Monday, September 7, 2020

Virgo New Moon-September 17, 2020 Your New Creative Project

Virgo New Moon
Virgo, the Virgin, separating the wheat from the chaff

The Virgo New Moon happens at 25º♍️00’ on September 17, 2020 at 6 am CDT. It's exactly trine Saturn, but also in almost exact square to the Nodal Axis.

You have a new seed to plant now, but you oscillate and don’t know if you’d use the old and already discredited methods and beliefs of the previous centuries, or apply the new scientific findings and fact information in order to give it the best possibilities for growth and fruit production.

Since the Sun just had an ‘accord’ (trine) with Uranus in the Pisces Full Moon, you got the most advanced and innovative ways of doing things. Your inspiration is in tune with the future. Plus on September 14, your inspiration and vision (Sun) received (trine) the transformational empowerment of Pluto, and you got the appropriate engine to get going. I’d say, find and use the best and most inventive, futuristic, ingenious and clever method to plant your ‘seed’. Aim to the future (North Node in Gemini). Dare to face the scary unknown! There, you can find social interaction, cooperation and teamwork, lots of new data, probably lots of friends, neighbors just around the corner who are readily willing to support your project.

Because, Mercury, the ruler of this Moon and of the North Node, is in Libra, the sign of relationships, mutual exchange, equal give and take, fairness, equanimity. This New Moon talks about relating, building bridges with others in order to smooth over the rough spots in the conversation. This New Moon can be a reconciliatory new beginning. Even though, at first you may not see it that way. Mercury, being in the next sign of Libra, is like the Moon being the head and Mercury the shoulder. The head needs to make the effort, and turn sideways in order to see the shoulder, right? That is exactly what is required, turn sideways to look at things from a different viewpoint, another perspective.

This is even more emphasized because the ruler of Libra, and therefore the dispositor of Mercury here, Venus is on the other next-door Sign of Leo, conjunct Vesta. For this new beginning to take off successfully, we also need to turn the head (thinking) sideways to the other side. Are you dedicated to use your creative expression, or an artistic or performant way of showing up in the world stage? Can you focus and invest your energy in creating joy, happiness and play in order to create this new thing, this new start? Can you tap into your feminine inspiration and refinement with a dose of creative authority? You can use a pinch of romanticism and generosity as well in the mix, maybe including a loving person in your life to support you.

Coming back to Mercury for a moment, he is midway between MakeMake and Haumea.  Haumea is a newly discovered (Dec. 2004) dwarf planet in the farthest side of the Solar System after Neptune. About the size of Pluto, it's not less significant. It was named out of Haumea, the Hawaiian Goddess of fertility and childbirth; “a great creation Goddess and the ancestor of all indigenous Hawaiians who are descendants of the ancient civilization of Mu. Haumea had the power to change her form as her nature was constantly renewing; although she grew old, she was continually transformed into a young woman, representing the cycles of women’s lives.

Haumea, Hawaiian Goddess of Fertility

Each of her children emerged from a different part of her body, symbolizing a profoundly nourishing source of life.

Haumea is thought to inhabit the Makalei tree, a Tree of Life on the island of Oahu, whose mystical branches and deep roots yield infinite amounts of food.”

According to Henry Seltzer, Astrologers have not had enough time to study it in birth charts, but “It might develop that this planetary archetype comes to represent the power of life to triumph over adversity by drawing upon inner reserves of vigor and natural lore, the instinctual urge to survive at any cost. Where she is located in the chart will be a source of inner strength and protean flexibility.”

MakeMake, whose “name refers to the creation God of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui. It’s somewhat smaller than either Pluto or Eris,” with a 306-year orbit around the Sun, and was discovered in 2005.

MakeMake, Creation God of 
Rapa Nui

“As the creation god of Rapa Nui, MakeMake symbolizes a connection with environmental sagacity that is entirely appropriate for the troubled earth times surrounding its discovery. This is because Rapa Nui is known as a society that denuded their isolated island environment entirely of trees before Europeans discovered what became known as Easter Island. The myth involving this creation god includes a form of worship in which a Birdman was selected from tribal elders each year. Claimants would select a representative from the best of the young warriors, who would compete by climbing a large cliff and by swimming to a neighboring islet, a dangerous journey, wearing a headdress designed for the purpose of fetching the first bird egg of the season back with him to finish the race. Once his representative returned victorious, the selected Birdman would meditate in a hut for a year and bring the visions he encountered back to his culture. Taking this segment of ritual practice as an indication of this new planetary energy, we could speculate that the archetype associated with MakeMake involves delving down into the dark interior of the psyche in order to obtain a more passive and feminist form of received wisdom to be merged with the warrior male outer-oriented energy of the ego. This wisdom can only be found in the inner world, a world that is also represented by other astronomically similar bodies at the far edge of the Solar System. Where he is found in charts there can be found also the wisdom of the earth and the capacity for spiritual renewal.” (Henry Seltzer)

How I see Mercury sandwiched between MakeMake and Haumea is an alchemical process in your mind that, in these times of isolation and introspection, digs deep into the psyche and finds a renewed creative power. Once more, and similar to the Pisces Full Moon where the yin and yang energy were looking to rebalance, you will be given a blank page to write in it your project for your future life.

In addition, let’s not forget that Saturn adds his supportive, solid earthy, to give material form to your project. Saturn promises long lasting life, the tangible supplies, a rock-hard foundation, a constant pace of development, the ambition to achieve success. 

size comparison

The only challenge would be to get lost in delusional aspirations of unattainable dreams, the denial of reality and facts, conducive to self-deception that Neptune in Pisces may oppose to this new beginning (Neptune opposite the New Moon). Just beware of smoky promises, flying pigs, and castles in the air that are floating around in abundance these days.

The New Moon also quincunx the aggressive Aries energy of Mars and Eris, both retrograde and Lilith. Bottled anger, hate, and an impulsive fury may undermine your creativity. The best to use the high level of Arian energy is for taking the initiative, and get started with your project. Aries planets are the ignition, Capricorn planets are the stamina and endurance.

This Virgo New Moon chart is absolutely solid (10 points of Earth), very favorable for changes (6 of Cardinal) at the same time that provides a lot of room for adjustment, flexibility and adaptability (8 Mutable). Watch my youtube video on the Virgo New Moon and how it affects you personally according to your Rising Sign. 

I am optimistic! I think that this is a great opportunity for a great start. Since our previous physical reality has been demolished, we have no choice but to create a new one. Don’t you think that’s great!? You can use some Neptunian inspiration to imagine what you want the new reality to look like and plan for it! Here is a video of a man who had a vision into the entire Cosmos and saw the New Era that we are about to create. Francisco C. "Chico" Xavier, was a psychic ahead of his time. Very few people believed in what he had to say then (1910-2002). However, he left about 500 books for the posterity to know about his visions. Many of his predictions have already happened, but the most important is coming, and you and me may be the builders of it. 
You too can envision a world of peace and harmony!
We are the Cosmos. 

  • Time Passages chart, from AstroGraph by Henry Seltzer
  • Haumea and MakeMake by Henry Seltzer
  • NASA In Depth MakeMake and Haumea astronomy. Learn all facts and watch the planets’ rotation and play with their interactive model. Look underneath MakeMake for a cross!
  • Deadline, Chico Xavier

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect you personally to the extent they contact your Natal or Progressed planets and points on your chart.

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