Saturday, December 28, 2019

The January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction - Part IV

Multiple Conjunction in Capricorn  
January 12, 2020

Mine is an attempt to read this historical Conjunction chart as the Birth of a New Era for the World. The series starts HERE. I will explain the meaning of each Zodiac House using some of the methods I use to read any Birth Chart. This way, the reader will also have a sense of how I work. This is a series of posts revealing the meanings through the houses rulership. Since I analyse the natural zodiac, which starts with Aries, this applies to all signs. You just correlate my description to the zodiac house where each sign falls, i.e. if Capricorn falls in your 7th house, then those energies apply to your personal relationships, if in the 4th house, to your emotional roots, home and family life, etc.
I also recommend reading the shadow side of the present Capricorn energy for each sign here.

Fifth House ruler, the Sun, in the 10th house
Greta Thunberg

The Sun, ruler of the fifth house, is conjunct Saturn Pluto Mercury and Ceres in the 10th house. Original creative political ideas will be used by government institutions in order to succeed at leading people their way, to earn their support or vote. Authority figures will probably use manipulative tactics and propaganda to incite fear in the population. 
At the same time, children will use, themselves (5th house), their creative originality to influence (10th house) politics to protect the Earth (Ceres). Children may organize themselves to contribute to the public interest. Especially teenagers can take leadership roles and prominence in the public eye in creative ways. 
People in prominent executive or influential positions will successfully use confidence, a high level of authority, and take the risks necessary to dominate society covertly or by fear. This may create authoritarian governments that intend to make order, control, organization, and ensuring security, their priorities.  
They will successfully use their public speaking abilities (Mercury) and other natural abilities (Sun and 5th house) to earn greater visibility (10th house) and powerfully impact (Saturn Pluto) the masses. Both, government officials and youth may act in secret, use manipulation and concealed strategies in their undertakings. 

The Moon in Leo in the fifth house quincunx Neptune in Pisces. The Moon represents also the people, the public en general, who is passionately looking for happiness (Leo) and being able to express their profound being, and dramatically make known what they need to be contented. The challenge Neptune presents is that of falling into fantasy, imagining things, or being tricked into believing that the 'elephants fly'. The danger here is believing that the state, the establishment, the government can provide all we need to enjoy life, when in reality, this aspect requires an adjustment. People are now called to create their own happiness by becoming self-sufficient. 

Mercury, ruler of the 6th house, in the 10th. 

Regarding Mercury's placement, I refer you back to the third house in Part III. In addition, the area of healthy living, work and services gets a more complicated twist because Mercury in the 10th house is overpowered by Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, and no less by the Sun that makes all of them invisible. Mercury, since he is neutral, always infuses himself with the surrounding planetary energy. For this reason, people can expect that governmental institutions have a strong grip on controlling healthcare, daily living, and workplaces. Moreover, governments may implement restrictive regulations, use propaganda (not that people haven't seen it lately), manipulations, and generate new laws that heavily thwart medical professionals' work, the pharmaceutical industry, public health, and other social and human services.

Even pet ownership and management can be regulated, restricted, and controlled. 

Mercury is applying to a quintile with Chiron in Aries as well. To me, Chiron is the new ruler of Virgo, it has to do with wounding and healing. This aspect with Mercury in Capricorn supports the tendency of people to create order, separate things or people by categories, use dividing structures, repeating patterns, aim to perfection, and make new service organizations, all of which is oriented to improve social, healthcare, and human services. Government institutions are aware of the problems in those areas and will work to create solutions.

Venus, ruler of the 7th house, in the 11th house

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and traditionally by Saturn. Our one-on-one relationships can have an innovative style based more on friendship than on physical attraction, allowing individuals more freedom and less commitment. We may look for partners online, something that's already in place but can expand its scope, for example maintaining a long term relationship at a distance. With the 3D projections possible through the 5G technology, we may interact virtually-physically with the partner as if he or she were present in the body. Yikes! I know of people, especially the older generations, who will certainly resist the idea. In any case, with the rulership in Aquarius, there will be more possibility to match with a foreigner or a very different person, for the reasons discussed in the first house (Part II). 

