Sunday, September 8, 2019

Full Moon in Pisces - September 13-14, 2019

The High Priestess from The Druid Craft Tarot Deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, Illustrated by Will Worthington - Eddison Books Unlimited, used with permission.
She sees the invisible where the polarities merge, and all is one.

Full Moon in Pisces
The Ethereal Lover

Before becoming Full, the Moon meets Neptune in Pisces and drinks his cosmic elixir that alters her senses and allows her to reach into the ethereal realm of the supreme truth. At 17º, Neptune exactly opposes Mars. They are the close companions of this Full Moon, instilling their energy that colors her fullness. The chart is complex and amazingly rich in aspects, so it has to be taken as a whole. Here are the pieces of its puzzle. Find the houses where the planets fall in your personal Chart to understand the areas of life you're working on.

Neptune has the power to alter our psychic states of awareness, transporting us even telepathically to places in the Universe where there is no time, no physical space, no boundaries. Neptune can give us the real 'trip' to higher states of consciousness and show us unseen realities, and the ultimate truth. This Full Moon carries a divine inspiration and spiritual knowledge that illuminates an issue connected to the zodiac house occupied by Pisces. Intuitively, we understand something that was obscure before.  Tonight we have access to other levels of reality that we couldn't see with our eyes.

Mars exactly opposes Neptune, reaching the fullness (Full Mars in respect to Neptune) of his cycle started in December 2018 with their conjunction. Then, Mars had set his aim at a spiritual venture, or may have dreamt of a romantic partner; now, after some challenges, he has a clear vision of the results of his efforts. It's the opportunity to separate dreams (Neptune) from reality (Virgo). He may otherwise be blinded by the clouds of fantasies.

Just a few days before, Mars squared Jupiter, which was a challenge to the beliefs that determined our actions. Therefore, the dark side of the Mars Neptune opposition is that we may be delusional or have unrealistic ideas about the issue, and end up forcefully attempting to 'convince' others of our point of view, or try to 'correct' it physically .

On the positive side, though, the Sun conjuncts Mars in Virgo, lights the fire of passion, drives our actions, makes a practical effort to right the wrongs, to correct errors revealed by the Moon's light. There is something in our identity that wants fixing and redressing. With the mystic discernment from the Infinite Creative Consciousness (Neptune in Pisces) we gain an understanding that goes beyond the physical reality.  Mars opposite Neptune can be the ethereal lover that transcends the tangible plane. We drink of the spiritual elixir necessary to forgive something, someone, or our own shortcomings. And Mars gives us the energy to walk the mile, to make that phone call, to visit that friend or foe, and ask for forgiveness, or effectively solve the problem.

Let's not forget that Mars conjunct the Sun both trine Saturn and Pluto.  This is an amazing planetary relationship to achieve a serious and stable compromise, for a deeply transformative change. Then, any change, resolution, reconciliation, forgiveness, amendment or redress will profoundly transmute and heal a relationship. One can be assured of the long lasting positive results. 

If one has been dealing with a very difficult, seemingly impossible conflict, one can count on this Full Moon being the very creative instrument of renewing a bond. If one is dealing with an intimate relationship, Mars trine Pluto will certainly renew the passionate sexual bond, ardently infused by compassion and unconditional love (Neptune square Jupiter). The energies of this Full Moon can thus make the lovers sexual act transcend the physical and be profoundly spiritual, creating an enduring (Saturn) and unbreakable emotional bond (Pluto). 

The Moon also sextiles Pluto, which intensifies the transformative power of this magical, beautiful, mystical, romantic emotions. The intuition activated by the Neptune Moon conjunction can actually take us to the depths of our psychological issues, helping us understand something important.

Full Moons, like all planetary oppositions, manifest the energy in external elements of our life. The illumination can come from an event, a person, situation, circumstances that reflect to us a completion, bring awareness, or trigger a resolution. The polarity works themes of the zodiac houses occupied by the planetary bodies. This Full Moon activates thus, the houses of Virgo and Pisces, both mutable, one earthy, practical and realistic, the latter watery, idealistic and compassionate. 

