Sunday, November 14, 2021

Daily Transits - Venus Square Chiron & Moon

Venus Square Chiron

The Venus Chiron cycle started on March 28, 2021 with the Libra Full Moon. Chiron was sandwiched between Sun and Venus at 8º. They started a healing period through a painful event that took us to a higher level of consciousness. One has been able to start healing one's sense of self (Aries). This implied having to face your most intimate feelings of not being ‘enough’, of vulnerability, inadequacy, rejection, abandonment, dissatisfaction, unacceptability, etc. that you charge against yourself. Both the Sun and Moon highlighted the deepest wounds of your soul so you could acknowledge them, take responsibility for them and decide to heal. The light of the Sun, Venus and Chiron shining over the Moon’s surface at the time of the Full Moon reflected this loving self-healing, and injected compassion, harmony, goodwill, fairness and equanimity onto your psyche and emotional body. The whole process started through and ended affecting all relationships, but also taught you a new way to relate to yourself and others.

As Jeremy Neals, Astrologer, says "True love cannot be made without Chiron".

Love in human life is as necessary as food and water. Babies cannot survive without it. Adults only survive without it. Whether we have a partner or family to love, Love is an essential part of human life. If alone, you have to learn how to provide it for yourself. If in relationships, we have to learn have to give it and receive it.

The wound that Chiron represents in your Natal Chart shows you the place where we most need TLC. For example, if it falls in the first house, your challenge is to learn how to love yourself, imperfections, shortcomings and all. If it falls in the seventh, your challenge is to learn how to choose an appropriate partner, or relate to another human being in a balanced way. When we relate to others, all areas of life are involved, especially the ones that hurt. Soon enough, do you realize that they need to be included as well.

The vulnerable areas -Chiron transiting Aries, are the hardest to manage in a relationship. Because we don't know how to heal, at first, we project the wound onto the partner, and they do the same onto us. We try to heal or fix each other. Venus visiting your natal Chiron -or the transiting Chiron in this case, is a balsamic relief. It helps us sooth the rawness of the wound, care for it, treat it with compassion, understanding, patience. Even though, Venus is not the unconditional love Neptune can give us, we can get a glimpse of what true love may be.

Venus can show us, though, that we all hurt for a valid reason, consciously or unconsciously. We all are broken one way or another, and paradoxically, still whole. When we remember this with compassion, we can then establish a harmonious and balanced love exchange, where both parties receive what they need. However, the whole process only starts within ourselves, when we understand that we are lovable in spite of our faults, when we look in the mirror and say to ourselves 'I love you' sincerely, with all our own heart. Then, we are ready to love the 'other'.

Venus Last Quarter Square to Chiron represents the crisis in consciousness of the cycle, the time when you accept and assimilate the lessons learned. Venus in Capricorn could represent the realization that you prefer a more committed, mature, stable, secure relationship. It may also mean that you expect integrity in words and deeds. 

The first quarter square with Venus in Cancer happened early June 2021. That could have brought a very painful experience of loss, a traumatic separation, divorce, that has left you feeling abandoned, rejected, and 'not good enough'. Usually, this tense aspect hurts your self-esteem as well. 

However, both squares can bring unbearable pain for the loss of something or someone you hold dear. In the end, Venus transits demand that you change your values. Generally, through a heartbreak, you are more than ready to do that, because the pain is impossible to suffer. You are more than willing to let go of it.

May Venus bring also the balm of peace and harmony that comforts your heart. 

Blessings, Sat Nam.

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