Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Mercury Square Chiron - December 23, 2020

 Mercury 4º Capricorn Square Chiron 4º Aries
December 23, 2020 
Credit: Katarzyna Bogdańska

The previous Mercury Chiron cycle had started in Pisces in 2019, and had the last (waning) quarter square (1º♈️34’), interestingly enough, on December 29, 2019, between the Christmas Solar Eclipse at 4º ♑️ that brought us the catastrophic present of Covid19, and the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. The current Mercury Chiron cycle started on April 15, 2020 at 7º♈️24’, when practically the whole world was in lockdown. Coincidentally, the last (waning) square of Mercury to Chiron happens at 4º Capricorn/Aries, reactivating the Solar Eclipse point of December 2019. These are some of the reasons why I consider Covid19 the ‘messenger’, because Mercury was intimately involved in its introduction. Mercury square Chiron fulfills the reminder’s role, reiterating the message, coinciding with the outbreak of a new virus mutation (UK).

Hermes (Mercury) Messenger of the Gods

Mercury square to Chiron, are you listening? Here we are, with lots of people still in denial, unable to recognize and accept the painful ‘message’. Denial is part of the grief process, and it may last days or years, but the corps of our ‘old way of life’ is there in front of our face. You may shame or blame whomever you like, and still we are all, as a collective, responsible and liable for the damage we have done to Mother Earth. We are all directly or indirectly accomplices in the destruction of Nature. By interfering in the natural ecosystems, Nature has become as vulnerable as we are, because we are part of her. Like this, we have become our worst enemy. 

Before, Covid19, we didn’t care, now we constantly talk, think, read and write about it. We are children of rigor. When it was just Nature and other species in the brink of extinction, we didn’t care, now that we hurt, we start to understand how our daily, mechanical habits are so important in the grand scheme of things. Throwing trash anywhere, overusing plastic without recycling it, spraying chemicals, polluting the water, land and air, trashing even the space around the Earth, and so much more, was our old ‘normal’. If we don’t change our habits, especially the consumerism, Covid19 won’t be the last virus we will deal with. However, it hasn’t been the first one either, but we weren’t listening carefully to the previous ones. Maybe now, we get the ‘message’. 

Chiron teaching Achilles 

Now that we are emotionally charged, contrary to the first quarter square when our mind had difficulty thinking in a logical and coherent way to get the whole picture of the issue, with this last quarter square, the entire weight of understanding crashes our ‘reasonable excuses’. The preconceived stubborn ideas fall out fragmented as we start to make sense of what is needed. The painful acceptance inundates the mind with bothering thoughts; hopefully, we’re moved to incorporate new habits. Recognizing our human fragility is instrumental to encourage our spiritual development. Another issue of Chiron in Aries is the struggle of different groups of society for acceptance, and the right to exist and thrive. Covid19 has also open that Pandora box. With Mercury final square to Chiron, we look for alternative healing methods we hadn’t considered before for all those problems. 

At a personal level, especially if you've been affected by the December 2019 Solar Eclipse, your mind today will be in overdrive processing your painful perception of being who you are in the world. You may want to isolate, may feel ostracized or fall into depressive moods. Avoid dwelling in dark or gloomy thoughts. Remember that this is a time to love who you are as you are, and make the best you can with what you are and have. We are all striving to survive in a world that we have made inhospitable. Accepting your wound, you can help others heal. 

Make an extra effort to choose your thoughts, to consciously redirect your mental objective to create the environment where you can feel safe, comfortable and loved. Even if there is nobody to love you just as you are, love yourself! Look up to the Stars at night and realize that you are made of the same matter they are. Every cell in your body is made of stardust. As Carl Sagan said, "We are the way for the Cosmos to know itself". We are all looking for and probably finding the meaning in our wound. 

Sat Nam.

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To order your personal astrological reading or energy healing, please email me pukavypora@gmail.com

Friday, December 18, 2020

The Great Conjunction & Saturn Square Uranus

Saturn Jupiter Conjunction

Chronos, the Lord of Time

Let's look back to History 700 years ago. The Pluto Saturn conjunction happened in December 1284, 26º♑️. Just a year later, in December 1285, Jupiter and Saturn met in 7º♒️ Aquarius, just as it will happen this year. It was the start of the Renaissance in the Western Civilization. Direct result of the Crusades, the Renaissance was born out of the new knowledge brought back with the Crusaders travels to the Middle East. Islamic countries had kept many classical Greek and Roman texts that had been lost in Europe, and they were reintroduced by the returning crusaders. (Wikipedia)

Then, with Saturn and Jupiter conjoining in Air Signs, the evolutionary transition took a couple of centuries. It is said that the Black Plague of mid 1300s set the stage for the Renaissance, by creating a complete chaos and vacuum of authority. Will our evolution take that long? Will it take a prolonged pandemic?

