Sunday, November 21, 2021

Daily Transits - November 22, 2021

 Venus on Steroids, When is it Too Much?

OOB is Declination on the Latitude

    An out of bound planet is a planet that goes higher or lower than 23º27' of latitude from the Celestial Equator. The Celestial Equator is a projected line into space equidistant from both Earth poles. The Ecliptic is the imaginary line in space of the Sun's passage around the Earth from our point of view. Planets can travel on the Ecliptic line, above or below of it. Above or below 23º27' is called OOB. 

    In the case of Venus OOB, she is now then, out of the Sun's influence, meaning that your authority over your values, tastes and attractions may go 'astray'. It's a stronger influence than the retrograde motion in that regard. Venus has been out of bounds since October 11, 2021 and until December 7, 2021. 

Venus out of bounds

    Have you noticed all yin energy related themes going haywire? Things like unusual or obsessive love, seduction and shocking sexual preferences. Drastic changes of values, like noticing that you are not attracted to, or don't want the same things you'd use to like. 

    At work, you may have been feeling extreme passivity or laziness. You may have bigger expenses, or unusually frequent purchases, especially things you've never really wanted before. With the same token, you may be paying too much (reflected on unusual inflation) for the same things you usually buy. Your tastes has also suffer one way or another. 


    It's been a great time to quit certain foods you liked but were not good for you; but also you may have fallen in the habit of eating too much and new kind of foods you've never would have considered before. 

Unusual Alien Flower

    Another way the OOB Venus manifests is by giving you an extraordinary artistic or creative talent that probably earns you notoriety. OOB Venus may be represented in extremely beautiful flowers or extremely awkward ones, like the Alien flower, for example. Usually, creators and artists with natal OOB Venus are a class apart from the mainstream and often set new trends. 

    In extreme cases, feminine rebellion can take the streets to protest defending their rights. It is the case in the US with the abortion rights lately. On the one side, unable to manage their own yin energy, men project their self contempt onto the women, and get unusually disdainful of them. This, of course, is a provocation for women, who react accordingly reaffirming their Venusian qualities in stronger ways. Women may, this way, feel set apart and left alone in their feminine condition, and develop heightened sensitivity, which is another sign of OOB Venus.

    Retrograde Venus starting December 19, 2021, will have been back on track (in bounds). You can expect to be revising all that you've done or has happened during the previous period. You may have to make adjustments to your finances, reconsider your new relationships, review the effect of those unusual values, etc. You will only get things back straight when Venus travels back direct again starting at 11º Capricorn January 29, 2022, but especially when she gets out of shadow after crossing the 26º Capricorn.

    Just a reminder that in between, Venus will meet with Mercury, the Sun, Pluto and Mars. Stay tuned. If Capricorn and Venus are significant in your Natal Chart, or if you have OOB Venus in it, make sure you consult your Personal Astrologer for insights on how to go through this period.

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