Thursday, February 6, 2020

Full Moon in Leo - February 8-9, 2020

Show Your Creative Power

This Full Moon, the Sun in Aquarius opposes the Moon in Leo. The Moon is also in her perigee (closer) with respect to the Earth. Not  only does the Moon awaken demonstrative dramatic emotions, but those can really become critical if not tragic because of her closeness to the Earth. Super Moons appear really big in the night sky and bring such a strong energy pull that they may cause crises and violent events.

This kind of Lunation has the potential to intensify emotions to a point where you lose control and act impulsively even tragically blinded by them. People can take extreme measures, or actions that are unlike themselves, and turn out impossible to reverse. Stay calm, meditate, take time to reflect, breathe deeply before acting.

The Sun Moon opposition means some kind of 'culmination', acknowledgment, definite realization that can overwhelm or upset you in a way that you don't feel in control anymore. This energy may have different outlets. The collective consciousness that the Sun illuminates in Aquarius can be expressed in a dramatic way by the masses symbolized by the Moon in Leo.

In your personal life, this energy will probably be reflected in your significant relationships. You and your partner may need to find a balance between achieving goals and enjoying the moment, between committing and keeping your independence. Both Aquarius and Leo are fixed signs, which makes confrontations between partners very difficult to reconcile because they are both stubborn, and have a hard time changing things.

However, the Full Moon in Leo is also festive, full of natural vitality and youthful creativity. This weekend is a good time to add more joy to your life, sharing moments with a group of friends, going to a restaurant, or playing guitar and singing new songs.

The Moon trines Sagittarius Mars

Mars in Sagittarius adds his dose of fire to the chart exaggerating the passionate displays of the Lion's emotions. Mars gives the drive necessary to creatively express the heartfelt demonstrations of affection that the Moon in Leo generously wants to show. In order to say what your heart wants, you will feel the impulse to do something impressive, exciting, maybe exaggerated. Whatever Leo does is never small, but distinctive, magnificent, and noticeable.

Venus joins Chiron in Aries

This conjunction closes the cycle that Venus started in April 2019.  Do you remember a significant social, love or financial event or situation? Now, you're probably giving it closure, finally understanding, accepting and assimilating the implications, the 'lesson'. From now on, a new situation with the same theme starts for another round of learning. If you didn't get it then, this is a new opportunity, if you did get it, then this can be a deepening of the process. Venus conjunct Chiron will present a new opportunity to take the same theme to a higher level of personal development.

Mercury in Pisces

Mercury in Pisces means that your mind is not crystal clear, but kind of foggy. You're more prone to fantasy thinking. Mercury is in detriment in Pisces, which means that your mind has to work harder to find logic and reason. You’re more intuitive, imaginative instead. It’s a good transit for creative writing, to compose music, write a play or a movie script, poetry, short stories, novels, etc. Writers will be in their element!

Mercury entered the retrograde shadow (degree section where he travels back and forth) on February 2d. This means that all Mercury related affairs dealt from that point until the 16th when he turns retrograde, are up for review, reconsideration and probably rewriting. If you plan a trip, buy an electronic device, make a business deal, or have an issue with your sibling, it’s not definitive. If you don’t have a choice but sign a contract or make a big purchase, make sure you read carefully, ask all the pertinent questions, clarify all doubts. Listen to the soft voice of intuition, tune in to that sixth sense that knows without understanding why.

On the negative note, Mercury in Pisces is associated with delusions, confusion, lies, deceiving information, fake news, and creative realities that make believe but are far from the truth. You need to be careful, because Mercury will stay in Pisces until near the end of March because of its retrograde period. 

Don't be surprised if you are in limbo, trying to figure out what’s going on, because Pisces is very spiritual, but can also be 'cloudy'. Not all conversation, speeches, messages you hear, receive, or participate in is clear and logical. In fact, most of the communication activity is kind of murky, based on fantasy, imaginative, confusing and probably deceitful. The Internet and the electronic devices may malfunction as well. 

Enjoy the magnanimous, generous, magnificent, playful, cheerful, grandiose Full Moon in Leo!

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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