Society became lighter with numerous improvements to daily life. Intellectual and scientific studies soared, Universities were created, the fine arts were perfected, all of which had been relegated during the Middle/Dark Ages. There was new concerns with healthy living, cleaning, and lightening up of the spirits.

Saturn eats his children (demands maturity)

In a sense, since 1802 when Saturn Jupiter started meeting in Earth signs, people had gone back to the dark ages of materialism. With the industrial revolution, humanity developed heavy machinery, to exploit material resources. Until today, progress was synonym of material wealth. But by the end of that Era, the excesses have presented severe consequences.

Now, that Jupiter Saturn meet in Air signs for the next 200 years, progress will be synonym of scientific, cultural, and intellectual wealth. The fine arts are coming back, inspirational music, poetry, performing arts are on the rise. Scientific and intellectual development will serve Humanity as a whole, promoting a higher stage of evolution and civilization.

Just a year after the powerful transformational Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, Jupiter Saturn conjoin in Aquarius. This represents a Neo Renaissance in Humanity's evolution. 
Jupiter survives to overthrow his father Saturn

What can we expect?

    One week after Saturn ingress in Aquarius in March, Mars joined him. Then, Mars was the executive power that took action to implement all the protective measures against the Pandemic of Covid 19. Now however, and because of Mars long stay in Aries, he will perfect the first (waxing) quarter square (in Taurus) just three weeks (Jan 13, 2021) after Saturn ingress in Aquarius. Moreover, Mars will perfect the first square to Jupiter (Jan 23, 2021) as well. In Aries, Mars doesn't want to support Jupiter and Saturn's work. On the contrary, Mars in Aries only thinks about himself, what he wants, his power to initiate action as he pleases. Then, the impetuous Mars autonomy, desire for independence, and self satisfaction clashes with the authority's demands or impositions of order and restraint for the benefit of all. When the baby of the zodiac (Aries) ever thought or considered the benefit of others? His energy aims at his own survival, and claims his right to exist and be just himself. 

Social conflicts, uprisings, riots and generalized rebellion can be expected, especially when Mars joins forces with Uranus, the Lord of Rebellion (Jan 20, 2021). On their side, Saturn and Jupiter will adopt and implement a new 'social contract', whereby regulations, restrictions, and order will be adopted for the protection of the collective and the benefit of all. Individuals will be compelled to accept and follow the measures, especially if they want to ensure their survival (Mars in Aries positive side).

From misinformation chaos to factual information

The Internet and social activity at large will be submitted to severe restrictions, rules, and probably surveillance in many places of the globe. European governments are already facing the FAGA giants (Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon) and request them to face accountability. In the USA, a major cyber attack was unveiled that may well be the start of a cyber war. People and individuals will have to assume responsibility for their virtual behavior, and the consequences. We would be held accountable for our social activity and expression, be it in person or virtually. This is part of the organization of a new 'soft' society, that necessitates different kind of rules.

Change of values, change of desires

The crisis of covid19 has dramatically opened people's eyes about what they really value in life. As Saturn applies to the square to Uranus and makes it exact several times in 2021 and 2022, our values in general will continue changing, and so will our desires and decisions. With that, the tangible values will also experience a transformation. This means economical and financial changes for our business activities. Uranus in Taurus is also changing the Earth, Nature, agriculture, food production and distribution, and the administration and distribution of material resources. So far, the distribution was pyramidal, but it will slowly become more egalitarian. 

Freedom instead of dissolution

We are now required to discipline ourselves, to assume personal responsibility, to be our own agents of authority. We are finding what authentic rebellion means, because we will have a real cause to rebel, loss, scarcity, even death. Social changes will require our maturity, and understanding that 'my right starts where the right of other people begins' (J. P. Varela). We finally understand that we cannot do whatever we want. Not only what I do affects others, but like a boomerang, later turns also against me.

