Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year 2019 - Solar Eclipse January 5th

Solar Eclipse 15º Capricorn - January 5, 2019

Mars comes home

The New Year starts with a bang! Mars enters Aries, his own comfortable home, and we hit the ground running in matters of the house where he falls for us. Does Mars set the stage for a feisty and assertive new beginning? We will certainly have found out about that before February 14 when he runs into Uranus before entering Taurus. 

If you remember my post about the Grand Trine of Healing involving Chiron, it is still in active development. Right before the healing is consummated, Mars just had a close conversation with Chiron at the end of Pisces, right before crossing the Warrior's threshold into the Front. There was someone, an event, a situation or just something that made us really sensitive, even vulnerable. Our masculine energy was wounded, or we were inadequately assertive, or passive aggressive, or our sexual wound suddenly showed up for us to realize our inability to make our desires known. Then we may have realized how painful is not getting what we want. Or we may have gotten very hurt by others' aggressive actions and at the same time got afraid of the confrontation. Fortunately, it didn't last long, just enough to show us our deep wound, and get us ready to heal. Remember to use the direction of the North Node in Cancer to help in the healing process. 

Mercury ends his fast journey in Sagittarius

This week, Mercury squares Chiron, bringing up hurtful communication. It's time to be careful with our words, focus on empathy when saying something to someone. The way we convey our message, the time and place, the tone of voice and the subject chosen become crucial. However, even in pain thinking that we are not heard, if we are present with our relationships, we can heal with words. Storytelling, parables, reading a book about similar experiences can be used to heal yourself and others (Astrofix). It will be really hard to say what we want to say. Depending where this falls in your chart, this painful communication or thinking can be related to siblings, short trips and your everyday environment as well. In any case, Mercury helps us this way to become aware of some inadequacy, imbalance so we get ready for the last chapter of our healing.  
Mercury will also trine Uranus on Friday, January 4, giving us a mental jolt, a sudden rush of ideas to realize something related to your Aries and Sagittarius houses. This important revelation supports the eclipse process of letting go. Make sure you are present and your mind is alert and aware, so you can catch the genius moment.

The 'shelf' life of an Eclipse

You may have forgotten about the Great Eclipse in the Summer of 2017. Let me remind you that, according to Ancient Astrology, eclipse effects last for a long long long time, even 18.5 years until the next one in the same Sign Axis. Even though the stronger effect is between 6 months before and after, that Solar Eclipse at 28º Leo, August 21, 2017 is still strong for 2.4 years, a year for every minute it lasted. Every time a planets runs by, or aspects that degree somehow, the energy is reignited.  If you consider how it has affected you, you may observe now the influence of Uranus in Trine to it from 28º Aries (more so if you have any planets or angles at 28º Sagittarius, which will complete the Grand Trine in Fire). Freedom, electrifying events or insights, futuristic ideas, sudden shocks may flow easily into the theme of the eclipse, clarifying and confirming the process initiated by the eclipse in your life. 

Sandwiched midway between Saturn and Capricorn, this New Moon 'interrupted' comes with a punch! It is the preface to the already well talked about Saturn Pluto Jupiter conjunction of 2020. Learning more about it, helps us understand what we are doing here. Look at the house where the eclipse falls for you and consider this: Pluto is dragging his feet through Capricorn since January 2008 until January 2024, destroying and recycling everything he touches, in order to renew and rejuvenate this area of your life and empower you. Behind it, comes Saturn, bringing new structures, organization, boundaries and discipline to regulate that newly acquired power and 'riches'. This eclipse brings events, circumstances and maybe people or thoughts to shed light on that process. We are now better able to understand it, digest it and assimilate it, whether we want it or not. Because, yes, it's been painful! We can certainly agree on that. 
It is a partial eclipse because the South Node is 11º away at 26º Capricorn. We need to take into account that not all eclipses are made equal. One on the South Node is related to the karmic (law of the harvest) past, and is draining or purging some past conditioning or -in Capricorn with Saturn- structure, fear, limitation or way of being that no longer helps us in our evolutionary journey. The South Node always acts as the apana energy, the evacuation process of eliminating unwanted residue -garbage- from our life. Your Capricorn house will let you know what's leaving, so you can focus on improving the Cancer house. All the eclipses for the next 16 months will activate this process. To find out what areas of your life are at work with these eclipses, you can read my recent Cancer Capricorn Nodal Axis post. While you're there, feel free to make comments to share how the energy is manifesting for you personally, and share my post on social media if you feel it can be of help for someone else. 

The Lord rules his home

The eclipse chart has 4 planets in their home sign concurrently. That makes them very happy and comfy. They are now free to work on their own home affairs. Jupiter is happy go lucky in Sagittarius, full of faith, optimism, enthusiasm, going to far away places, dreaming big, learning wide, believing high. His relationship with the New Moon asks for an adjustment of our conflicting desires and dreams, so we can realize them in a constructive way that makes all involved happy. Neptune in Pisces is dreaming his own dream of unity and unconditional love, and maybe about the wellbeing of all beings. Saturn in between them is assessing the resources, the facts, the effort and the probabilities of making all that real. Meanwhile, Mars is fighting to protect his right to be, and to make it happen. 

Venus in a conflictive aspect with Neptune invites us to change the customary course of action in matters of love and relationships. Mercury newly entered in Capricorn, like a journalistic reporter, is learning, thinking and communicating ideas related to the new enlightenment brought by the planetary stellium he's about to meet.  Except that, he squares Mars! The conversations -and our mind- may be heated though. 

My conclusion

Eclipse time is our opportunity to find another way to solve issues that may be deeply traumatic or at least conflictive. Unexpected or unforeseen, out of control situations may trigger the process. We may gain a new understanding of what the process is. For this eclipse, there is a draining of a stale structure, conviction, limitation in an area of life that is begging for transformation, so we can direct our energy to find comfort and wellbeing. It may be something as old as 30 years, when Saturn was in Capricorn last time. It's time to renew, recycle, refresh in this Capricorn house. For more information on how the eclipse affects your personal Birth Chart, feel free to contact me at satsangatyoga@gmail.com. 

Watch the Astronomy of this eclipse in Time and Date Website.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Forget about resolutions, let yourself be surprised by what it brings! It will be enough to flip our lives upside down for sure.

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