Friday, February 26, 2021

Virgo Full Moon - February 27, 2021

Full Moon in Virgo

Virgo - The Maiden

As the Moon Cycle that started at 23º♒️ developed, its collective themes were unveiled. The most notorious in North America was the Storm Uri (which surprisingly sounds like Uranus’ nickname), that, by the way, arrived at the heels of the Saturn Uranus square. Since, obviously, the Aquarius New Moon was governed by Uranus, Uri not only brought unusually cold weather, surprising breaks in electricity supply (Uranus themes), freezing temperatures (a Saturnian theme) but triggered another breakdown of the whole system, starting with the power companies, through the power utility regulatory agency, and going all the way to the top of governmental leadership and legislation. Everything in the way collapsed, as things do when Uranus strikes. The collapse affected transportation, food distribution, utility services, house and community services maintenance, and much much more.

Uranus in Taurus is the rebellion of Nature. Since 2018 with his ingress in Taurus, we have been observing how small imperceptible live entities, like the covid19, or an insignificant 1ºC of climate warming, set off a domino effect of disproportionate consequences. The warnings started with the Saturn Uranus conjunction of 1988, but nobody paid attention, or nobody wanted to accept it, and we continued to live as if the problem didn’t exist. Well, the problem is REAL. You probably cannot NOT see it now.

Another theme related to Uranus is the use of Uranium for both pacific and belligerent purposes. You have probably learned the ‘disputes’ about the subject between Iran and the USA, and the most recent developments about it during the present Aquarius lunar cycle. Not only this cycle, but we are exactly half-way between eclipse seasons, meaning that as the Sun squares the Moon Nodal Axis, it’s a ‘no man’s land’ where the significations of both eclipse seasons merge.

In addition, the Nodes of the Moon are approaching the Planetary Nodes of Uranus, at 12º♐️45 its South Node, and at 15º♊️33’ its North Node! What does it mean in layman’s language? The karmic (action) memory (Moon Nodes) meets the traumatic karma of Humanity (Uranus’ Nodes). Undesirable Uranus traumatic past karma is associated with genocides, cold human cruelty, dehumanization of humans, such as robotization, mechanization, distancing from life bodily fluids and functions, abuse of science, and generalized abstraction of Natural Laws. Of course, desirable future Uranus karma relates to the betterment of civilization through intellectual development, technical and mechanical inventions based on scientific innovation, space exploration, astronomical knowledge expansion, and the wide distribution of knowledge.

Therefore, the Full Moon in Virgo is both the culmination of the present lunar cycle started in Aquarius, but also the completion of the six-month cycle that started with the September 17, 2020 New Moon in Virgo, which, ‘coincidentally!’ squared the Nodes of the Moon. It was a time of changing direction. What did it mean for you personally? How this Full Moon is completing what you started then?

The Axis Pisces Virgo correlates to compassion and service, creativity and discernment, the whole picture encompassing everything and the small details or individual pieces of data. Together, they focus on healing, putting each piece in its place to make sense of a Universal Puzzle. Pisces and Virgo are two extremes of the same subject, making sense of imbalance and chaos, finding faults and cures, discriminating what works and what doesn’t and looking for repairs.

A Virgo Moon, associated with small intestine digestion process, analyses, sifts and separates what is useful and what is waste. You may find yourself sorting out things, issues, data, events, information, messages, accounts. For some, it may mean calculating taxes and preparing a tax report, or balancing your bank accounts. For others, it may mean sorting out your diet, a health treatment, cleaning up the house, or cleansing and disinfecting the fridge.

In the midst of the recent energy crisis in the USA, it was discovered that whereas the supposed purpose of ‘deregulation’ was to lower energy prices for the consumer, the reality shows that consumers have ended up paying ever higher prices. This Virgo Full Moon can find government institutions and leadership now investigating the problems, proposing or finding solutions, fixing the malfunctioning links in the chain, or in the network (after all, the New Moon was in Aquarius). Will something change? Maybe not immediately, nor even before the next crisis, since this discussion has been going on for decades and nothing was done. But Aquarius is also associated with the community, the social collective, which not only suffers the consequences, but with its participation, can also contribute to the solution.

In my video, I said that this Virgo Full Moon talks volumes about health, which it’s another subject very present in the collective. Even though, the number of cases of the original covid19 is decreasing, mutations present a new challenge. Virgo favors the implementation of proven treatments, possibly the production of an ‘edited’ vaccine.

Creativity is also part of this Virgo Full Moon, since the Sun in Pisces projects his conscious light on our unconscious represented by the Moon. For those who know how to connect with your Muses, it is a great opportunity to download ideas from the spiritual world and capture them on paper, clay, or your favorite instrument. Let your voice be heard through an artistic expression!

Enjoy this day!
Sat Nam.

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