From pyramidal to horizontal societal organization 

It has been already realized that authorities, even the elected ones, do not represent people's interests in the least. People do not trust their governments because they have long shown pervasive corruption. Then, people should be ready to recover their own authority, take responsibility and work for the issues they have been asking for such a long time. Individual initiative and innovation will replace our bad habit of waiting for the 'father figure' of the day to do it for us.

From international to local

The repeated squares to Uranus in Taurus is helping us change our economic values as well. Now, we understand the unsustainability of the global economic system built through the Era of Industrialization and Globalization, while Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in Earth Signs. As the supplies don't come from China as usual, we understand how vulnerable the markets have been. It'd be necessary to build small self sufficient communities with local production and transportation of merchandise if we are to survive.

Cooperation instead of competition

Aquarius is the Sign of alliances to defend a cause, and cooperatives for a specific social or material benefit. Saturn favors the formation of grassroot like minded unconventional associations of mutual support. In times of scarcity, neighbors gather resources together to share, practice informal commerce, swap goods, pitch in, and exchange services to overcome poverty, achieve goals, and make dreams come true.

2021 Saturn Squares to Uranus

Saturn and Uranus are mythological enemies from time immemorial. The Greek Myth tells us that Saturn rebelled against his father, Uranus, and castrated him. In Astrology, Saturn represents tradition and the past, Uranus innovation and the future. With three squares in store for 2021, we can expect clashes between the status quo and the urgency for change. Since both Aquarius and Taurus are stubborn Signs, both planets will be slow to give in, if ever. People will have the tendency to be opinionated and oppose changes, thinking that we still have the possibility to go back to the old ways. However, the longer the resistance, the longer the suffering.

As much as Saturn is happy in the humanitarian and social Sign of Aquarius because it’s the traditional ruler, Uranus rules Aquarius. Comfortable as he is there, we can expect Saturn to put some order. Saturn brings social organization, new structures and regulations to society to ensure security and the protection of all. As the Lord of his House, Uranus challenges the old ways of Saturn, and forcefully introduces innovation, even if sometimes with natural catastrophes (Taurus).

Saturn becomes the enemy of his father Uranus,
by severing his creative power, but Venus is born instead.

How different are Saturn and Uranus?

SATURN – solid matter                                              URANUS – electricity, wave energy
Past                                                                                Future
Rock boundaries, and foundations                                Open air, fast movement
Tradition                                                                        Innovation
Old ways of doing things                                              New ways of doing things
Authorities                                                                    Rebellion against authorities
Conservative politics                                                    Progressive politics
Vertical societal structure                                              Horizontal societal structure
Duties and responsibilities                                            Experimentation
Slow to change if ever                                                  Instant change
Obedience                                                                     Rebellion and creativity
Known expectations                                                     Unknown expectations
Stable solid reality                                                        Exploration of other realities
Categories in society                                                    Rupture with the system
Separation of classes                                                    Mixing of classes
Fear of change                                                              Audacity, temerity
Complaints, criticism                                                   Bright, genius solutions
Regulation, restrictions                                                Freedom to act
Depression/melancholy                                                Excitement, courage
Land travel                                                                   Air travel
Physical technology, hardware                                     Lighter technology, software
Routine, methodic, repetitive                                       Uncharted territory
Conventional                                                                Unconventional
Father figure reference                                                  Self-autonomy
Dependence                                                                  Independence 
Stability                                                                        Instability
Rocks, mountains                                                         Air, wind
Solid stable matter                                                       Electromagnetic waves
Land pollution                                                             Airborne pollution

This will be a time of rebellion against the traditional ways. The transition brings economic recession or depression, when economic progress and development will require much patience, hard work, self discipline, and social maturity. At the same time, Saturn always requires integrity, practical common sense, and a higher level of social responsibility. Uranus shows a different more progressive kind of development. The only way to breakthrough the challenges will be an overhaul at all levels of society. We can expect new educational, economic, healthcare, production and commercial systems with the use of cutting edge technology. Saturn in Aquarius last quarter square with Uranus, favors manual and mechanical work, scientific and technological innovation, and values intellectual advancement.

There will be a clash between rebellion and stability. Old ideologies may be banned or relegated, but new scientific discoveries, or inventions may be rejected or opposed. People may resist taking individual responsibility, embracing changes, in a state of anxiety and fear of an unknown though promising future. Those used to unjustified privileges will have to make sacrifices. Some people still attached to the past may be pessimistic, and have a negative approach because they find it hard to adapt to the changes.

