Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Transformative Dream of Life - New Moon in Pisces, March 2021

New Moon in Pisces, March 13, 2021

Photo credit Dubai Dance

Pisces, Sign of Integration into ONE.

A New Moon in Pisces with Venus and Neptune initiates a cycle of spiritual merging with the collective unconscious that may come with a sense of loss, dissolution, or ending of a process, situation or circumstances. The conjunction with Neptune and Venus within 3 degrees infuses this New Moon with compassion, unconditional love, spiritual healing powers, and inspires romantic love, artistic expressions, and charitable endeavors. However, beware of delusional ideas or idealization of people and situations.

Imagination works overtime to bring down to reality the results of a profound spiritual experience where everyone and all is integrated into the sense of ONENESS. These days, you often hear ‘we are all in the same boat’. This Moon Cycle doesn’t sit well with the philosophy “I’m fine, screw my neighbor”. On the contrary, it makes people aware of the fact that whatever happens to others affects one, and one’s actions or inaction affect others in exchange.

On the negative side of the spectrum, because Neptune in Pisces ruling the New Moon dissolves boundaries, it can increase addiction urges and prone the individual to overdose, increase the escapist behaviors, isolation feelings or behavior, and a greater affluence of sick people to hospitals due to the exacerbation of germs spread and contagion. 

TimePassages Chart

The 23º of Pisces falls in the Scorpio Decanate, ruled by Pluto in Capricorn (sextile to NM), which makes for a transformative spiritual experience. That degree also falls in the Mars ruled Egyptian Term, indicating the initiatory quality of the transformation. The corresponding Dwad is Capricorn, indicating that the spiritual transformation is about society regulations, written or tacit conventions adopted to achieve communal security.

Even though the Moon Cycle starts in a mutable water sign, the rest of the cycle phases are cardinal in preparation for the next cycle from Aries. The First Quarter Square of the cycle happens at 1º Cancer, on the Spring Equinox March 21, beginning the new tropical year. Cancer is the Sign of caring, nurturing, and the need for caution and safety. The Full Moon, which gives the culmination or full potential of the cycle, will be at 8º Libra, ruled by Venus, the Sign of fairness, equanimity, harmony, social refinement, civilized relationships. On April 4, the Third Quarter Square (waning) comes from 14º Capricorn. Those cardinal Signs ‘lampposts’ mean that this Moon cycle brings important initiatory changes to adjust (Pisces) the collective common good, healing, and creativity. 

23 Degrees of Pisces

This Full Moon is also the precursor and preparation for one of the most important events this year, the Jupiter Neptune conjunction at 23º 58’ Pisces. With a cycle of meetings in this Sign of 166 years, they haven’t joined in Pisces since March 16,1856 (exact at 18º♓︎12’).

At that time in the United States, Seattle Governor Stevens declared a "war of extermination" upon the indigenous peoples. Also, a variety of long-standing tensions and disagreements about American life and politics was the brewing soil for the imminent Secession War. "For nearly a century, the people and politicians of the Northern and Southern states had been clashing over the issues that finally led to war: economic interests, cultural values, the power of the federal government to control the states, and, most importantly, slavery in American society. Due to the white supremacy ideology and a mainly agricultural economy that depended on the labor of enslaved people, the Southern states viewed enslavement as essential to their very survival." (Thoughtco)

Elsewhere in the world, France and England were fighting the second Opium War in China called the Arrow War. “China had previously attempted to suppress the illegal opium trade, which had led to widespread addiction in China and was causing serious social and economic disruption there. British traders were the primary source of the drug in China. The Arrow War was the result of the desire of Great Britain and France to win additional commercial privileges in China, including the legalization of the opium trade, as well as to gain more legal and territorial concessions in China.” (Britannica)

Photo credit aceitecsb.com

Looking back, there seems to be theme correlations, i.e. trade with and from China; opioid epidemic in the USA; freedom rights; resurgence of white supremacy sentiment; social polarizations that may be brewing war conflicts.

Other themes associated with the Jupiter Neptune conjunction are global spread of pathogens, dissolution of cultural and identity barriers, space travel, legalization of addictive substances, and gas explosions.

New Moon Sextile to Pluto

Pluto contributes his transformative power to the spiritual process. Pluto clears the way to awakening to higher levels of reality by decluttering the ground, getting rid of material forms, and attachments (sometimes codependency). Later he brings back the alchemized tangible elements to re-form and re-build the new reality. One can count on this New Moon to penetrate deeply into both, our psyche and spirit to rise them up from death.

