Saturday, October 23, 2021

Taurus-Scorpio Lunar Nodes - January 4, 2022- July 6, 2023

 Seeking the Simple Pleasures of Life

Venus in Taurus, unknown author

    With the Lunar Nodes approaching the cusp between Gemini and Taurus (North) and Sagittarius to Scorpio (South), the upcoming Eclipse season will already give us a glimpse into the changing themes. You will have an illumination on them as soon as the next month's Partial Lunar Eclipse.

The start of the Scorpio season October 22, 2021 already kicks off the themes. Secrets and shadowy issues are already coming to light all over the world, especially related to those who have held unbridled power over the head of the most vulnerable. As Mercury start to move forward the Pandora papers are being scrutinized, Facebook and other social media giants have to recognize their shameless 'sins' ventilated while Mercury was retrograde. The writer has noticed that, after Facebook outage, some 'dead' have 'resuscitated' in her newsfeed. People who were previously blocked or had mysteriously disappeared, have come back to life!

The axis of Taurus Scorpio is the polarity of value and power, which manifest as energy exchange through resources, and through the natural processes of life, like death, transformation, regeneration, and rebirth. Their common topics are assets, security, stability, control, sex, the uses of the senses, and morality. Taurus corresponds to the lush of Spring when Nature recovers new life. Scorpio, just the opposite, corresponds to the time of the year after the harvest when that which had grown withers and decays to nourish the next crop. 

Because the South Node in Scorpio excretes what has been outgrown, and everything that has reached its expiration date, you can expect to leave behind certain scorpionic subjects in that zodiac house. Generally, a crisis occurs that uncovers your best kept hidden fears, and emotional insecurities. The sense of danger and vulnerability may have caused you to be dishonest, or to hold suspicion, jealousy, or codependent relationships that have disempowered you. When you're scared or at risk of some threat, you look for protection, to be cared for and often you trust the wrong people or a panacea. In this case, you may have been susceptible to treason, betrail, deception. Eventually, with this Scorpio South Node transit you become aware of who or what your enemies are. You face the severe consequences of losing your independence and of compromising your values. You understand the toll you were paying for trusting your safety on something else, or for your loyalty to someone else. 

The simple pleasures of life

    Like a volcano eruption, any imbalance on the axis of managing energy, values and resources could now bring about severe damage to your life. This approximately eighteen-month period will give you the opportunity to rebalance the equation. With the Taurus North Node, you're offered the opportunities to embrace self reliance, and to assume your personal responsibility for your own material security. Instead of leaning on someone else's bank account, resources and values for your needs, you now may be forced to or want to take the reins of your survival by earning your own income, and gathering your 'bear necessities' yourself. You come to realize how life takes care of itself, that Nature is abundant and generous at protecting you. Especially because Uranus is in Taurus the entire period, you will discover solutions in sudden and unpredicted flashes of intelligence. It's important to pay attention to the wise rhythms of Nature to learn how to flow with them, but also how to take advantage of the Uranian innovations. You will simplify your life and feel satisfied with less. In the end, you learn that you can trust the abundance and perfect harmony of life and Nature's processes. 

The rhythms of Nature

    For the next year and a half, you will revise your value system and feel empowered in the process. You will have a good understanding of the implications of sharing resources with another, and how you've become more vulnerable. You will learn about the power of your own energy, even of your sexuality. You will develop a sounder financial strategy to earn, retain and protect your property and money. You will learn to provide for yourself, become autonomous, and give yourself the needed material and emotional security. Managing your own sources of energy with new priorities will be liberating. This will give you great satisfaction realizing that now your life is in your own hands. Then, you will be able to easily enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

Mundane Implications

    Due to the Covid Pandemic, the world has seen an unprecedented spending. Not only the Healthcare Systems have been squeezed to the maximum, but all countries have faced financial problems of all kinds. Government spending has gone through the roof trying to protect the most vulnerable populations severely affected by it. From unemployment protection to housing assistance, people has leaned on the Government to save them from diverse dangers including literal death. The South Node in Scorpio and the accompanying eclipses will reveal the excess to have reached dangerous extremes. Governments will struggle trying to balance the books, and the consequences will be dire. We will experience rampant inflation, worse than we've ever seen. In fact, the entire economic and financial system may literally collapse under the weight of impossible debts. Banks as we know them will no longer exist because their current system is unsustainable. 

The North Node in Taurus will bring different innovative currencies that will become normal. Power will be measured by the availability of resources, especially the access to energy and water.  According to ourworldindata dot org, "13% of the world did not have access to electricity in 2016". However, traditional sources of energy are under stress and people struggle now to afford it even in the developed countries. Shortage of energy has multiple implications as you can imagine, from personal to national and international, since our modern life is completely dependent on it. 

Clean water is another basic commodity that has become less accessible due to excessive pollution. Even the potable water is not so clean anymore, and people also struggle trying to purify it enough to be able to drink it without harm. However, even though flooding will be more common, frequent and severe, especially next year with Jupiter and Neptune together in Pisces, other places suffer a severe drought at the same time. Just look at this map of the US to visually appreciate one third of the country under drought conditions, severe in the dark red zone. Last time Uranus was in Taurus in the 30s, the period is remembered as the Dust Bowl. Since Uranus will remain in Taurus for almost four more years, we can count on the worsening of the drought that may result in similar conditions.

Generally, all "bear necessities" of life are on the line, with Uranus in Taurus for 7 years. It reminds of the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. The lack of energy, and a more expensive oil among other factors, will result in transportation problems, which in turns means distribution troubles. Since Pluto, ruler of Scorpio South Node, demolishes all structures of the establishment (Capricorn), and he is in charge of the riches of the earth, we can count on his transforming the way resources and goods are shared, including the sources of energy coming from inside the Earth. More and more people may choose to go back to work the land in a sustainable way to ensure their own survival instead of trusting the distribution chain. 

Political matters, especially the dirty laundry of politics, politicians, and the big powers that be will start to be hanged out in the open, even as the Scorpio season starts, October 22, 2021. Already with the Scorpio New Moon opposite Uranus, which will open the Eclipse Season with the first eclipse in Taurus, huge filthy secrets will surprise and outrage honest people. The jaws of Hades will open like a Pandora box, and all hideous crimes will see the light of day. Expect stunning revelations of the worst kind. Scorpio can be a very dark hole at times. It represents the matter that has gone through  decomposition, and exudes such a pungent and offensive smell, that we are forced to let it go. 

For the USA, the Nodal Axis will transit the 12th (Scorpio) and the 6th (Taurus) houses. In addition, within this axis season, the country will experience its Pluto Return. At that time, both Scorpio rulers and the ruler of Taurus, Venus, will be conjunct in Capricorn, its second house of the economy, the Treasury and country resources (including the energy sources). As extensively described in my video series of USA Pluto Return, 2022 will be the most important year for the USA since its foundation. 

Let us prepare for another step in our soul evolution. Let us be open to experience the lessons Scorpio and Taurus have in store for us. We will certainly come out stronger on the other side of this period. May all beings be well. 

Sat Nam. 

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  1. I hope it is not as extreme as sag Gemini but it is scorpio

    1. Well, Scorpio is well known for being intense, and I think it will prove it again this time.


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