Commitments and partnership contracts may be done and undone surprisingly and unexpectedly, and will certainly be based on the perception of value, since Uranus, Aquarius ruler, is in Taurus. Again, ultimately, Saturn and Pluto in the 10th shows that regulations regarding business or personal contracts can be completely dismantled and given an entirely new form. Hopefully, people will not be barred from marrying whomever they love, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. However, Uranus the ruler of Aquarius is unhappy in Taurus and has difficulty moving the ox, whereas Saturn and Pluto are super happy in Capricorn, the sign of structures and restrictions.

In addition, Venus is applying to a square with Mars in Sagittarius, which will not perfect until January 26, when Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Their square presents a conflict of yin and yang energies inside of us that is hard to reconcile. As much as women want independence and freedom, men also look for open horizons of continuous exploration, that's why it'll be hard to match them, unless they both mutually respect their freedom. Because of Venus applying sextile to Uranus, even though the unyielding traditional status of women as 'inferior', women may take this opportunity to rebel against the establishment, and innovate their self-value in relationships, their self-worth in the professional area, and their self-esteem in ways never attempted before. 

Don't be scared, be creative!

These are challenging times of extreme polarization. Humanity is willing to discard and purge centuries' worth of karmic socio-political-economic structural baggage with this stellium in Capricorn on top of the South Nodes of Pluto (20º♑️06') and of Saturn (22º♑️05'). Jupiter is also sitting on top of his own South Node at 9º♑️37' almost exactly by 15', which means that even our belief systems, ideologies, mores, ethics, and the way humans relate to the cosmos, our cosmology story, are up for their death and transmutation.

However, many people are still so attached to the past and the established traditions that give them security, that are scared of considering changes in a direction that is not yet clear. However, at this point, radical and profound change seems inexorable, and fighting against it is futile. No matter how much we'd like to hold on to the present foundation, the whole structure will be swept from under our feet. Our energy is best invested in imagining a new kind of world, rolling up our sleeves and get to work in its construction. (To be continued soon in Part V)

Blessings! Sat Nam

NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make a significant contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Chiron in January 2020 - Integrating the Pain

Integrating the Pain

Having a wound, and feeling pain doesn't mean that we need to suffer in addition. Pain and suffering are two different things. Pain is physical, suffering is psychological and optional. I once had an injury and talking with a friend, I told him, 'I'm tired of fighting this pain', to which he responded 'Join it!' And that is the secret of not suffering, we can acknowledge, accept and welcome the pain, and we can also let it be without reacting or rejecting it.

Chiron in Aries has been bluntly showing us our wound and inflicting the pain in the profound levels of our human identity. We now realize how faulty, inadequate, vulnerable, impotent, insecure, fearful and unreliable we are. For many, it means dwelling in the suffering of the human imperfection and mortality, because, for some time, we had created this fantasy of invulnerability, believing that we can conquer everything. Only to have a hard crash onto reality; a reality that shows us the big mess we've caused.

In the 'The Meaning of Chiron's Myth' I wrote, 'The particular wound of our existence (Saturn) is what wakes us up to the spiritual reality (Uranus). The wound we carry is directly tied to the fact that we are spiritual beings having this physical experience. Since most of our life we are unconscious or oblivious of our immortal life, Chiron is the one that rips the veil open, in a sense. As Rumi wrote "The wound is the place where the Light enters you". And so it is!'

Yet, just like Chiron giving his immortality to save Prometheus at the end, it is not until we are ready to surrender,  accept the lethal condition of being born, experience pain in the flesh, and death itself, that we can finally understand what infinite existence, eternal being, immortality really is.

January 5 - Mars in Sagittarius trine Chiron

Mars in Sagittarius is active finding higher knowledge, truth, but also hope and future possibilities to heal our wound. You are ready to action, or have the initiative to expand your understanding about your wound. Let's say your wounding is having a non-conforming identity, it could be related to your gender orientation, cultural background, skin color, or ideology. Now, you can put that in a broader spiritual context, accept that that is who you are and live it fully with integrity, confidence, purpose and most of all, without shame. Soon enough, you'll be surprised to see how well others accept you, perceiving that you accept yourself! Because you know well the old story, the more fearful you are, the more others persecute you.