Semisextile to Eris in Aries

As the consciousness (Sun) unites with the unconscious psyche (Moon), in awkward 30º angular relationship with the Goddess of Discord, Eris, this New Moon stirs a strong emotional indignation in the face of the unrecognized rights of those who have been relegated, ignored, rejected, and abandoned by the mainstream society. An emotional urge is born at this New Moon, an emergent need from the depths of the collective unconsciousness, for transformation (Pluto) at the systemic structural level of society (in Capricorn), of those subjacent conditionings that exclude the one that appears to be ‘different’ for any whimsical reason.

Golden Apple of Discord by Jacob Jordaens

The Goddess Eris was not invited to the feast of the Gods because she was too ugly. This social attitude over a long period cannot but incite resentment, rancor, hostility and even vindictiveness among those who are rejected. Eris comes to the Banquet of the Gods with her golden apple and throws it on the table saying ‘to the fairest’. Those very words were the ones that spur the competition among the other Goddesses to the point of originating the bloodiest Greek war in Ancient History, the Trojan War. As you can see, social exclusion can only generate hostility and discord, even destruction, never peace and prosperity.


This New Moon stirs deep seated strong feelings of resentment long held back, and still difficult to express them without excess or fear. Repressed fear and anger can immobilize you or frustrate you. Behaving assertively or fighting for what you think you deserve creates an inner turmoil that makes you sick to the stomach, because you perceive that the result will probably be contrary to what you want, perhaps disapproval or retaliation. On the other hand, the bottled-up anger can erupt too fast and uncontrollably, making you do things that you immediately regret.

The best way to use this energy during this entire Moon Cycle is to plan ahead. If you participate in a group or organization that advocates for civil rights or for the rights of a certain ‘minority’, make sure you develop a strategy, that advisors are available, that all movements are well thought and prescribed ahead of time. This rebellious energy requires to develop and display strength to stand the ground and courage to act constructively for peace and harmony. If you suffer an injustice in your personal life, take this time to reflect in meditation, and find the best solution for the benefit of everyone involved. After all, it’s a New Start in Pisces, the Sign of everyone and everything, where one merges with Human Kind and with the Cosmos.

Chiron conjunct Ceres in Aries opposite MakeMake in Libra 

MakeMake, Rapa Nui Creation Bird God

 Chiron in Aries is another archetype that doesn’t fit in the box of social expectations. Half horse, half human, but not even a Centaur, rejected and abandoned by his own parents, the two beings that should have loved and protected him, Chiron is often the story of many human beings. Chiron in Aries claims his right to exist, as different as he might be. Uniting forces with Ceres, they claim their right to receive nurturance, to be taken care of, truly loved and accepted unconditionally and a as whole, not as half-and-halfs. They are entitled like everybody else to their self-determination, autonomy and freedom. 

Exactly opposite at 7º in Libra, MakeMake acts as a mirror reflecting their quest for wisdom, after risking their lives. MakeMake represents the quest and fight for survival. In the Birdman myth, the Tangata Manu has fetched the precious promise of life by dangerously risking his life in order to catch the first egg of the season (Spring). The egg symbolizes the 'seed' of a New Beginning and of Life itself. They call it the "mana", referring to the sacred power, and MakeMake, the Creator himself. That's why the Clan's chief, (hopu) was considered the "incarnated God", giver of new life and he had to spend ‘one year in isolation’ as a spiritual 'egg incubation' path. 

MakeMake is the Creation God of the Rapa Nui civilization of the Easter Island. According to Henry Seltzer, “We could speculate that the archetype associated with MakeMake involves delving down into the dark interior of the psyche in order to obtain a more passive and feminist form of received wisdom to be merged with the warrior male outer-oriented energy of the ego.” In Libra, MakeMake looks up for the wisdom of equanimity, fairness, equal rights and equal give and take in the social contract. 

 A Human Being is first and foremost a Spiritual Being. He has ‘fallen down’ to Earth to make this physical experience where the Soul can know itself. As Carl Sagan said, "We are the way for the Cosmos to know itself".


Wikipedia, Tangata Manu, Myth of the Rapa Nui
David Attenborough, The Lost Gods of Easter Island: BBC Video Documentary
Henry Seltzer, Eris, Haumea and MakeMake Astrology Youtube Video
Henry Seltzer, The Tenth Planet, Revelations from the Astrological Eris, book.
Steve Forrest, Eris, book.
Daniel Fiverson, Eris, book.

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To order your personal astrological reading or energy healing, please email me pukavypora@gmail.com

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