Monday, April 11, 2022

Saturn Square the Nodes of the Moon

Uranus in Taurus with the North Node of the Moon


Squares to the Nodes are as significant as the conjunctions. Having a slower planet square them gives even more consequential developments. Those can be lasting for two reasons, one because it's Saturn Lord of Time, in this case, but also because Saturn will soon retrograde and activate this degree two more times (August 1, 2022 and January 1, 2023). Of course, the Moon cycles that degree every month as well.

In this cross position with the Moon's domain, Saturn shares with the Moon the timings of life. Saturn square the Nodal Axis at 22º♒️57', represents the revisit and revision of personal conditionings and rigid structures of life. Be it family, social, religious, behavioral or psychological, the ingrained conditioning of personal life have defined so far our lifestyle. Our fears and phobias limit our decisions. Guilt or repressed blame hurt us unconsciously and usually affect health. Criticism cripples relationships. And so on. Since Saturn is in Aquarius, the conditionings probably relate to your social alliances, to the dreams and goals you have as you participate in society, the groups of people you like to frequent, and social activity and your creative contribution to society. 

At this point you're taking responsibility for your life and all the implications resulting from those ancient and decadent conditionings. You have the opportunity to reestablish your inner authority. Recognizing those unconscious motivations that create your 'autopilot' mode, helps you to decondition and dismantle old crystallized structures of your personality. It's a good time to stop criticizing and being so tough on yourself... and on others.

At the collective level, Saturn in Aquarius operates a societal reorganization. The connectivity industry corporations implement a more rigid control over the social nets by reconditioning, restructuring, and increasing regulation. With multiple satellite launches (i.e. SpaceX Starlink) the old ways of communication are now a story of the past (Scorpio codependence). It's all about becoming autonomous and self sufficient (Taurus). 

By the same token, the traditional values and conventions of society have to evolve. They have in fact radically transformed, due to the sanitary concerns related to the pandemic. Social distance with a certain dose of misanthropy have replaced hugs and kisses, and is here to stay. The elbow rub became elbow bumps, and handshakes metamorphosed into Anjali Mudra bow. 

Personal relationships are evolving as well. Online dating and other social interactions seem to be more of the norm than the exception. And with that, people feel so much more isolated (if not alienated!) that addictions (online) and suicides are on the rise. Having to go home for schooling, youth suffer more than adults this sense of separation, often with fatal consequences. 

Tech companies have also restructured. Working remotely and virtual meetings are the new vogue. Even though the Air (Aquarius) is by definition lighter, now solidifies (Saturn) its grab. The evolution of lighter flying has come closer to the Earth surface with the drones. 

In all cases, Saturn in Aquarius square the Nodes is a change of direction, a revision and renewal of the Air structures of life. The forward direction is the simplicity and stability of Taurus. However, let us keep in mind that the North Node joins Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) there. Even the simple and steady ways of the bull are shaken to the core!

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