Thursday, February 13, 2020

New Moon in Pisces - February 23, 2020

Merging with the Collective Unconscious
New Moon 4º 29' Pisces

Lighthouse, José Ignacio, Uruguay- Photo Violina Sontu-Bahouth

This New Moon in Pisces taints this moon cycle with confusion and deception unless you're well anchored in a wise and mindful spiritual practice. Its energy will take all of us deeply in contact with the collective unconscious. This is a new beginning that promises to present some challenges to the reasonable folk. Aspects on several fronts lend their dose of diffusive energy that gives us a sense of merging with the collective unconsciousness, or with the spiritual realm.

Mercury is retrograde in Pisces, a Sign that robs him of his wit and cleverness. Here, he's friend of creative writers, novelists, play and movie writers, poets, and inspirational speakers. But if you are calculating your taxes, better wait until mid March when he turns direct. Electronic devices will have the hiccups, communications and information media will be confusing, inaccurate, inexact, deceptive, and you'll be prone to misunderstandings in your conversations. You may have delays or detours in your commute, and issues with your siblings or neighbors. Be especially careful not to have any liquids near your laptop or phone! This is like having the messenger (Mercury) talking backwards (Retrograde) underwater in the ocean (Pisces) !

Before GPS technology, lighthouses where the reliable points of reference when navigating the Ocean, that helped ships arrive safely to land. Similarly, during this Lunar Cycle, you will need reliable points of reference, because your mind and your discernment ability are baffled.  Not only is Mercury retrograde, but in Pisces, the Sign of intuition, telepathy, spirituality, unconditional love, and yes, also obnubilation. Your thinking is very far from logical and reasonable. However, you may know something without understanding how you know it, but you are certain of it. This month we have the opportunity to tap into our human common sense, the higher wisdom, also called sixth sense by the Ancient philosophers.

To make this ethereal intangible energy even stronger, since February 20th Jupiter is sextile Neptune adding a higher degree of spirituality. Even though Jupiter and Neptune are a beautiful influence that can make us aware of the higher levels of reality, show us a global perspective of things, inspire our creativity, it also increases the tendency to escape the physical reality through the imagination and hope, to dwell in addictions or become more fanatically religious. Musicians, and all kinds of artists are happy to tap into this energy though, and they may produce fascinating pieces of art. Psychic and healers rejoice as well, because their abilities are enhanced. However, a word of caution: exercise discernment.

Why? Because three days later, today, February 23th, Jupiter squares Venus in Aries, expanding the desire for and self-indulgence in religious, philosophical, or spiritual social activities. You may fall in love with a very spiritual person. This square increases the tendency to 'people-pleasing' behavior, financial exuberance for self-satisfaction (i.e. overspending to gain popularity). You may feel impelled to get what you want, now! and with grandeur!  Beware of disproportionate ambition that after 'climbing the mountain', can throw you back down with a big crash.

The Sun and Moon are at the midpoint between Uranus and Mars.  Here, we need to stop and talk some more about Mars, because he's the most active planet in the chart, making several aspects at the same time.  Mars conjuncts the South Node of the Moon, sextile the Moon, trine Uranus, square Chiron and biseptile Venus. You can expect a lot of decisive, assertive -if not aggressive- action out in the world during this new moon cycle. From Capricorn you will have the tendency to do traditional things the old way, taking your time, with great ambition. Yet, with Uranus influence you add also an eccentric approach to take sudden, strange or unconventional actions, thinking about the future, especially ensuring your freedom and independence. You will find different ways to initiate projects, follow procedures or carry through with your work.

However, those impulsive eccentric actions may be based on your imagined scenarios, fantasy, illusions... or plain delusion (Pisces Sun Moon at midpoint)! Unless, you are highly spiritually developed like a Buddhist devotee who always chooses to act for the benefit of all affected.

AND Mars activates again the December 26 Solar Eclipse at 4º Capricorn, giving a boost of initiative, and action to the issue, situation or event that took place around that time. In fact, Mars activates the entire December-January Moon Cycle with a blast. During that cycle, the historical Saturn Pluto conjunction took place as well. It was the time when the entire world was threatened by a spark of War, and the coronavirus also started to spread. What will Mars, the Lord of War, bring this time?

The maverick spirit may bruise your sense of self worth (Chiron in Aries) as well, realizing that choosing differently, you may not fit with the crowd anymore and find yourself excluded somehow.  You need to make sure that you want to embrace also the consequences of your unusual or bizarre behaviour or actions. Mars is Chiron's dispositor (ruler of Aries)and they are not on the same page, in fact, they are bumping into each other. Your actions will poke your vulnerability, your wounded sense of identity.

Plus, having Venus in Aries, your love relationships and your finances receive a subtle challenge from its waxing biseptile to Mars. Of course, it depends which house they are transiting for you. But, your desires and your impulses are karmically linked, deeply affecting your emotional foundation, probably your family and home life.

Just two days ago, February 21, Chiron square the Nodal Axis with Mars conjunct South Node means that whatever wounding or healing taking place can either bring you back to the old behaviour patterns or throw you forward to a new way of being, more healthful, nourishing and comfortable. Your choice!

This month, just be creative, and you will do fine! Sat Nam.

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NOTE: Planetary transits only affect us personally to the extent they make contact with our Natal or Progressed planets and points on our chart. To order your personal astrological reading, energy healing or Kundalini yoga practice/teaching, please email me or

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