy. For now, we are walking on water with faith and hope that all will be for our good, but many will drown due to lack of faith or for being ill equipped to walk on such unstable and insecure surface. 

How to interpret this event for your life

First, what is happening? Mix and match the items in the two columns listed above, according to what is going on in your life. Examples: joyful insight, development of aviation, etc.
Second, think how that relates to the themes of Taurus, like material security, stability, simple pleasures of life, food and energy necessary to sustain life, natural materials, family lineage, the voice, bank account, money, salary, possessions, property, etc.
Third, in what area of your life is this happening? At home (4th house), work or health (6th), relationships (7th) etc.
Fourth, what aspects does it make to your native planets?

The following list of ideas related to Jupiter Uranus conjunction were inspired or extracted from reading Cosmos and Psyche, by Richard Tarnas.
  • new innovative moral values
  • unusual emancipation
  • sudden radical change
  • generation of ideas
  • morality changes
  • sudden awakening
  • new beginnings
  • unexpected good fortune 
  • extraordinary expansion of consciousness 
  • psychological rebirth 
  • joyful intellectual epiphanies 
  • radically broad horizons
  • heightened understanding
  • high spirits
  • impulsive exploration
  • innovative discovery
  • exciting, futuristic, and original
  • need for progressive change
  • update, refresh, and renew ourselves
  • foolish risks for the sake of freedom 
  • avoidance of responsibility 
  • feel exceptionally restless
  • open to new ideas
  • Fortunate events
  • acceptance of the unusual
  • think outside of the box
  • brave, positive, and optimistic enthusiasm
  • freedom from restrictions
  • thirst for adventure
  • expansion of aviation
  • discoveries and inventions
  • space travel, discovery and exploration
  • successful experiments
  • brilliant creativity


1- Quoted in Two Egyptian Eureka Moments By Nick Kollerstrom, PhD, ISAR Magazine, December 2020 issue.

2- Copenhagen vows to rebuild fire-hit stock exchange

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ALL you need to know about HOUSES!  Now, in a 5-hours+ online course. I offer a 3-video course for a total of more than 5 hours. Introductio...