Thursday, April 1, 2021

Jupiter in Pisces, and Conjunct Neptune

Jupiter enters Pisces May 13 - July 28, 2021 

and December 30, 2021 - December 21, 2022

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune – April 11, 2022

Jupiter comes back to Pisces every 12 years (2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950-51, 1938-39). However, meeting Neptune in his own home only happens every 166 years. Jupiter conjoined Neptune in Pisces last time on March 16, 1856 at 18º12’. Every time, they do so with about 6-degree difference, so on April 11, 2022, they will meet at 23º58.

Jupiter (Zeus)

Astrologers often go back and research the historical events and developments of the time, and always find significant insights and relevant correlations with the planets in question. In my research for this conjunction in 1856, I found noteworthy details closely related to the themes of both, Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. 

The Themes of Jupiter in Pisces


Jupiter in Pisces opens the access to spirituality through meditation and inner reflection, in direct contact with the spiritual realm. The individual exploration results in multiple access doors to perceiving, understanding and interpreting spirituality, as each may have his or her own experience. Then the spiritual awakening that Jupiter in Pisces stimulates has probably many faces, since each one of us perceives a different side of truth. In any case, Jupiter in Pisces gives wisdom through our intuition, and understanding comes in one complete piece.

When Jupiter conjoins Neptune, it’s a great time to go on a silent retreat, look for isolation to tap into other dimensions. The human mind may open even more to accept unexplainable ‘facts’ and events, and even increase the awareness of telepathy. You may attune to the collective unconscious, realizing things that you don’t know how you know. On the tangent, Jupiter in Pisces can also widely spread religious fanaticism, and some people may become adamant about their personal convictions to the point of shoving their beliefs down the throat of others.

Wikipedia lists 39 new religious organizations established in 1856, and states that there was a 

“‘Fourth Great Awakening’ to be likened to pentecost, the sixteenth-century reformation and the eighteenth-century awakening in colonial America. After the annus mirabilis each of the evangelical denominations could report huge accessions: of the largest bodies, the presbyterians (old and new schools) added almost thirty thousand members by examination, the major baptist churches baptised almost one hundred thousand new members, while the two main branches of methodism reported a staggering net increase of nearly one hundred and eighty thousand, a growth of sixteen per cent over the previous year.” 1


Jupiter in Pisces gives abundant inspiration, and a great ability to imagine better things. As an artist, you may discover yourself ‘downloading’ your piece of art all finished. A prolific imagination ensures abundance of film production, photography, make believe and virtual realities, and the promotion of the philosophy that stands for creating the life you want just with your imaginative mind.

Picture credit Katha

On the other hand, there could be extreme expressions of fantasy. Jupiter Neptune conjunction is very ungrounding. Where there were delusions, misleading, misconceptions, Jupiter can make for a Gargantuan deception (like the one started in Germany with Jupiter in Pisces in 1938-39) 2. People who are not able to handle this extreme ethereal energy may fall victim of escapism, or literal madness. However, the History of Art abounds of examples of genius seemingly mentally disturbed artists, like Paul Gauguin, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Vincent Van Gogh, to name just a few.


The expansion Jupiter adds to the Piscean energy sharing the field with its ruler, Neptune, is so intense that you feel a deep sense of emptiness, impossible to grasp reality and chaos. Boundaries are blurred or disappear, all kinds of walls fall down, including the personal protection provided by the aura (our bio-magnetic energy field). You may not realize where you begin and where you end, become everything and everybody, and have difficulty understanding reality, or finding what you thought reality was before. Other transiting planets provoking serious conflicts will contribute to the chaos, and people may not know what is what, who is who, where is here or there.

Similar to 1962, especially young people will protest wars with flowers and unconditional boundless love. This could be very destabilizing for individuals. Addicted and addictive people may fall deeper into their addictions unable to find a footing and trying to escape kaleidoscopic circumstances. Of course, Jupiter adds his overdose, spiritual and material. New and more potent psychedelics may appear in the ‘market’, increasing the statistics of death due to drug abuse. So, drug traffic will most probably see the day of legalization and become drug trade instead.


