Friday, October 22, 2021

Daily Transits - October 22, 2021

Surge of Power Struggles
Scorpio Season


    You know that is not a regular Scorpio season when, at the time of Sun's ingress in the Sign, its traditional ruler Mars square its modern ruler Pluto. More so because of the T-square with Eris. It promises to be a month of power struggles, intense tenacity in action to obtain goals, successful breakthroughs, and revelations of some shadowy truths. With Mars in Libra, clashing with the Lord of the Underworld, you can be sure that many relationships will wither. At least some aspects of them will be left behind and the relationship will know a new kind of life. 

    "Astronomy informs the Astrology" says Daniel Fiverson in his youtube video "Eris in Your Chart". Eris is known for being comfortable at home in Aries, her brother's house, since she spends 20% of her 550-year orbit there, for about 120 years. This means that every person now living on Earth has Eris in Aries. Another factor is that she is very 'reflective' of the light shed on her, in Fiverson's words. This gives an additional incidence to the opposition with a combust Mars in Libra, mirroring his frustration, passive aggression or plain bottled-up anger. 

     Mars square Pluto is not for the fickle or fainthearted. People with this aspect in their charts lead their life with powerful actions, and tenacious determination through against all odds. Nothing frightens them. They have the vitality and the command to create amazing personal life transmutations. 

Parizad in the Gym, used with permission

     I founded fascinating when Parizad shared her Facebook video and pictures just as the Mars-Eris-Pluto T-square formed in the sky, resonating with the same configuration in her natal chart. Her body work very well represents the energy of this t-square. She uses her feminine stamina (Eris) and her iron determination (Pluto) to build muscle (Mars). This is not the only way to use this energy, it's her choice, but in any case, it's very symbolic of the women's empowerment, and of a personal regeneration. Women are taking their power back in diverse ways since Eris entered Aries around 90 years ago. 

     At the mundane level, I heard news yesterday in the Marketplace radio program about people reclaiming their power in the workplace. It's called the Great Resignation, whereby 3 million people in USA have quit their jobs and reoriented their career, taking the power back in their lives. If you were one of them, you know how your values changed due to the pandemic. If not, you could listen to that episode to learn the reasons why some people could NOT get back to their jobs, feeling sick of it.  

    Enjoy this sky configuration and spend the Scorpio season claiming back your power, in whatever area of your life you have been given it away. Use the t-square energy to tackle the most difficult issue in your life and you will certainly succeed at it. Just be prepared for blockages on October 29 when the Sun square Saturn in Aquarius, and surprises on November 4 when the Sun opposes Uranus in Taurus. Blessings!

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