Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Mars Conjunct the Galactic Center

Mars Conjunct the Galactic Center

The center of the Milky Way galaxy, imaged by the Spitzer
Space Telescope's infrared cameras on October 9, 2019.
NASA, JPL-Caltech, Susan Stolovy (SSC/Caltech) et al.

    Today, we've been experiencing a somewhat rare transit because OOB Mars meets the Galactic Center at 27ยบ ♐️. It's rare because  it only occurs every two years and draws to us quite a movement of ageless cosmic energies. 

    It was an eventful day for me after receiving a call from my elderly mother (90). She had a memory regression that took her to the time when she lived with her (long deceased) mother and brothers. She insisted that she had to go back 'home' to her mother because one of her brothers was getting married. There was a lot more to her story because she was utterly confused by all those memories coming to her mind at once pell mell, but that's enough to illustrate what I want to describe now. 

    I looked at her chart and lo and behold, transiting Mars is sitting on the Galactic Center in her 12th house of the past and where everything merges with everything in the timeless unconscious memory. Mars transiting the 12th house can arouse subconscious psychological issues connected to people in the spiritual world, precisely the dead. To confirm, I also checked my and my sister's charts and we both have Mars transiting in hard aspects to the mother significators, the Moon and the ruler of the fourth house. 
    My mother said "my mother told me that all the problems were resolved, that I could go back home now". I reassured her that her mother cared for her even from Heaven. She responded, "maybe I will die soon". We recently celebrated her 90s, and even though in fairly good health, her body is decaying as she ages. 
    The Galactic Center is the pivot around which the Solar system orbits, taking ~240 million years to complete the loop. Scientists, astrophysicists, and astronomers have now concluded that its attractive power comes from the Black Hole at the center, where everything ends and everything begins. 

    The Galactic Center is thus the Infinite Creative Power, the generator of our cosmic neighborhood.
At the same time is the source of eternal electromagnetic power that sustains everything in order and harmony. It radiates an amount of energy impossible for a human being to conceive, or imagine. Yet, human beings receive from it, the life and the genetic information, the electrical current and power to sustain this smart machine that a human entity is. 

    It most probably contains infinity of cosmic memories and 'lifes". From it, we receive downloads from the past into our consciousness. If you pay close attention to subtle energies, you can pick up and identify those pieces of ‘galactic information’. Philip Sedgwick describes it this way:

“The resulting energy squeeze emits a wide array of powerful radiation, most notably infrared (IFR) in this instance. This Infrared energy pressures the subconscious mind, providing the release of learned behavior and memories, both negative and positive, all in the interest of moving forward.
The energetic crowding process pushes out mentally/emotionally stored data to clear space for new information to enter both the conscious and subconscious minds. Often the information released does not follow a sequential pattern. Holes are left in one's data field. Access time to known information and stored memory increases. So periodically, it becomes time to rearrange life’s data and re-pack it.”
    The process can be compared to a computer upgrade, where files are downloaded and stored in order to improve functionality. 

    As it travels around the Galaxy, the Solar System passes through cosmic fields where it has never been before… well at least not in 240 million years! Thank goodness we receive those upgrades to help us go through new and completely unknown energy fields charged with unknown matter and phenomena.
    So, this week, pay attention, tune in to the “Generator”, you may learn things that you’ve never even dreamt about. 

Sat Nam

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  1. Interesting! How long does this alignment last? Thanks

    1. Hi, Mo. I apologize for the long delay in responding, but I just receive notification. It seems that some features do not work as expected on this platform. The Alignment lasted just the time Mars was at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. Do you keep a journal of events related to the transits?


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