From Sagittarius, a sign of wisdom, metaphysical knowledge and spirituality, Jupiter, now direct, opens up his generosity, benevolence, abundant intelligence, and positiveness to inspire us to work for the wellbeing of all, and inject the enthusiastic vigor to our actions.  Basically, the mutable T-square operates a creative process of acceptance, flexible adaptation and integration.

Virgo, as the sign of the organized intellectual work, gives the Sun the discernment ability. It works on a revision of some aspect of our essential character that might have been involved in a relationship with another person. Virgo with its analytical traits, is able to bring about resolution of possible relationship regrets or disappointment. As the Moon receives at the same time, the Sun light, and Neptune's transcendental sensitivity and intuitive, even psychic knowledge, we are able to give the issue a clear closure. By understanding the deeper meanings, we are able to overcome whatever relational issue we're dealing with.

This Full Moon generates then a compassionate impulse that facilitates comprehension, assimilation and forgiveness. This is a very effective Full Moon for the social houses especially, in the 1st - 7th, 4th - 10th, or 5th - 11th axes, to help us resolve long standing conflicts or issues with a sensitive and sensible touch. The Moon makes an applying trine to the Lunar North Node in Cancer, which implies that she is helping us in the direction we should go. For more on this, please visit my previous post "The Urge for Spiritual Development"

Furthermore, considering that Mercury, the Sun's ruler in Virgo, not only is he in Virgo, but in exact conjunction with Venus at 29º degrees. With this placement, there is an urgency to have that sweet talk, to smoothly resolve a dilemma, or an apparently unsolvable struggle between two parties, reconcile two sides of a coin, or build a bridge (Mercury) of love (Venus) over a river of differences. With the Virgo Pisces axis, it may be a matter of accepting and forgiving faults, an imbalance, a shortcoming, feelings of guilt or shame. In the High Priestess Tarot Card with the two columns (black and white in most decks), the visionary woman (symbolized by the Moon on her head) integrates the polarities. That's why it's so important not to give in to the escaping pull of Pisces, but to tap into its healing power of compassion, integration and forgiveness. 

If one is not involved in a close relationship, one may feel transported into fantasy land, or be swept away by spiritual endeavors. However, the best way to use this energy is to find an artistic or creative expression that is tangible, or an activity in contact with water and earth. Writing poetry, dancing, performing, gardening, swimming, hand painting with tempera, sculpting, and kundalini yoga (the spiritual yoga tradition) are some examples. 

Additionally, Venus rules Taurus, where Uranus is. Plus the Moon makes a semi-square (45º) with Uranus. This two factors combined, make for a liberation from outdated values, surprises us seeing things from an innovative angle, better understanding that what is unconventional. We gain a new eccentric, unheard of, and unexpected perspective on our desires, needs and wants.

Mars rules Aries, where Chiron is, which means that Chiron will receive the effects of the Full Moon as well through Mars. As I said before, the Full Moon in Pisces has a healing power, that can sooth the Chironic wound affecting relationships. This in preparation to the important transformational changes that will be in effect when the stellium travels through Libra. To better understand Chiron's role in relationships, I refer you to my previous post on his September Activation. 

Health considerations

One last piece of advice, especially for people who are vulnerable to allergies. The activation of Pisces, is the break of boundaries, and the increase of vulnerabilities of all kinds. It's advisable to strengthen our aura with meditation and pranayama techniques, to prevent the 'invasion of secret enemies'. Those could include entities, germs, substances, and other people's energy. Let's remember that Pisces rules the immune system. The lymphatic system can be working overtime those days.  During the time the Moon travels through Pisces, one can be more susceptible to develop intolerance to fish, with some level of allergic reaction. Intoxication with excessive alcohol ingest or use of intravenous drugs (legal or illegal) is also possible. One can even be more sensitive to the same medicines that has been taking regularly, meaning that a smaller dose may have the same effect. If you have adverse reactions to your regular medicines, this Full Moon could be the cause, but just consult your Doctor. Mine should NOT be considered 'professional medical advice".

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