January 9 - Sun and Mercury in Capricorn quintile Chiron ,

Today, the Sun presents you with a major creative opportunity that have the energy to stabilize you, and help you complete the healing. Mercury opens your mind to choose changes that will strongly impact the way you face your suffering in social situations. You have the vitality, radiance, personality warmth for everybody to see. In fact, the impulse you feel today may result in the innovation of your social reputation or status.

January 17 - Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron

Mercury is at the apex of a T-square with the Moon in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. Your thinking out of the box about your values and resources is infused with a strong and deep emotional state. Eccentric ideas come to your mind in flashes of spiritual insight making your feelings run with it. At the same time this situation presents one more opportunity for healing, surrender and welcome your wounding as part of your authentic soul. You may understand today that you wouldn't be so amazing without your wound!

Education of Achilles by James Barry

January 22 - Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron and square Uranus

The Sun is the most wonderful healing energy for Chiron. Remember that Apollo, the Sun God, was who adopted Chiron and taught him everything. 

The Sun in Aquarius in square to Uranus is up to something original, innovative, futuristic, peculiar. You have the opportunity to stand up to authorities of any kind in your life, be it father figures, bosses, teachers, heads of organizations, etc. and show your real personality.

The Sun also helps you to be aware of your own authority in matters of Chiron in your Natal Chart. In what way are you unique? How comfortable are you with your shortcomings and imperfections? How comfortable are you with your qualities? What sensitivity is overwhelming to you regarding your self-expression? You can use the Sun's energy of this aspect to face those issues and make something great with them!

A situation or event may arise that gives you the opportunity to heal the relationship with your own father, or with men in general. You could even tap into your creative self-healing power, that can rebalance your personal yang energy.

The waning Sun sextile to Chiron is an opportunity to heal our identity issues at the core. One way it can manifest is to meet a person who reflects to us our own trauma, feelings of inadequacy, or identity conflicts, bringing them up into conscious awareness for us to see them. If we pay attention, we realize that what we consider unacceptable or awkward in the other, is in fact, what we don't tolerate about ourselves.

A good way to use this healing opportunity is to tap into the creative self-expression, and share our creations with others. Do you paint, do wood work, gardening, costume design, do you sculpt, sing, or knit? What is that quirk artistic medium you use to express your most authentic message? What is the talent that can best show who you are? It doesn't matter if you're not a professional at it, but it is a way to say who you are with qualities, skills, deficits, errors, and flaws. You have now an opportunity to accept yourself just as you are, love and enjoy being yourself!

January 24 - Jupiter in Capricorn Bi-nonagon to Chiron

This is an 80º angle with a short lasting karmic effect. You may experience a sudden situation, generally beyond your control that can challenge your public lifestyle or social reputation. I refer you to watch my video 'Jupiter in Capricorn' to understand what this planet is doing there. Legal matters,  ideologies, beliefs, religious sentiments or even some new global political information may present a stressful tension or cause a sudden social event that may have an impact on the vulnerability of your identity.

Chiron in Aries wound meaning for your Rising Sign

Identification of personality. Feelings of unworthiness, undeserving, injuries to the head, or not happy with facial features.

Spiritual identification. Feelings of being forsaken by God, betrayed, victimized, lost in the void, attacked by invisible entities.

Identity in the social area. Feelings of isolation, loneliness, alienated for being too weird, rejected by the group.

Identity in the profession. Feelings of not being recognized, being unnoticed or unappreciated, or not finding the appropriate career path.

Identification with the wide world. Feelings of having inadequate beliefs, of meaninglessness, fear of being lost in the world.

Identification with trauma. Fearful of loss, death, feelings of being manipulated or destroyed by others, paranoia.

Identification with a partner. Feelings of having inappropriate relationships, fear of not finding the right partner and ending up alone, incomplete.

Identity imbalances. Feelings of being faulty, polluted, impure, fragmented, that something is wrong with you.

Creative expression identity. Feelings of not being able to express the core essence of who you are.

Emotional identity. Feelings of scarcity of nurturance, comfort, inadequate relationship with mother.

Identification with the environment. Feelings of inadequate relationship with your environment, with siblings and everyday people, fear of inappropriate communication.

Value identification. Feelings of insecurity, scarcity, and of not being able to survive.

I have a series of blog posts where I discuss in detail what Chiron transiting Aries means for every Rising Sign. The series start HERE, or look for my February 2019 section and find your Sign.

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