Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 14, 2019 - Spotlight on the Underworld

Hades abducting Persephone
Are you seeing the darkest side of yourself yet? Are you face to face with the most vilest of the villains? Is there someone around the ‘neighborhood’ of your world who is showing the ugliest face of life? That’s because the Sun is opposite Pluto, the spotlight is on the ‘underworld’. 
It is a good day to explore the shadows of our personality. What is your most protected secret? What would happen if others could peek at your sexual behavior? The door to the closet where we hid our skeletons is wide open!  Our jealousy, passions, obsessions, manipulative conduct, power struggles, vile taboos are out in the open for us to see. 
If one is subject to violence, it can be the mirror of the violence we’ve stored inside. Otherwise, we realize how we have been sabotaging ourselves. Self sabotage is the work of Pluto as well. The Sun is the most potent light that can help us overcome it. If we have been consciously or unconsciously manipulating someone, if we have been doing shady stuff, today it’s obvious for the whole world to see. 
Today we see the dead carcass of some situation, the ugliest and most disgusting shape of it. In a relationship, we can be provoked to reveal the ugly side we conceal. The other person may poke your most vulnerable emotions, it may feel like a burning inside ready to burst. Even if we want to present the best face, if we look for the bright side, we cannot avoid having shortcomings. We are human beings making this amazing spiritual experience.
It can be a great day to understand how strong of a grip the addictions have on our soul. It can be a great day to realize that pornography, or drugs or alcohol is destroying our life, our happiness. They are telling a lie, because  they cannot give us true fulfillment. In fact, we do it because we don’t believe in our greatness, in our wholeness, in our divinity. We do it because we are scared of our own power! Today we can say, ‘I’m done, I’ve had enough’, ‘I want to be happy, I leave behind the crutch of escapism, addiction, avoidance’. 
When we can see the darkest of night, we long for the dawn. Today it’s a great day to empower yourself!
Make it a great day! Empower yourself! Sat Nam

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