We will have to remember that with this new Saturn and Pluto cycle, (~35 year cycle) we are still working on the demolition and reconstruction of our civilization. We made this chaos, because we are to evolve, develop and grow as a Human Species. Embrace the New Dawn of Humanity! Let's make it together!

Here is my video of the first Saturn ingress in Aquarius in March 2020.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Chiron in Aries and the Pandemic

Chiron in Aries’ Message Through the Pandemic 

This article was originally published in the December 2020 Journal 
of the International Society of Astrological Research, ISAR. 

    Two years into Aries, Chiron has embedded his message in our lives by percolating it through every pore of our human existence. In 2018, with Chiron’s first ingress in Aries, little did we know how our very human identity and existence will experience its inherent vulnerability and face the risks of survival. 

     For those new to this cosmic body, Chiron may be a ‘minor planet’ with no minor significance nonetheless. Greek Mythology tells us that Chiron was the abandoned and rejected half-human half-horse immortal son of Philyra and Chronos. However, that was not his only wound. Later in life, Heracles, his own student accidentally injures him on a leg with a poisoned arrow. Immortality has its own rules, and because of the Medusa’s poison, he couldn’t heal. From that moment on, Chiron spends the rest of his life studying and searching for his healing, thus becoming a healer himself and a Healing Master to many, including the ancient Greek God of Medicine, Asclepius. Yet, the only effective healing for him was to sacrifice his immortality for someone whose suffering was an even greater torment, Prometheus. Switching places with Prometheus, Chiron dies, and is finally liberated from his suffering.1

Pompeo Batoni – Achilles and his Teacher, the Centaur Chiron (1746)

    Chiron in Aries has activated the wounded human sense of self, our vulnerability and limitations as incarnated (Aries) spiritual beings (Pisces). We are feeling the pain of this material existence in our own flesh, which arouses the need to fight to survive. Some, instead, deny the cruel reality of our precarious physicality by freezing in place unwilling to accept the threat, strengthening their will power and claims of independence, or eluding it by fleeing into escapist behaviors (favored by Neptune in Pisces). No matter how one reacts, the reality is that we realize our fallibility. We are confronted with the concept of not being enough, strong enough, independent enough, healthy enough, perfect enough. Our very existence is being threatened. Deep down, accepted or not, our Chironic human limitations, dysmorphic traits, and shortcomings are more evident than ever. 

    Chiron, in Aries as well as in Pisces, travels through the Aphelion, the coldest part of his orbit around the Sun. As Chiron’s orbit links together Saturn and Uranus’ orbits acting as a bridge, the aphelion is the place where we are in closer contact with our ‘celestial’ of ethereal condition. Through the perceptions we receive of a vaster intangible reality, we are shown the deepest wound of all, the wound of having left behind our spiritual condition (Uranus, Lord of the Sky) to be born in the material plane (Saturn, Lord of Time and Space). We sense the pain of having been abandoned alone in this inhospitable place called Earth. In Aries, the arising questions are ‘who am I?’, ‘what to do with this fallible body?’ How will I survive? Other Aries concerns relate to how, when and where initiate action to ensure individual survival, to perpetuate the species through sexuality, and to use physical energy for protection. 

Chiron Enters the Scene 

    Reading the Chiron ingress in Aries chart, we now get a better sense of the themes that he was putting on the table in April 2018. 


    Chiron entering Aries with Mercury is in itself a statement, he brings a message. The Sun conjunct Uranus at the critical degrees in Aries, talks about the elevation and liberation of the core essence of the human self. The Sun sheds its creative light on the shaking influence of Uranus, which is also associated with human traumatic events because of its sudden and unexpected striking shocks from unimaginable heavenly forces. Was a pandemic in someone’s mind in early 2018? The Sun then was clearly showing that the strike was coming. Yet, Uranus strikes to liberate us. In Aries, this represents a fracture from who we thought we were. Have we thought that we were the most powerful species on Earth, that we had been able to dominate and submit even Nature to our own designs? Did we have the idea that we were invincible to the extreme of toying with atomic aggressive power without thinking that it could annihilate us? Here comes the tiniest possible entity, a virus, to show us otherwise, and maybe put us in our place. 