In addition to drugs for medical and entertainment consumption, Jupiter in Pisces promotes the creation, development, and production of substances, and gases for industrial applications. Neptune in Pisces is associated with chemistry, gases. When Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces with his expansive energy there is a higher risk of explosions, or the industrial widespread of some substance.

In 1856, Mauveine, the first synthetic organic dye, is discovered by William Henry Perkin (British chemist and entrepreneur), while attempting to synthesize quinine. Mauveine, also known as aniline purple and Perkin's mauve, was one of the first synthetic dyes. It was discovered serendipitously by William Henry Perkin in 1856 while he was attempting to create a cure for malaria. It is also among the first chemical dyes to have been mass-produced. This eventually leads to the birth of the chemical industry. 3

As discussed before (under Creativity) Pisces is the energy of illusions, imagination, fantasy, thus it gives the creative inspiration. It’s usually found strong in charts of musicians, artists, actors, and photographers.

In 1856, photography was being revolutionized by the invention of the collodion process, using new chemical substances. Theorized 1850 by Gustave Le Gray, it was invented in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer. This new way of processing photos on the spot allowed to have in about fifteen minutes the ‘instant’ pictures of the time. 

“The wet collodion process was almost at once universally adopted because it rendered detail with great precision that rivaled that of the daguerreotype.” 4 In the following years, photographers and experimenters refined or varied the process, so by the end of the 1860s it had almost entirely replaced the daguerreotype photographic process with great success.

Health and Healthcare

Previous visits of Jupiter in Pisces have coincided with important events related to compassionate social service, widespread health issues (epidemics, pandemics), and healthcare.

During the AIDS era of the 80’s, “The U.S. Public Health Service adds HIV as a “dangerous contagious disease” to its immigration exclusion list and mandates testing for all visa applicants. The HIV ban will not be lifted until January 4, 2010” 6 (May 15, 1987 while Jupiter first quarter square to Neptune), which combines the global and travel implications related to Jupiter with the health concerns of Neptune). In 1986, the first anti-smoking ad saw the light of day.

In 2009, when Jupiter and Neptune conjoined in Aquarius, there was the H1N1 virus pandemic, and in the USA the revolutionary healthcare provision called Obamacare, which ended up benefitting only a selected (Aquarius) sector of society (i.e. with Internet access) and not the people who needed healthcare the most, the very poor and disadvantaged (which corresponds to Pisces). In fact, the most disadvantaged were left out of the “Obamacare” program. 

Click picture to see original interactive map

Both rulers of Pisces meeting in the Sign is a rare occurrence that only happens every 166 years. During their previous Pisces visit, in 1856, according to this health map, some diseases were imported into America from Europe (typhus) with immigrants, and others from Africa (leprosy) and especially from West Africa through the slave trade (yellow fever). Also, in the previous conjunction in Pisces, in 1690, “A massive outbreak of the measles epidemic occurred in Japan,” where the Jupiter Neptune conjunction fell in the country’s chart 6th house of health (April 3, 1457, 3:40 PM Jul.Cal.). 7

Due to the boundless expansion stimulated by Jupiter in Pisces in the presence of its modern ruler, Neptune, a surge of covid19’s variants is not discarded. Neptune dissolves energetic defenses, Jupiter is increasing the dissolution, and other symbols of Neptune, like contagion, germs kept alive in humidity, like mold, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. People will certainly be more susceptible to illnesses caused by those agents. The most effective way to protect oneself is to build and cleanse the human bioenergetic field (aura), and support the immune system (also represented by Pisces).


Some think that Jupiter and Neptune are only the energies of abundance, prosperity and compassionate love, however, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Historically, coinciding with their conjunction, squares and oppositions, there has been an increase in bombings during wars with the corollary of death and destruction, which affect geopolitics as well. In summary, Jupiter is not always the good luck, generous, “benefic” planet, but rather the expansive energy on anything he touches. Keep in mind that Jupiter can be destructive as well. In fact, Jupiter conjunct Neptune has been associated with xenophobia and cultural wars in the past.

In the USA history, 1856 was the year when the Seattle Governor Stevens had declared a "war of extermination" upon the indigenous peoples, as a corollary of the Manifest Destiny cultural belief popular in the 19th Century. 8 

Also, during that time, a mainly agricultural economy depended on the labor of enslaved people, therefore the Southern states viewed enslavement as essential to their very survival, which promoted and exacerbated the white supremacy ideology.

