Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Saturn Square Uranus

2021-2022 Saturn Square Uranus

    Saturn and Uranus are mythological enemies. The Greek Myth tells us that Saturn rebelled against his father, Uranus, and castrated him. In Astrology, Saturn represents tradition and the past, Uranus innovation and the future. Uranus is often associated with the Myth of Prometheus who rebelled against the Gods and stole their fire to give it to the Humans. 

Prometheus Giving the Fire to Humans, Heinrich Fueger, 1817, Public Commons

    Even though on December 24, 2021 Saturn and Uranus will perfect their last incidence of the closing quarter square, their square will linger within minutes of arc until November 2022.  The clashes between the status quo and the urgency for change will continue. Since both Aquarius and Taurus are Fixed Signs, both planets will be slow to give in, if ever. People will have the tendency to be opinionated and oppose changes, thinking that we still have the possibility to go back to the old ways. However, the longer the resistance, the longer the suffering. 

    However, Uranus being the outermost planet and the ruler of Aquarius, has the upper hand.
He has already shaken and fractured the material reality in more ways than one.  The surface of the whole Earth (Taurus) trembles under his mighty electrical discharges. As the Lord of the Heavens, his winds have been violent and cruel. 

    Saturn on the other hand, tries to keep the collective (Aquarius) in order. Saturn filters through Uranus advancements, chooses what and how to integrate Uranus novelties in the social organization. Not all Uranus eccentricities and futuristic views are viable, and Saturn is in charge of adopting and implementing new structures and regulations that incorporate those that are practical. As the Lord of his House, Uranus challenges Saturn's conservative ways and introduces radical surprising innovation, even with sudden swiftly destruction of the Saturnian physical forms. 

Uranus Castrating Chronos

How different are Saturn and Uranus?

SATURN – solid matter                                              URANUS – electricity, wave energy
Past                                                                                Future
Rock boundaries, and foundations                                Open air, fast movement
Tradition                                                                        Innovation
Old ways of doing things                                              New ways of doing things
Authorities                                                                    Rebellion against authorities
Conservative politics                                                    Progressive politics
Vertical societal structure                                              Horizontal societal structure
Duties and responsibilities                                            Experimentation
Slow to change if ever                                                  Instant change
Obedience                                                                     Rebellion and creativity
Known expectations                                                     Unknown expectations
Stable solid reality                                                        Exploration of other realities
Categories in society                                                    Rupture with the system
Separation of classes                                                    Mixing of classes
Fear of change                                                              Audacity, temerity
Complaints, criticism                                                   Bright, genius solutions
Regulation, restrictions                                                Freedom to act
Depression/melancholy                                                Excitement, courage
Land travel                                                                   Air travel
Physical technology, hardware                                     Lighter technology, software
Routine, methodic, repetitive                                       Uncharted territory
Conventional                                                                Unconventional
Father figure reference                                                  Self-autonomy
Dependence                                                                  Independence 
Stability                                                                        Instability
Rocks, mountains                                                         Air, wind
Solid stable matter                                                       Electromagnetic waves
Land pollution                                                             Airborne pollution

    The first square at 7º ♒️♉️ in February 2021, both planets were in the first decan of the Signs, which reinforced their significations of energy and material resources clashing with the needs of society as a collective. The second one at 13º in June 2021 and final one at 11º, happen in the second decan, of Gemini and Virgo respectively. The clash focuses on the polarity ♊️ generated by the healthcare issue at hand and the multiple conflicts and desarray ♍️ that has generated in the functions of society, like commerce, distribution of resources, air travel, healthcare and educational systems to name just a few. 

    Things are due for significant transformations. Therefore, this will be a time of rebellion against the traditional ways. The transition brings economic recession or depression, when economic progress and development will require much patience, hard work, self discipline, and social maturity. At the same time, Saturn always requires integrity, practical common sense, and a higher level of social responsibility. 

    Uranus shows a different more progressive kind of development. The only way to break through the challenges will be an overhaul at all levels of society. We can expect new educational, economic, healthcare, production and commercial systems with the use of cutting edge technology. Saturn in Aquarius last quarter square with Uranus, favors manual and mechanical work, scientific and technological innovation, and values intellectual advancement.

    There will be a clash between the urge for rebellion and need for stability. Old ideologies may be banned or relegated, but new scientific discoveries, or inventions may be rejected or opposed. People may resist taking individual responsibility, embracing changes, in a state of anxiety and fear of an unknown, though promising, future. Those used to unjustified privileges will have to make sacrifices. Some people still attached to the past may be pessimistic, and have a negative approach because they find it hard to adapt to the changes. 

    But the new Air Era is dawning. We made this chaos, because we want to evolve, develop and grow as a Human Species. Embrace the New Dawn of Humanity! Let's make it together!

Update October 6-7, 2022

Last chance to internalize the energy of this Saturn Uranus closing square comes to a peak on October 6-7, 2022 when they will square within a 37 minute orb, at 18 degrees respectively in Taurus and Aquarius.  No matter how much one longs for the 'good ol' days', the Earth is crying out for transformation with catastrophic natural events one after another. This forces us to completely break with our past dependence on traditional sources of energy, unpayable debts, and an obsolete financial system (South Node in Scorpio) all in the break of collapse. Saturn shows us different ways of organizing society that will facilitate becoming autonomous and self-sufficient in the production of energy and the discipline to use it efficiently (North Node in Taurus). 

Let's keep in mind that energy is what keeps Humanity alive (Taurus). This transformation (Uranus) not only do we need to take it seriously, but the very existence of Life on Earth is at risk. If you haven't thought about this before, just imagine spending a winter or the summer -depending on the region- without electricity, gas, gasoline or gasoil. Sidereal inflation doesn't allow people to access their prices. I predicted this shift a year ago when I talked about the Taurus/Scorpio Nodal Axis and the Saturn square to it. Now, another source of life at risk is added to the mix: the lack of water. Extreme drought in many regions of the world and even floods in others hinder the production of electricity and the distribution of potable water! As the North Node in Taurus with Uranus indicates, humanity needs to reckon with the reality of the Earth changes, not tomorrow, not next year, not next decade, but TODAY, NOW. 

Hopefully we are all awaken by NOW. 
Sat Nam

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