Monday, April 4, 2022

Mercury Square Pluto - April 10, 2022

Mercury, Messenger of the Gods,
 negotiating with Pluto the liberation of Persephone 

     The time of danger continues as April progresses. This time, Mercury square Pluto, has the ability to make you completely discard previous ideas, transform your reasoning, and regenerate your opinion. 

    At another level, you may become suspicious, mistrust others, the news, messages and other communications. It's not a good idea to make agreements of any sort under this transit, especially if they relate to finances, loans, debt, insurance, taxes, inheritance. 

    If your chart receives a hard aspect from these two planets, then there could be environmental pollution around you, in your neighborhood, from your neighbor, or in your sibling's home. 

    Travelling may result in serious problems, and danger. Also, your mind may be burdened with some shadowy ideas that may result in poor and unhealthy decisions if you follow them into action. But generally speaking, you are just too much focused on global problems generated by governments (Pluto is in Capricorn after all) and affecting the whole Humanity as collective. Government representatives of any country could be making secret deals behind the scenes, complots against individuals or countries and such.     

    Since I touch on this subject, it's important to consider that the USA is experiencing the Pluto Return at this time and the Mercury transit forms a T-Square with the natal Mercury and Part of Fortune. Because transiting Mercury is at the cusp of the 5th house, those changing their convictions are the Ambassadors and other Diplomats regarding international affairs. Be attentive to their communications, conversations and announcements. 

    Saturn approaches the Moon of the USA foreshadowing limitations, harsh times ahead, repression, depression affecting its people. However, right at 25º, shy only of 2 degrees from the Moon, Saturn will station retrograde on June 4, and will not conjoin the Moon until next year. This is just heads up for you. Prepare and be ready for the coldness and dryness of this severe planet on the people (US Moon) next year. Research and remember what happened 29.5 years ago, it was around 1994. 

At the same time Mercury squares Pluto, he opposes Haumea, the Goddess of Creation and Nature's regeneration. There is here an indication that whatever transformative message is given, it certainly harms, damages, and desecrates Mother Earth and hinders its ability to recover from destruction.

Haumea, Creation and Regeneration Goddess

    There may also be important revelations in the media about things that have been hidden, denied, and are now recognized to be toxic, corrupted, degenerated, on the verge of extinction. These could be very bad news for people in general. It's important to be cautious, since Mercury also rules the lungs and the digestion. 

Sat Nam

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