Thursday, October 26, 2023

Mars Sun Conjunction in Scorpio - November 18, 2023


Mass grave from the Middle Ages- Wikipedia

When the Sun joins Mars, they unite forces for the activities associated with the themes of the Sign they transit. This impacts their whole two year cycle. For example, on September 2, 2019, the conjunction occured in Virgo. What happened in the next two years is fresh in our memories. The activity (Mars) was focused (Sun) on the health, healthcare, solving a health problem, service work, and workplace, which are the main subjects related to the Sign of Virgo. By projection, this also is reflected on the opposite Sign of Pisces, which represented the chaos, first, dissolution of health and disorganization on the healthcare system, sacrifices, charity service, etc. 

On October 8, 2021, they joined in Libra, and the focus was on relationships, polarization of interests and looking for compromise and agreement. The projection over the opposite Sign of Aries, and other astrological events, gave room to the War in Ukraine due to lack of compromise and extreme polarization in the world of international affairs. Other polarizations in relationships have been exacerbated during that period, in society in general, as well as, especially noticeable, in the political arena in several countries around the world. 

On November 17-18, 2023, the conjunction will occur at 25º♏️36'. Scorpio is a Sign associated with sharp focus and even obsessive concentration on the activities in which people engage. This Sign is also associated with taboo matters like sex and death, medical surgery, elimination of waste, decomposing of matter, and underground secrets and findings. However, figuratively at a spiritual level, this also could mean deep healing and transmutation (death and rebirth), dealing with psychological matters, surrender, and all kinds of eliminations and extirpations. 

Looking back in history, their conjunction in Scorpio happens normally, either every 32, or every 15 years, alternating, two times every 32 years and one time every 15 years. Only at the end of the 19th Century (1800s) there were three consecutive periods of 15, 17, 15 years apart. 

Observing the historical events associated with those two-year cycles when their conjunction starts in Scorpio, I found out that every time there were news of genocide or mass graves uncovering. Genocides do not happen exclusively with the Mars Sun in Scorpio cycle, yet, this conjunction always starts a two year period when they occur. Their cycle seem also to be associated with mass graves, their making or their finding.

Terrorism feeds directly on the polarization of diverse populations that cannot seem to be able to live together in peace. Even though the phenomenon could be considered immemorial, the word 'genocide' is relatively very new.

"Genocide is defined as an act committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. The term ‘genocide’ was coined in 1944 by the Polish-Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin in his book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe. In creating the term ‘genocide’, Lemkin intended to more clearly define the crime of mass murder of groups of people and to raise awareness of it." 1


"Genocide became a crime in itself following the adoption of the ‘Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide’ by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948, as result of the events of the Holocaust." 1

The characteristics of a genocide are as follows:

"Killing members of a group. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group."1

According to this same source, some of the stages leading to a genocide include, but is not limited to classification, discrimination, polarization, persecution, extermination, and denial of having committed any crime.

Some activities associated with the cycle initiated by the Sun and Mars in Scorpio are based on antagonic polarization, controlling a population by superlative fear, and defining limits of what it can and cannot do, usually with the philosophy that might makes it right. The imposed physical violence is of horrific proportions. There are shows off of extreme power, for example, forcibly transferring children of one group to another one, maximum level of destruction of property, stealing and/or illegal appropriation of the property of the subdued group.

The Scorpio flavor of things always carries this utmost obsessive focus on holding power that often translates into acts of ruthless courage, accompanied with the sacrifice of the conqueror's life. Sometimes, the motive is an unconscious drive to heal some psychological issue that has been subdued, covered up, repressed or entirely suppressed, and has found a trigger point to burst out in the open, just as it happens with a mature purulent cyst. It is felt by the aggressor as a way to heal from that issue.

Here are some examples of the most recent previous Sun Mars conjunctions in Scorpio. The first one back was November 8, 1991 with the addition of Pluto just within 5º orb, at 15º♏️27'. The 15º of any Fixed Sign is a World Portal, the midpoint between equinoxes and a place of 'source energy' access, which can connect to the universal infinity and past lives.

This period was marked by the Wars of disintegration of Yugoslavia. The ethnic tensions had started the year before. On November 20, 1991 the first massacre of this war occurred in Vukovar. More than 400 people trapped in the city's hospital of different ethnicities, including patients, Croatian troops, and some foreigners, were killed. 2

Mass Grave in Srebrenica 
Delegates of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS)
examine an exhumed mass grave of victims of the
July 1995 Srebrenica massacre, outside the village of
Potočari, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Other mass killings followed during the next couple of years in the region, as well as the later Srebrenica Genocide in 1995, all supposedly due to ethnicity and religion reasons. Yet, it is well understood that all wars have an economic reason in the background (Scorpio Taurus axis relates to resources). 

