Mercury 4º Capricorn Square Chiron 4º Aries
December 23, 2020
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Credit: Katarzyna Bogdańska |
The previous Mercury Chiron cycle had started in Pisces in 2019, and had the last (waning) quarter square (1º♈️34’), interestingly enough, on December 29, 2019, between the Christmas Solar Eclipse at 4º ♑️ that brought us the catastrophic present of Covid19, and the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. The current Mercury Chiron cycle started on April 15, 2020 at 7º♈️24’, when practically the whole world was in lockdown. Coincidentally, the last (waning) square of Mercury to Chiron happens at 4º Capricorn/Aries, reactivating the Solar Eclipse point of December 2019. These are some of the reasons why I consider Covid19 the ‘messenger’, because Mercury was intimately involved in its introduction. Mercury square Chiron fulfills the reminder’s role, reiterating the message, coinciding with the outbreak of a new virus mutation (UK).
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Hermes (Mercury) Messenger of the Gods |
Mercury square to Chiron, are you listening? Here we are, with lots of people still in denial, unable to recognize and accept the painful ‘message’. Denial is part of the grief process, and it may last days or years, but the corps of our ‘old way of life’ is there in front of our face. You may shame or blame whomever you like, and still we are all, as a collective, responsible and liable for the damage we have done to Mother Earth. We are all directly or indirectly accomplices in the destruction of Nature. By interfering in the natural ecosystems, Nature has become as vulnerable as we are, because we are part of her. Like this, we have become our worst enemy.
Before, Covid19, we didn’t care, now we constantly talk, think, read and write about it. We are children of rigor. When it was just Nature and other species in the brink of extinction, we didn’t care, now that we hurt, we start to understand how our daily, mechanical habits are so important in the grand scheme of things. Throwing trash anywhere, overusing plastic without recycling it, spraying chemicals, polluting the water, land and air, trashing even the space around the Earth, and so much more, was our old ‘normal’. If we don’t change our habits, especially the consumerism, Covid19 won’t be the last virus we will deal with. However, it hasn’t been the first one either, but we weren’t listening carefully to the previous ones. Maybe now, we get the ‘message’.
Now that we are emotionally charged, contrary to the first quarter square when our mind had difficulty thinking in a logical and coherent way to get the whole picture of the issue, with this last quarter square, the entire weight of understanding crashes our ‘reasonable excuses’. The preconceived stubborn ideas fall out fragmented as we start to make sense of what is needed. The painful acceptance inundates the mind with bothering thoughts; hopefully, we’re moved to incorporate new habits. Recognizing our human fragility is instrumental to encourage our spiritual development. Another issue of Chiron in Aries is the struggle of different groups of society for acceptance, and the right to exist and thrive. Covid19 has also open that Pandora box. With Mercury final square to Chiron, we look for alternative healing methods we hadn’t considered before for all those problems.
At a personal level, especially if you've been affected by the December 2019 Solar Eclipse, your mind today will be in overdrive processing your painful perception of being who you are in the world. You may want to isolate, may feel ostracized or fall into depressive moods. Avoid dwelling in dark or gloomy thoughts. Remember that this is a time to love who you are as you are, and make the best you can with what you are and have. We are all striving to survive in a world that we have made inhospitable. Accepting your wound, you can help others heal.
Make an extra effort to choose your thoughts, to consciously redirect your mental objective to create the environment where you can feel safe, comfortable and loved. Even if there is nobody to love you just as you are, love yourself! Look up to the Stars at night and realize that you are made of the same matter they are. Every cell in your body is made of stardust. As Carl Sagan said, "We are the way for the Cosmos to know itself". We are all looking for and probably finding the meaning in our wound.
Sat Nam.
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