    Moreover, the Sun Uranus combination of energy feeds the direction we are to take, indicated by the North Node in Leo ruled by the Sun, if we are to find joy in life, and able to create from the very core of our essential self. The Sun force in Aries nurtures the quest for expression and show to the world the spiritual essence (Uranus) we were given to manifest during these times. Injected into the North Node, this energy makes for prolific innovation in the preservation of life, most probably through alternative scientific findings (Chiron). 

    Mars, the ruler of Aries, in Capricorn sandwiched between Saturn and Pluto indicates the need for discipline, maturity, integrity of actions at the same time that demands a profound psychological exploration and transformation of the structures of reality built so far throughout history. This societal and institutional reality is due for revision since it dates from the last Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in 1518. 

    Mars is also conjunct Black Moon Lilith, the shadow of control. According to Laura Walker, Lilith in Capricorn fears neglect, and not being acknowledged. She explains that 

 “Lilith in Capricorn manifests as a need to control the course of events. When this shadow dominates, we have a tendency to be demanding. We can go to extreme efforts to gain attention. We have definite ideas about the way things should be and others often succumb to the force of our will. Frequently we refuse to give up until someone – anyone - acknowledges what we have to offer or agrees with what we think is best.”3 

    In addition, Chariklo, Chiron’s wife, by Pluto is the “magical healing presence” that has accompanied the whole process with her “invisible [yin] power of responsiveness and receptivity to bear with the situation, to allow, and attune with the great mystery that needs to be born”. Chariklo shows us her example of “humility, modesty and the feeling of deferring to the greater source and power of life”4. In this way, we are presented with the challenge and simultaneously given the tools to work with it. 

    Chiron is also opposing MakeMake, a recently discovered TNP that is barely entering our consciousness. Its orbit lasts 309 years around the Sun and symbolically, its name refers to the Creator God of the Rapa Nui culture of the Easter Island. Although not proven, it is thought that the Rapa Nui people became extinct due to their over exploitation of Nature, and consequent destruction of their environment. The mythology associated with MakeMake tells about a hero, the Birdman, who engages in a spiritual quest. In order to prove worthy of the feat, the first challenge the candidate faces is a “dangerous journey to fetch the first bird egg of the season and bring it back with him”. Next, “the selected Birdman would meditate” in isolation for a year and upon coming back to his community, share “the visions he [had] encountered”5. Then the MakeMake archetype in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries seems to correlate with the need to plunge into the depth of self-exploration to bring out a balance using the Venusian, more harmonious, peaceful, receptive, and gracious conciliatory energy as a counteract to our aggressive psychological tendency (Aries) that always end up wounding us even more. 

    When Chiron re-enters Pisces on September 25, 2018 for a five-month search of something that was left behind, we were thrown into deeper emotional waters for a more profound soul search. Both Pisces rulers were in Water Signs. Neptune in Pisces increasing the intensity of the Sign’s archetype in both sides of the spectrum, with heightened spirituality, escapist behaviors, and mystic bewilderment. Jupiter in Scorpio was exploring and bringing to the surface wounds and issues related to sexuality, shared resources and wealth. Like the image on a looking glass, the oceanic Piscean collective was reflecting to us the most hidden inadequate pieces of our psyche and spiritual experience. 

    Back in Aries, by February 18, 2019, Chiron rubs elbows with Eris and Uranus, the rowdiest of the Zodiac, sowing the seed of rebellion that takes root in the pain of diverse identities not being recognized, accepted and embraced. Mars in Taurus explores the values that are up for inquisitive reconsideration. In addition, Taurus looks at the animal half of Chiron, the more primal instinctive side of our existence, and discovers the wounded body. We can now clearly realize why. The pandemic represents exactly a threat to the physical condition of our life. It’s the poisoned arrow stabbed in our body, as it were, motivating us to seek all kinds of healing possibilities, till the end of our days, like Chiron did. Emulating Chiron, we would probably study, discover and develop many other scientific branches that, in the end, will reveal themselves to be of service to everyone. In the same way Chiron studied natural healing substances, Taurus suggest our increased reliance on natural resources, plants, and other products from the earth that will prove to be therapeutic. 