For nearly a century, the cultural difference between the people and politicians of the Northern and Southern states had been clashing over the issues that finally led to war: economic interests, cultural values, the power of the federal government to control the states, and, most importantly, slavery in American society. In 1856, USA Civil War was brewing with a variety of long-standing tensions and disagreements about American life and politics.9

Migrants of diverse cultures may flow through borders around the world, provoking, like in the 19th Century, a redistribution of populations, re-formation or the birth of new countries. As well as in the 19th Century, the world may see the declaration of independence of numerous countries, provinces, or regions. As usually, not without a bloodshed.

Commercialization of Addictive Substances

Pisces is the Sign of escapist behaviors, of the search for bliss and exploration of alternative realities through the use of chemical substances. Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces appears to correlate to the increase in the commercialization of drugs for human consumption, be it medicinal or recreational. Obviously, trade is significantly involved in the spread of drugs and increase of addictions. 

Bataille de Pa-li-kiao, Emile Bayard

During the second half of the 18th Century, Britain has established opium commerce, smuggling it into China. The China government was not only concerned by “the moral decay of the people, but also partly with the outflow of silver”. French and American merchants were also smuggling opium into China, which as always was very lucrative. However, their ambitions grew larger.10

The "Arrow War" refers to one of the British strategic objectives: legalizing the opium trade, expanding trade, opening all of China to British merchants, and exempting foreign imports from internal transit duties. […] The Opium Wars were two wars waged between Western powers and the Qing dynasty in the mid-19th century. 11 

"The First Opium War, fought in 1839–1842 between Great Britain and the Qing Dynasty, was triggered by the Qing’s crackdown on British Opium smugglers. The Second Opium War was fought between Britain and France coalition against the Qing in 1856–1860. In each war, the European force's modern military technology led to an easy victory over the Qing forces, with the consequence that the government was compelled to grant favorable tariffs, trade concessions, and territory to the Europeans."

"These wars and the subsequently-imposed treaties weakened the Qing dynasty and Chinese governments, and forced China to open specified treaty ports (especially Shanghai) that handled all trade with imperial powers. In addition, China gave the sovereignty over Hong Kong to Britain.” 12

During the last few decades, the so called "Drug Cartels" have increased their fierce competition for 'markets', and it can be said that they are at war against each other for power and domination. Certain governments have already legalized marijuana for medicinal use, others are also contemplating advancing regulation not only to control the traffic but also to participate in the profits through taxation.  With Jupiter in Pisces and the upcoming conjunction with Neptune, things can intensify in the struggle for power in the drug traffic.

International Trade

In 1986, Jupiter in Pisces favored the globalization of the economy and the development of long distance trade.

In 2009 with Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Aquarius, Microsoft goes public, and Internet is spreading around the world, making for the widespread of information and open access to knowledge for everyone.

When Jupiter conjoins Neptune next year, international trade could be expected to expand without limitations, or border restrictions in certain regions. There could be new regional trade agreements in that sense for mutual benefit among commercial partners. As stated before, the drug traffic may expand as well with the implications of re-distribution of power by force.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces Trivia - The biggest, the tallest, the highest

Jupiter Neptune in Pisces is also maximum exaggeration, and a time to find the maximum expression of something big. One of the news in 1856 was about the Mt. Everest. The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India officially gives 'Peak XV' (later to be named Mount Everest) the height of 29,002 ft (8,840 m), and was recognized as the highest of the world. In addition, 'Peak IX' (Kangchenjunga), previously thought to be the world's highest, is confirmed as 28,156 ft (8,582 m).13


As the reader understand, the upcoming Jupiter Neptune conjunction is a major one, since they have a  166 cycle in Pisces. Considering the accumulative power of all the cycle initiations that have taken place since last year, namely, Saturn/Pluto and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius, this additional one packs another punch to Humanity's Evolution. Just expect major changes. We will need flexibility, adaptability and a lot of endurance. Be brave! Be yourself!
Sat Nam.

8-Wikipedia: Battle of Seattle (1856).
13-Mt. Everest History

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