Tuesday, August 20, 2019

New Moon in Virgo - August 30, 2019

New Moon in Virgo at 6º 47' @ 22:35 UTC

Here comes that time of the year when the Summer/Winter is not yet over, but the first signs of Fall/ Spring timidly start to appear. It's the transitional Virgo Season, when Nature starts its mutation. 
And we do too.

This New Moon in Virgo marks the start of that mutation. The inspirational and creative Fire of Leo now comes to Earth to take form. We are implementing the adaptation to our new reality that was awakened by the enlightening insights of Mercury square Uranus (August 16) and Venus trine Uranus (August 26). They opened up new ways of thinking, because they brought surprising news. 

Our mind (Mercury), understanding, thinking, learning and communicating tapped into unconventional values (Venus, ruler of Uranus in Taurus) brought to our awareness. During Virgo season, it is time to make sense of them, assimilate those innovative ideas that we previously wouldn't even have considered. Those new ideas opened up a clarity that helps us discard obsolete mental patterns in exchange for more futuristic, humanitarian, and liberating ones. 

We start to see our physical reality in a totally original way. Venus (ruler of Uranus in Taurus) in Virgo brings to the material plane a new value criteria that we will use to separate what is useful, practical and viable in our present time life from what needs to be discarded. Mars, also close to the New Moon, accompanies the process by compelling us to take the necessary actions.

The Stellium (cluster of planets) in Virgo connects with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn with South Node in Capricorn. Even though the Grand Trine is not exact, this prominence of Earth energy in harmonious combination, favors practical endeavors, accomplishing material goals, realizing plans and tackling projects. This kind of energy is excellent to implement the new business plans designed during the Leo season. Uranus gives those efforts the innovative push, Mars the energy to work, and Saturn the structure and steadiness to endure. 

The New Moon impels us to step up onto a new stage for performance. We have new beginnings related to the issues of the Zodiac house occupied by 6º Virgo where it occurs. Plus, the houses ruled by the Moon ♋️, the Sun ♌︎, Mars ♈︎, Venus ♉️& ♎️, and Mercury ♊️& ♍️ are activated as well. We will see our Birth Chart lit up like a Christmas tree at the end of the Summer/Winter! 

The New Moon also quincunx Chiron, raising our consciousness of the emotional frustration we feel about the vulnerability of our very existence. One may feel an irritation, nagging or discomfort regarding the traits of our personality or self expression that interfere with our personal development and progress. We may have more clarity on the changes operated during the Sun trine Chiron (July), and now face unresolved self doubts in the process of recognizing those traits that need to be integrated. It is like wearing new shoes for the first time, you need to break them in before they can feel comfortable.

The following days, September 1st and 2d, Venus will connect in a Mutable T-Square with Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces, making our dearest dreams come true, expanding our spirit and making our most beautiful love story possible! In order to support this process we need to focus on the Gemini Zodiac house to balance the three legged configuration. We should seek the information we need, communicate what we want, talk to the people we care about, and bridge any gaps that might still interfere between us and realizing our dream. 

At the mundane level, this T-Square may be favorable for the truth (Jupiter) to be revealed about women, love, sexual issues (Venus), for the public (Neptune) to see. It may also be a time of public revelations regarding resources, market values, and the condition of the world economy. 

Because of the dissolution symbolism of Neptune over values (Venus), exaggerated by the symbolism of Jupiter, there may be news about the important realization or announcement of market devaluation, recession and even depression around the world. Before it is too late, make sure you have enough food, medicine, water and all essentials' storage to survive at least a month or two. Money may not be able to buy those tomorrow. Some countries are already living this reality.

These are probably the news we all foresaw mid August. Great awareness should be developed about what is happening during this transition into Fall/Spring. In fact, awareness is the best asset one can possess these days. As Nature slows down to retreat,  we should also slow down the pace, save our resources, observe and stop to ponder.  As Nature speeds up to rebirth in the Southern Hemisphere, they should also speed up the pace, manage the resources, observe the growth and stop to ponder. 

Much love and blessings ! Sat Nam.

To find out how the New Moon will affect you personally, Order your Reading

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