    Mars makes two important aspects, a sextile to the Sun in Aquarius and the opposition to Pallas Athena in Libra (both out of Sign aspects). The Sun God was Chiron protector, adoptive father and mentor. This Sun Mars connection is an opportunity to reclaim the self-worth, and use a well oriented combative spirit to defend one’s personal, cultural, ethnic, religious, innate or chosen identity. This influence is an incentive for an honorable competition or defense of one’s reputation in order to solidify one’s sense of identity. Multiple examples around the world show how people from all walks of life, from a wide range of identities, be it nationality, religious, gender, cultural, are reclaiming their value. Groups with distinct traits initiate activism in their own behalf, take opportunities for leadership in positive support of who they are, each claiming their right to be. The BLM and the LGBTQ movements among many others, are examples of the wounded healing power of Chiron, operating as an increase in identity self-confidence, and claim to be recognized as whole and not wounded. 

    Pallas in Libra opposing Mars reminds us of the need to reconcile opposites. In times of an insurmountable gap between the disenfranchised and the privileged, displaced or rejected national, religious or political identities, this energy reminds us all the inadequacies of Chiron. He can give us the perception of an over inflated or deflated self, of a victim or of a victimizer, which are also parts of his archetype. The presence of Pallas, the wise strategic woman warrior, mirroring Mars, is a hopeful reflection of a better approach used in Mars battles. As a healer, Pallas Athene works here with techniques of energy balancing, such as polarity therapy […](yin-yang) and conflict management”. Pallas “is skilled in creating harmonious designs […] defender of justice, [she] seeks to implement the arts of peace, mediation, diplomacy and legal action. [She] harmonizes and integrates polarities”. Pallas also puts in evidence our contemporary sexual traumas, also a part of Chiron in Aries archetype. It’s obvious that the pandemic raises the problematic of “sexual-creative expression or inability to actualize creative ideas”. The suggested or imposed isolation and physical distancing encumber the possibility of face to face relationship negotiation (Libra), let alone sexual contacts. 
“The sexual frustration can lead to feelings of sexual inadequacy and compensatory militant behavior. There may be confusion over one’s masculine sexual identity with either too little or too much masculine expression.”6

    This not only refers to masculine energy as in men, but the yang or projective energy in both sexes as well. Intimacy being the clearest expression of identity affirmation because of the necessary trust and acceptance, is also damaged by the pandemic. The social restrictions and physical distancing increase the sense of isolation and anxiety. The proximity apprehension due to the fact that it promotes the spread of the virus, has people plunge deeper into escapist behavior and addictions such as pornography to compensate for the missing intimacy. Thus, all of which hinders the possibility to reconcile extremes (Aries/Libra). 

    From these two ingress charts, the conclusion is obvious. This time around, Chiron in Aries is associated with the capacity of humans to survive in face of an unexpected health threat. In addition, there is a higher degree of vulnerability to environmental pollution of any kind affecting and threatening all forms of life. Moreover, Chiron in Aries is a symbol of the ‘boomerang’ effect of the fight to survive, as is seen in wounded warriors, and other victims of war, protests and resistance, that abound in every corner of the planet. In other instances, the wound also shows in the lack of human independence or autonomy; enslaved people, asylum seekers crowded together in inhumane camps, imprisoned refugees, or homeless citizens having to live in the streets. Since Aries relates to the head, there is a greater incidence of mental health as well with the corollary of increase suicide numbers. The healing process associated with Chiron in Aries correlates with the personal and collective introspection in isolation (MakeMake in Libra), that hopefully results in the adjustment of a higher self-consciousness, behavior changes oriented to the development of a collective identity consciousness. 

 Chiron Astrological Red Flags 

    There is no doubt that Chiron has definitely played a central role in the outbreak of this virus and consequent Pandemic. The straightforward evidence of the cycle Mars Chiron, showed from the beginning, several red flags. 
  • Mars Chiron conjunction December 28, 2018 - Measles outbreak brought into USA from abroad, Israel and Ukraine (CDC source) 
  • Mars first quarter square to Chiron May 23, 2019 - Measles outbreak has higher numbers of cases in decades. E-coli contaminated meat recalled in USA. 
  • Mars opposite Chiron October 8, 2019 - Exact date of the Event 201, which concludes that the world is not ready for a pandemic.7
  • Jupiter in Capricorn waning square to Chiron December 8, 2019 - Approximate date of a whistleblower Doctor in China warning about a new rare virus. 
  • Mars in Capricorn waning square to Chiron February 21, 2020 - CDC changes the way of counting covid19 cases. 34 people test positive in USA. The virus enters the USA brought by people from abroad (Diamond Princess Cruise Ship and other repatriations). 
  • Mars square the Nodal Axis in Cancer Capricorn March 13, 2020 - Just 2 days before, March 11, the Pandemic is officially recognized (CDC source). 

