Sunday, November 7, 2021

Daily Transits - November 7, 2021

 What Kind of Earthquake?

Uranus in Taurus?

    As Venus entered in Sagittarius and Mercury in Scorpio forming a perfect Yod with the North Node at 1º of Gemini, closing the 18 months Nodal season there the Biden Administration announces the passing of a monumental infrastructure bill. The country is clearly setting its North on typical Gemini themes, Internet communications made more widely available to isolated geographic places, faster Internet access, building bridges, trains, and roads. However, the administration doesn't yet know where will the money come from, and THAT could be the Apple of the Discord represented by the Pluto Eris long lasting square. 

    The most significant energy accumulates now in Scorpio. It started with the November Moon Cycle initiation November 4 at the New Moon. And, Mercury adds its fast moving legs that may speed up things in there. 

    This New Moon is the gate to the Eclipse Season, and it culminates in the Taurus Lunar Eclipse at 27º14' on November 19, conjunct the Fixed Star Algol, which gives it an ill-fated forecast. 

    However, before we get there, Mars, traditional ancient ruler of Scorpio, transiting his own home base, will square Saturn on November 10, and oppose Uranus November 17. That will set up the stage for the aforementioned eclipse.

    You can count on your actions being blocked or challenged by political or social authorities. You may have to wait for a better time to do something you're very focused on doing. Or you may need to follow some rules, apply some restraint and discipline in order to achieve it. And when you are able to do it, it may be a failure or someone may show an index finger to you and tell you, "I told you so", and criticise you for your move. In the end, it may take more than one attempt to finish your project. 

    Then, Mars rams head on against Uranus, and the Earth may tremble, as usually does when these two are at odds. With Uranus in Taurus since 2018, we already know what to expect: earthquakes, eruptions, land ravages due to destructive flooding, animal extinction, soil pollution by chemicals, catastrophic wind storms. This time, with Mars in Scorpio, we may hear news about some new or old cattle illness ravaging thousands of animals. However, to refer to the symbolic Wall Street Stock Market Bull (properly chosen symbol since Taurus rules finances), the 'earthquake' may just be a pronounced financial downturn, sending waves across the globe. 

Wall Street Stock Market Bull

    In addition, in the USA, the full Mars Uranus is the culmination of what was started on January 20 at their conjunction, which reaches its maximum potential. You may remember the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony with heavily armed security that looked like one of the South American Coups of the Sixties and Seventies, even though this was a Constitutionally elected President. Presently, we may hear echos of it from one camp or another, and they may turn up to be explosively loud.

    May Peace be in your heart and all beings be well.
Sat Nam

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