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Ouroboros by Lucas Jennis, 1625 Rahu and Ketu are the two parts of the dragon representing eternity. |
The Lunar Nodes will ingress the Aries Libra axis on July 17, 2023 (True Nodes). This implies a shift in energy focus. Even though the rulers are still Venus and Mars, they switch roles. Mars rules now the North Node in Aries, Venus the South Node in Libra. However their energy is different in these Signs of the Zodiac. If in Taurus, the focus is material reality, in Libra, it is about the valorization and meaning of it. For example, in Taurus the art is expressed in crafts, manual creations using raw materials, usually for a practical purpose. Whereas Libra's creativity is expressed in the refinement of more developed art forms, like abstractions that convey a meaning. For example, Libra artists use technology and elaborated materials, like a canvas and processed oil colors for painting. Since Libra is an Air Sign, Venus expresses her abstract energetic octave, that manifests in relationships, and the value of things.
It is important to consider the presence of Chiron in Aries when analysing the North Node transiting this Sign. Last time the North Node moved to Aries in 1967, Chiron was at 29º Piscis. When Chiron entered Aries on April 1st, 1968, the North Node was already at 18º Aries. In USA, the Civil Rights Movement reflected the struggle for existence and recognition of one's identity. With Chiron in Pisces, identity is dissolved and the individual feels abandoned, he or she is not being accepted as a separate entity. Moreover makes part of the whole of Life and Creation and may be merged with the whole collective and forgotten. Since Aries is the Sign of the Birth (identity) or entrance into life in the world, Chiron in Aries represents the suffering and vulnerability of not finding one's place in it, usually because of one's appearance or the way one presents or projects oneself out. Even deeper goes the feeling that one doesn't belong in the world. Thus, the skin color, or the way one identifies clashes with others' expectations (Libra) and a negotiation is needed to rebalance the polarity.
Now, on the opposite side, the South Node in Libra will play with Haumea, Ceres and Makemake along the way. The conjunction of the South Node with Haumea on July 28, 2023 @ 28º♎️59' in absolutely perfect square to Pluto at 28º♑️59!!! This is also the degree of the Venus Star Point on October 22, 2022. The South Node Haumea conjunction also opposes, therefore re-activates, the previous Aries Solar Eclipse @ 29º ♈️ of April 19, 2023. Notice the T-Square SE-Pluto-Haumea! These are critical times for the regeneration of Nature on Earth. It may indicate cataclysmic events that destroy not only existing life on Earth but its capacity for recuperation and renewal. Meanwhile, make sure you do all in your power to preserve and protect with love your little corner in this world.
Another superduper event will take place on September 4, 2023, when the South Node conjoins Ceres and the North Node joins Eris, both at the same time exactly at 25º Aries Libra. If they sell tickets for this one, please save me a seat. I'm sure it will not pass unnoticed. Remember that Ceres was one of the five planets involved in the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. That day, Ceres -which represents the abundance of the Earth, especially of the resources that sustain life- has been overpowered and put under the dominion of corporate (Capricorn) power structures. Now, with the South Node, Ceres may represent significant losses of those life-sustaining resources, or otherwise having to go back to ancient ways and methods of producing them. As a corollary, the North Node stimulates Eris, the Woman Warrior who fights for her right to exist, belong and be recognized.
Of course, the key points of the Aries Libra Nodal Axis transit are the eclipses.
List of Eclipses in the Aries Libra Axis:
Annular Total SOLAR Eclipse, April 20, 2023 @ 29º♈️ 50' North Node ♉️; quintile with Mars in ♋️
Annular SOLAR Eclipse October 14, 2023 @ 21º♎️ 08' South Node ♎️; semi square Venus in ♍️.
Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse March 25, 2024 @ 5º♎️ 07' South Node ♎️; both Venus & Mars in ♓️.
Total SOLAR Eclipse April 8, 2024 @ 19º♈️ 24'; North Node, stellium in ♈️, Mars in ♓️.
Annular SOLAR Eclipse October 2, 2024 @10º♎️ 04'; South Node, conj MakeMake; square Mars in ♋️
The Ingress Chart
The North Node in Aries
Then, the North Node in Aries indicates the direction Humanity is going this time around, and will have to play with Chiron, but not only, because Eris is also planted at 25º. Eris fights for the disenfranchised of society to be accepted, recognized as significant players in society.
Generally speaking, not only the North Node in Aries has Humanity thrive for life and its existence, but also to recognize all human identities as human. It is a call to finding one's place in the world, the right to be 'born' and to have an autonomous life. It implies asserting one's identity without apologies or compleasance. Like a baby, Aries is bluntly honest and direct, simple and primal, doesn't know yet of conventions or compromises.
The Aries North Node will stimulate initiative, individuality, freedom to be and occupy a space, to become an individual in their own right, and to have independence, with all that this implies for society. The multiple threats to human existence due to environmental changes will shift the population distribution on the surface of the planet, be the source for mass migrations and geopolitical conflicts.