    Reflections on the Historical Cycle 

    Going back in history, there are significant correlations of our present Chiron cycle with the one at the end of the 13th Century. The following details are the reasons why I think that the Chiron in Aries period of 1288-1296 has relevant themes to our present Chiron in Aries period of 2018-2026, especially at the global level. First, the wounding and healing process is wide and global in both. Second, both periods belong within and immediately after the triple Jupiter Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The only previous occurrence of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto joining forces in Capricorn was December 20, 1284, and, like in 2020, only Saturn and Pluto were partile. It also coincided with the Renaissance, the last 200-year period of Jupiter and Saturn exact conjunctions in Air Signs. As currently, the exact Jupiter Saturn conjunction was then also in Aquarius on January 1st , 1286. Since Chiron was then in Pisces, it took two more years for him to enter Aries, but the implications are certainly similar.

Chiron entered Aries on May 5, 1288. 

    All these coincidental similarities, and considering the 735-year cycle of the three planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, 2020 is definitely another turning point of the Ages as it was back then. Another sign that we are currently revising this history is the fact that the meeting of those three planets has taken place over Saturn’s and Pluto’s planetary south nodes located respectively at the 19 and 20 degrees of Capricorn. In 1288, Chiron ingress into Aries is with Venus, and Mars with Neptune, definitely pointing to the refinement of human identity through artistic and harmonic expressions and actions. This chart is amazingly describing the Renaissance. Look at the North Node at the very end of Libra! Saturn in Pisces and the sensual stability provided by the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus are beacons of a high level of creative expression. 

    Chiron’s healing operates through the wound. It is said that human beings elevate their spirituality when they are under the threatening pressure of severe pain at the edge of death. Examples of cancer patients abound, telling their spiritual awakening stories when they recover. They are ‘reborn’ (Pluto) to a new meaning of their existence (Chiron in Aries). Many studied and learned so much about their illness that, like Chiron did, they were ready and willing to share their experience with others. Some even became healers themselves in one capacity or another. 
“To will the good, one must first know it, and so there could be no true eloquence without wisdom.”8
    Similarly, the collective suffering that Covid19 has brought engenders a profound longing for renewal. The dark times of the Crusades (1096-1271) had turned European geopolitics upside down and at odds with the power of the Church. The Nobility had traveled abroad, seen other realities, accessed the forgotten ancient knowledge in the libraries that treasured it in the East. Their eyes had been opened, and many of them returned bringing back new perspectives, new knowledge of medicine, languages, philosophy and even copies of the classical books. 

“There’s no question that the years of bloody conflict brought by the Crusades had an impact on Middle East and Western European nations for many years, and still influence political and cultural views and opinions held today.”9

"Europe was on the verge of one of the most productive and creative periods in its entire history. Following this long period of darkness [Middle Ages] there came this tremendous explosion of cultural achievements."10

    In Europe, although there were still pervasive inequalities and discrimination and persecution against Jews and Muslims, a new legal system was created with innovative jurisprudence and judicial Courts. A new social contract was adopted in England, the Magna Carta, recognizing the rights of what would have been the equivalent of today’s ‘middle class’. In the degree the culture of the time was able to incorporate, there was a movement toward increased equanimity. There was a new burst of creativity not seen since the time of the Roman Empire. Kingdoms were consolidated and city-states showed signs of a certain degree of democracy. 

    The Renaissance was a time of search for higher knowledge, studying and rediscovering ancient classical knowledge from Arabic, Greek and Roman civilizations. Universities were created. Literacy was progressively spread, and with the later invention of the press, the access to knowledge was unstoppable. During the Renaissance, literature soared and the records of history were started. Affluent lay people were able to attend universities and be educated in classical languages, mathematics, arts, philosophy, and other disciplines. 

    The reason why Humanity is spiritually revisiting this historical period is probably due to the fact that Neptune’s planetary south node, symbolic of our spiritual and collective unconscious past karma, is currently in Aquarius sitting over the Jupiter Saturn conjunction of January 1st, 1286. Furthermore, Neptune correlates also with invisible enemies (i.e. germs), healing, medicine, hospitals, seclusion, and vulnerability due to poor boundaries. What developments took place in those regards at the end of the 13th Century? 
Chiron teaching magic - Giovanni Benedetto, 1609-1664.