Vukovar water tower still evidence of bombardements 

Next previous Sun Mars conjunction in Scorpio happened October 30, 1959. This was the year the Cuban Revolution started with violence. Not only that, but it was also the year the Rwandan Revolution started, 

"also known as the Hutu Revolution, Social Revolution, or Wind of Destruction, it was a period of ethnic violence in Rwanda from 1959 to 1961 between the Hutu and the Tutsi, two of the three ethnic groups in Rwanda. The revolution saw the country transition from a Tutsi monarchy under Belgian colonial authority to an independent Hutu-dominated republic. The revolution began in November 1959, with a series of riots and arson attacks on Tutsi" 3

Mass Grave in Rwanda

The conflict escalated into a War that lasted until 1994, and around 200,000 people were killed.

Next one back was on November 14, 1944. Even though, this was not the beginning of the Holocaust, we know that the first liberated camp was in Poland, July 1944, and in the following year the Western powers freed the occupied Europe ending the WWII and the exterminations.

During the liberation process, the secret was unearthed and the entire world learned the horrors of this War. Other mass killings occurred by vengeance in Europe. This period marked the start of a psychological shock at the same time of a very long healing process that has not yet concluded. The kind of psychological traumas discovered there still haunt many generations, and is the kind of issues associated with Scorpio: death, revenge, deranged passions, unnameable cruelty, the fight for survival, blood shed, taboos, sexual crimes, incomprehensible abuse, are all born from the deepest shadows of the human soul.

source: Facing History dot org

The above period started in 1991, resonates with the one back in 1912. The First Balkan War started just a month earlier to the November 5, 1912 Sun Mars conjunction. I haven't dug deeply enough into the details, but I guess that there are a lot of the same issues these peoples dealt with in the Second Balkan War.

"During the 1912–13 First Balkan War, Serbia and Montenegro committed a number of war crimes against the Albanian population after expelling Ottoman Empire forces from present-day Albania, Kosovo, and North Macedonia, which were reported by the European, American and Serbian opposition press. Most of the crimes occurred between October 1912 and the summer of 1913. The massacres of Albanians in the Balkan Wars were perpetrated on several occasions by the Serbian and Montenegrin armies and paramilitaries during the conflicts that occurred in the region between 1912 and 1913." 4

In summary, the coincidence of themes is undeniable. Obviously, as a corollary of the mass killings and by projection onto the opposite Sign of Taurus, issues related to the goods and property of the dead, financial matters, like bank accounts, investments, inheritances, all Scorpionic matters, are at play as well. Of course, with some exceptions, the winners usually take advantage of these gains. Some of the heirs of the abusers may still today be enjoying those benefits. 

November 18, 2023

Now, let's take a look at the chart of the soon upcoming Sun Mars conjunction. There is a tight trine to Neptune and a sextile to Pluto in conjunction with the Moon, forming a tight Small Trine with the Moon at the midpoint. 

It could be argued that the sextiles and trines are positive and 'benefic' aspects. However, I do not share this interpretation. The sextile is a Geminian aspect, that contributes communication as well as ambivalence, flexibility and change. It adds Air to the Fire, if you see what it means. The trine has the energy of harmony and ease of exchange of the energies associated with the planets. This can, in fact, facilitate the tragedy. In this case, the trine has a Sagittarius flavor (counting from the slowest to the fastest planets), also mutable and with more Fire. It adds the component of religious and cultural issues to the inflammation. 

Notice Ceres in conjunction with Sun and Mars. Ceres was present exactly conjoining Saturn and Pluto in January 2020. I'm still not sure about her contribution. I'm sure of one thing, she has been showing the face of Inanna in the Underworld, more than the face of the Goddess of Nurturance and Harvest. To recover her daughter, Persephone, Ceres had to descend into the darkness and horrors of the unconscious where she faced the fear of death. Let's also be reminded that "Ceres as the Goddess of death functions as the matrix which receives the dead for rebirth" She has also power of the "primordial mysteries of food transformation". And "Ceres' secret teaching is that death is the gateway to rebirth". 5

If it were the chart of an individual, it could be said that this person could use faith or a spiritual practice to deal with the struggle, or be dedicated to charity service. However, usually in the collective, this chart will show the darker manifestation, if not the darkest. 

Pluto conjunct the Moon at the midpoint acts as a powerful trigger and may either empower people or relate to the profound painful emotions of the public. The world will probably weep watching masses of people die (Moon Pluto) in the name of religion (Neptune in Pisces). Many could decide to immolate themselves for their faith, or groups of people could be immolated because of their faith. Very sadly, whatever the case, there could be uncountable victims. 

As it happens every time, the entire Humanity will feel the profound pain. We would have to face the darkest corners of our unconscious fears and taboos. May we rise in faith, in infinite love and compassion, and figuratively transmute the blood in milk like Mother Nature does to feed us, her children. May we stay neutral, observing the two faces of our own psyche playing out in the outside world. 

Sat Nam


1- The Holocaust Explained at

2 - The Vukovar Massacre at

3 - The Rwandan Revolution at

4 - The Balkan Wars at

5 - Asteroid Goddesses, The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology of the Reemerging Feminine, by Demetra George.

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