Sunday, November 28, 2021

Daily Transits - November 29, 2021

    Healing Opportunities

Healing a relationship may be the work of a whole life.

    Moon in Libra opposite Chiron may trigger some relationship wounding but the other trines and sextiles in today's chart help you find ways to heal. 

    Mercury in Sagittarius makes you think of an adventure, you expand your mind with foreign things, and a new perspective perspective. You may be interested in reading or speaking about foreign cultures, countries, people, or in a new spiritual practice, religious belief system, a new ideology or philosophy. It's a good time to call or visit your friends abroad. 

    It seems that this broader perspective of your thinking opens wide new doors to healing the woundedness of your life. In addition to the insights provided the conjunction with the Sun, the sextile to Saturn gives you a methodic, realistic mind. Saturn also sextiles Chiron giving the opportunity to take your wound more seriously. 

    What is your deepest permanent wound? You now see a range of possibilities for healing it. You are probably learning an earthly approach, maybe homeopathic, using natural products, or spiritual, from a different culture or belief system that sounds more appropriate to help your healing process. Maybe, someone tells you that there is a certain meditation technique, or a pilgrimage to a certain place that has healing properties.
    Since Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is in Aquarius, there could be alternative or innovative scientific discovery supporting your healing.

    Mars in Scorpio, ruler of Chiron in Aries, with the mystic help of a trine to Neptune, makes an exhaustive thorough investigation about natural resources inside the earth, in the soil. Mars may find a liquid natural substance with healing properties. Scorpio is after all a healing sign, and Mars likes to penetrate deep to the essence of things. Psychic healing rituals are also in the domain of Mars in Scorpio
    Then 'here comes the Sun' also trining Chiron. It seems that for a few days, if you look for a new way to sooth your pain, be it physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual you have the opportunity to find it.

    The Universe is full of Love, recognize it and receive it!

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