Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Daily Transits - November 18, 2021

 Leading to the Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Credit: NASA/Bill Dunford

        During the Gibbous Moon, the Sun squared Jupiter and sextile Pluto, Mercury and Mars opposed Uranus, and Mercury trined Neptune. They've played the in crescendo triumphal overture music in the concert of the Partial Taurus Lunar Eclipse, the longest eclipse since February 18, 1440.

You've ridden on the waves of expansion to empowerment to sudden understandings, and after an outburst of rage, the sweet words of a possible apology. Definitely, you've probably had a week to remember. Not only that, but lovely Venus is way out of bounds, making you go overboard in your relationships, spending, and your desires. However, the Sign of Capricorn asks her for a good dose of sobriety, modesty and caution. It's not sure how this push and pull will work out, but one thing is certain, you will come back over any Venusian issues you encounter now because she is also travelling the 'shadow' (segment of degrees from 11º to 26º♑️) of her retrograde trip. 

Because the last conjunction the Moon makes before the eclipse is with Uranus, you can count on the surprises, unexpected events and eccentricities. On the other hand, this eclipse could also feel liberating though.

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