By extension of the symbolism, people feel the urgency to focus on survival due to the critical scarcity of resources that sustain life. They will have the courage to invest their own energy and drive to explore and invent new ways of living, to develop pioneering business, or engage in any personal enterprise. We will see the first, the fastest, and the winners in many endeavors including sports and other physical activities because there will be a great focus on conquering objectives.
Aries is the Sign of the warrior, so unfortunately more countries may be involved in wars and destruction because of broken conventions, treaties, and agreements (South Node in Libra). The countries will not seek people's approval to engage in war, and attacks could be swift and speedy, decided on a blind impulse. Many people will have the desire to become soldiers and fight for their countries. Other will find a good cause to fight for, like freedom, justice, and the recognition of the basic rights of existence.
At a more personal level, some will assert their uniqueness, others may become more egocentric and selfish, and yet others could engage in risky behavior. Ruled by Mars, all actions in the zodiac house occupied by Aries are direct, impulsive, often rush and inconsiderate. With the Mars motto 'Act first and think later', many will start projects without knowing if they have the proper resources to complete it.
With Mars in Virgo at the Nodes ingress in Aries, the energy is used to make practical plans with an analytical mind. The assertiveness or aggression of Mars shows in communications, and business. Mars in Virgo is able to tackle more than one task at the same time and do them quickly and precisely. Easily irritable when disturbed, it could make someone's blood boil in an instant, but the rage doesn't last too long. Giving some time to the situation, things could be more manageable.
Because Mars in Virgo is opposed by Saturn, people will feel very frustrated, and aggression may not reach far. All manifestations of violence, either in the street or in the war, will be met with strong blocks and contention on the part of authorities, rules and regulations. Governments will probably agree to remove or control violence displays in the news and social media.
The exaggeration of the Aries energy by the North Node could negatively manifest itself in great irritability, anger, even rage and ensue in bullying behavior. This is due to the fear of extinction. People could feel on edge for survival, thus seeing enemies everywhere, feeling the need to fight for justice, or to protect the disenfranchised. Antagonism and heated debates even infuriated disputes could end up in severe aggression. However, it won't be easy to express them due to the Saturn opposition.
At the mundane level, countries feeling threatened by the slightest opposing argument will show the 'muscle', obsessing with strengthening their military forces and building up their arsenals, and even using them if the dispute escalates. Their main concern will be 'defending' territory, land property and country's frontiers. As a consequence the country's leadership may strengthen and exercise more power than assigned as a representative, thus resulting in overreaching authoritarian force.
The South Node in Libra
The Nodes work in synchronicity by pulling in opposite directions. The South Node in Libra reflects the great dissatisfaction with agreements and with the way relationships work. Due to an increase in selfishness and a 'me first' approach, there is a tendency to detach from and walk away from compromises adopting attitude that disrupt the peace. This creates situations of discomfort that, in turn, pave the way for arguments and conflict.
The Sign of the Scales, Libra is the place where relationships are weighed to test if they are in balance. Failure to be equitable, personal, business, and even countries partnerships cannot survive. On the contrary, they will certainly break, again, due to the North Node pull towards independence and search for individual satisfaction disregarding the needs of 'the other'.
Peace will be very hard to find if not in complete isolation. Fairness, balance, harmony, and justice will lie on the table of the discord. Especially when the North Node joins Eris in Aries. Many alliances, mariages and treaties will be broken if the parties are not able to reach an equitable compromise because pleasing the other is not in the agenda. Legal issues will have to be reconsidered and purged of dishonesty. International diplomacy will increasingly suffer due to uncompromising positions.
If the Aries end of the rope prevails, all Libra symbols suffer. For example, if people focus on fighting, they are less likely to obey the law (Libra) and don't have time or the disposition for artistic expression, love, relaxation, and comfort. Too much individualism isolates people, making collaboration more difficult when is most necessary. As a result, the South Node indicates the need for a change of values, moral as well as material, in order to appease the urge for aggression.
At the time of the Nodal ingress in Aries Libra, Venus is almost stopped in Leo, preparing to station retrograde. There, she spends about four months total. During that time, Venus is extra strong, helping us review our values, desires, and the terms of our agreements at all levels, personal, social, political, international. Is the relationship fair? Are we equitable? There will be a greater tendency to voice and stand up for one's own desires and rights, instead of conceding or giving out too much.
As the karmic Nodes pull in different directions, people are called to use the positive Libra traits of validation, intercession, peacemaking and maybe legal procedures in order to balance the opposing energies. Also, the ability to assert one's own needs, and making commitments to create appropriate partnerships, helps people to join the midway between the two extremes, and achieve a mutual and fair benefit in the exchange. Try to avoid ambiguous attitudes, escapism and people pleasing as well as selfishness and egocentrism since this approach destroys the balance. The best way to navigate this period is to practice equanimity. Consider that one cannot survive in isolation, that we need each other to collaborate, and share resources.
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