Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 20, 2018 - Sun Chiron North Node Grand Trine of Healing

Chiron 28º of Pisces, Sun 28º of Scorpio, North Node of the Moon 28º of Cancer.

This emotional Grand Trine in Water Signs brings a culmination of healing to deep seated psychological or subconscious issues from the past or even from long gone past lives. Take some time during the day to meditate and find out what this harmonious energy brings today into your life. Becoming aware of your psyche is the first step to heal.

Let's break down the meaning.

The SUN has swept through the Sign of Scorpio for a month, enhancing the clarity of Jupiter 's investigation there for a year, since October 2017 to November 2018. Now at the last degree of Scorpio, the Sun is giving us the final report on sex taboos breakthroughs, culmination of sexual issues uncovered by the planet of expansion. We are now fully aware of our newly developed psychic abilities that helped us SEE into the unknown, find hidden secrets, and understand better our intense creative power of transformation. We now know that our penetrating mind and emotions can solve mysteries of power, sex and finances.

CHIRON coming back to the last degrees of Pisces is looking to close the chapter of his Piscean journey of 8 years. Chiron in Pisces believes that life is painful, that making sacrifices is the only way. Where have we sacrificed too much in detriment of our own identity (the Sun)? Have we lost our self authority trying to save something or someone? What was the result? Many of us thought that redeeming the world, the circumstances, another person would give us happiness. Was that true? We were left with this sour feeling of falling short, of not being able to save the other. Perhaps we took a responsibility that weren't ours, therefore we found out that no matter how much we did, we couldn't change the situation, or 'save' the person from his or her fall. We were left frustrated, bruised, or at least disappointed because we thought we were doing the right thing.

However, this Grand Trine of Healing with the Sun and the Lunar North Node now gives us the balm of understanding. It helps us put back together the fragmented pieces of our personality, with the emotional fulfillment that provides the North Node of the Moon in Cancer (see my previous post about what it means according to your Rising Sign). Now, each individual has earned the 'healing' authority of his or her own life by discovering that the personal mission is not to fix broken things outside ourselves, but instead find expansion in the safety and security of our own emotions (in the area where Cancer falls in your personal Birth Chart). There is nothing wrong with us because we made mistakes, we failed, we were broken, we experienced pain and disappointment. We can now find the vitality, creative expression and wholeness by forgiving ourselves and the other, healing, nurturing ourselves, and having compassion for our defects, and for our sense of inadequacy.  Let us reflect on the lesson of the last 8 years and integrate it into our life: we achieve the purpose of our life by doing so. As we grow and maintain our physical body, we also develop our life purpose by absorbing the experiences, positive and negative, processing them and integrating them into our unique individuality.

I feel deeply grateful for the lessons I have assimilated all these years. Together with the decisions I have taken, they have contributed to make me wiser and to learn to love better... unconditionally.
How was it for you?
Find out in an astrological consultation with me; email your request to satsangatyoga@gmail.com.

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