Friday, October 30, 2020

Pluto, or the Rebirth of Humanity

Pluto, Death and Rebirth

Since the Sun is transiting Scorpio, let’s talk about this Sign ruler, Pluto. What is Pluto? Where Pluto is located in your chart is the place of your empowerment, or learning about power. The Pluto transit in Capricorn is a period of almost 16 years that is helping you get acquainted with your own power or disempowerment related to the area of life indicated by the house in that Sign. Few are those who know how to use their power for the benefit of all, and not only for their own aggrandizement and enrichment. We've seen at the mundane level, how certain heads of states and countries are demonstrating iron fists, often against others. Because power is not always a translucent virtue, it is the main reason why Pluto brings out the shadows for everyone to see. Usually, the process is about scooping out unconscious psychological conditioning we are not aware we have that makes us act or react in a certain way without understanding why. However, not only that. He also uncovers those skeletons you hide in the closet. 

Heracles fighting Cerberus the guardian monster of Hades -
Peter Paul Reubens 1636 - 1637, in the Museo del Prado, Madrid Spain. Public Domain

If Pluto has a virtue is an indiscriminate ability to unearth the raw truth, to scrub clean even the dirtiest corners of your psyche. If your ‘house’ is clean, you have nothing to fear. However, few are those ‘homes’ free of ingrained filth in the dark corners. It’s not too simple of a task because other planets may be involved with their dignities and aspects, yet Pluto cannot be obstructed in his work. With high pressure and relentless persistence, he drills to the core and unearth all the dirt, all the rotten smelly material that you may ‘treasure’ so fervently. No one escapes, nothing escapes to his scrutiny. Yet, in the long run, you’re able to recognize his ‘tough love’ as the bitter medicine you needed to heal. 

Charon and Psyche, going to the Underworld,
John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, 1883 Domain

When you think that the ONLY time in the written History of Humanity, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn met this close together in Capricorn was in 1285 1,  something in your mind may make you aware of the fact that this is not a year like any other. Of course, if you didn’t realize that it's because you live in another Solar System. But if you’re able to take that historical perspective of a 735 year cycle, you may take the virus and everything else that is happening in the world more seriously.

This Cardinal dominant chart means drastic dynamic changes

USA is preparing for its Pluto Return in 2022 (at 27º Capricorn February, June and December 2022), which technically, has already started this year. Consider that the chronocrator Saturn has activated three times the USA natal Pluto at 27º 33' Capricorn. The third time, Saturn enters the 27º on November 13 and reaches the 33' mark on November 20. However, one can already observe the intensifying manipulation of power and control, and restructuring of the institutions of power in full swing. This is just a preliminary preparation, the complete deconstruction and reconstruction will take place in 2022.

In fact, the Pluto return is a long process that started in 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn and will last until long after Pluto enters Aquarius. Before we can enter a clean house, we are to get rid of the dirt, it’s that simple! Yet, we still have many, many, many, more ‘difficult’ conversations to be had. Every shadow has to be brought out onto the light to be faced and resolved. From the origins of the nation, from the invasion of the land by the Europeans, the subsequent de facto land appropriation, and the genocide of the aborigines, the slavery, the persecution and oppression of black people after their liberation, the armed rebellion for independence, the dominion over women, discrimination of minorities, the profound systemic social inequalities, the invasion of foreign countries, the assassinations of other countries’ leaders in order to gain more power, the interventionism, the appropriation of resources from other countries without respect for their sovereignty… and the list goes on and on and on and on. We are forced to face the reality that this country was built on violence, war and innocent bloodshed. And all the ‘benefits’ some of its inhabitants enjoy today, the prosperity, the world ‘leadership’, the abundance, the ‘civilization’ have been built on the shoulders of people who didn’t have a way to defend themselves. 

However, the whole world is under this historical pressure. From now until Pluto leaves Capricorn in 2024, people, should be prepared for things to go to the bottom, the rock bottom possibly in some cases. At different levels, the Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto meet in Capricorn, affects the whole Humanity, and all countries. Similar developments, with different degrees of intensity, will unfold everywhere. Why? Mainly, because we are under karma accounts rebalance. The entire 2020 these three planets have transited over the planetary South Nodes of Saturn and Pluto, located respectively at the 19 and 20 degrees of Capricorn. Those planetary South Nodes can be compared to the ‘Pandora Box’ where the karma related to human civilization's structures of power are accumulated. Referring to 1285, turning the eyes towards the end of the Middle Ages, we encounter the Western organized religions’ power struggles aimed to the domination of people. Christians, Muslins, and Jews were by turns in conflict with each other until they arrived to a certain fragile balance. There was probably not ill-intention, but to put some order in the chaos, mainly due to the generalized ignorance of the population, and the power struggles of the elites. All three sides had each a book of rules and instructions for good behavior and societal conventions to ensure a certain level of peaceful cohabitation. All three sides had nonetheless the same patriarchal pyramidal structure, with the masculine elite occupying the top with the justification of providing security and protection (Capricorn). Underneath, there have been all the rest of society, women, workers, merchants, slaves, etc. working hard to sustain the structure. 

Pluto and Saturn coming back together to their respective South Nodes are unearthing the decay of such a system. Thus, our generation has been the chosen one to review the ‘rotten matter’ as it were, and realize that we are long due for a deep 'spring' cleaning and renewal. Pluto destroys, decomposes, takes apart the pieces, rearranges the elements, and Saturn composes something entirely new. If you’re familiar with recycling, reducing and reusing, you understand what the process entails. 

For example, at a personal level, those born with Pluto in Cancer (in their late 80s now), who in the last few years have experienced the Pluto opposition can tell you that it has involved a process compared to dying and being reborn in the flesh, if they are still alive to tell you something. Since Pluto’s orbit lasts 248 years around the Sun, no person can experience the Pluto return. In fact, only the generation born with Pluto in Cancer can experience the opposition due to its eccentric orbit, because Pluto takes around 87 years from Cancer to Capricorn, but about 161 from Capricorn to Cancer. However, for a country, or for the world, these are years of regeneration. As I've said before, Empires will fall, Empires will rise. Then, it shouldn’t be surprising that a microscopic ‘entity’ (the virus) not only is killing people, but destroying the system of reality as we know it.

Therefore, you need to keep in mind that the rebirth may take a transition period, probably another four years, during which, things may take an even uglier turn. It’s hard to predict what and how the ‘demolition’ will happen, but we are to build a new world, a new reality, a new system, a new way of being, relating, working, learning, etc. I call it a New Era, the Neo-Renaissance. This time, we can make sure that the people decide what the rules are for the new ‘book of rules’. We, the people, are to actively participate in defining the societal conventions (social contract) we want to adopt. We are not at the end of the Middle Ages, where there was not yet a press, and no media outlets to broadcast information, or universities for all. We are in the Age of the Internet, when anybody can learn and study anything imaginable. Let’s get out of the state of ignorance, if we want to participate in the writing of the new 'book of rules'! The first step comes December 21, 2020 with the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Click on the links to watch my two videos about this rebirth.

I encourage you to keep the eyes on the prize. Some of us will not be there in four or five years, but our children and grandchildren will see a New Dawn. Let's work for them, for the future generations, and for the future of our Mother Earth, while we can. 
May all beings be well and enjoy peace! Much love to all.

1- Source: Karen Hamaker-Zondag, Astrologer, Dancing the Choreography of the Collective Cycles.

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect you personally to the extent they contact your Natal or Progressed planets and points on your chart. 

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