    Chiron in Aries at the end of the 13th Century saw the renewal of medicine in Europe with Doctors studying and translating ancient Arabic works.11 However, the Catholic Church was closely involved regulating what was acceptable as ‘science’ and who was approved as ‘doctors’. Historical records show that Jewish Doctors and other ‘distinguished scholars’ earned prominence and acceptance in the eyes of the Pope.12 Medical practice was holistic and founded on Astrology, as evidenced by the use of the ‘Rx’ signature (for Radix), still alive today, meaning “I’ve seen the horoscope” (Birth Chart)13 . Remedies included the use of herbs, potions, ablutions, dressings, and often spiritual remedies, music and fine arts. Records attest of John of Gaddesden curing Edward I of England’s son from smallpox using scarlet drapery in the room and bodily dressings.14 “Religious foundations established hospitals and infirmaries attached to abbeys, monasteries, priories, and convents. Doctors and nurses in these institutions were members of religious orders and combined spiritual with physical healing.”15 However, private parties took the initiative to open hospitals as well. Mathieu Buridan and his wife established a hospital in Saint-Quentin, France, for poor women where they could give birth and receive care.16 

Chiron, Our Present Healing Journey 

While Uranus transited Aries (2011-2018), human identity was reshaped through the free access to a wide range of information on Internet. This proved to have advantages and created problems. Even though people has had the opportunity to learn so much, the individual was not always capable of digesting the huge amount of knowledge and use it for his or her own benefit. Come Chiron in the Sign that rules the head, now, Humanity discovers that knowledge without the wisdom of how to use it, can and has hurt its evolution. With this accumulation of information, human identity has changed faster than the person can understand. Chiron in Aries reveals new inadequacies, and mental vulnerabilities. The lack of discernment, critical thinking, good judgment, with excess of disorganized or manipulated information is hurting the mind to the point of insanity. 

    The Pandemic, a microscopic ‘bug’ that doesn’t even have life of its own, and the seclusive measures of protection has forced us to make a better acquaintance with the state of our mind and with the status of our most essential condition. Thanks to the potentiated Capricorn energy, every element of our reality is up for deconstruction and reconstruction. Like the patient diagnosed with a serious illness, the whole collective is engaged in the search for survival (Aries). 
Apollo Entrusting Chiron with the Education
of Aesculapius-etching-Washington,DC, NGA

    In a parallel to the 13th Century, and like Chiron, we’re seeking new knowledge in every branch of science. Like him, we will probably find no cure for the virus. And most likely there are other invisible challenges threatening our survival. Environmental natural disasters, man-made pollution, atomic catastrophes, the possibility of war are all hovering over our heads in the next few decades. Like in the darkest of the Middle Ages, it is possible that we touch rock bottom before rising up. Yet, through the enlightenment of this neo-renaissance, most definitely, we will be eager to come out of this dark state of ignorance, that has made us so vulnerable and placed us at the edge of extinction. 

    Chiron makes us aware of our orphanhood, and plunged the collective into the realization that life matters. No matter its shape, color or size, if it is vegetable, animal or human, it is the essence of existence that is at risk. Chiron in Aries represents both, fallibility and resiliency of the existence. Like Chiron, may we look up to the generosity, optimism, life sustaining energy, and enlightenment of the Sun’s symbolism, Apollo, Chiron’s adoptive father and mentor, to guide us, rescue us, and support human existence.


1  The Meaning of Chiron’s Myth - https://satsangatastrology.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-meaning-of-chirons-myth.html 
2  Charts by Astro.com 
3  Laura Walker, Black Moon Lilith 
4  Melanie Reinhart, Chariklo 
5 Henry Seltzer, TimePassages Planets’ reports, MakeMake 
6 Demetra George with Douglas Bloch, Asteroid Goddesses, The Mythology, Psychology and Astrology or the Reemerging Feminine. 
Event 201 -  
9 The Crusades, history.com editors, The Crusades,  
10 Jim Masschaele, in video End of the Crusades 
12  Friedenwald, Harry. “JEWISH PHYSICIANS IN ITALY: THEIR RELATION TO THE PAPAL AND ITALIAN STATES.” Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, no. 28, 1922, pp. 133–211. JSTOR, Accessed 21 Oct. 2020. 
13  Judith Hill, Medical Astrology, A Guide to Planetary Pathology, Stellium Press, page 1. 
14  John of Gaddesden, in Wikipedia
15  Medieval and Renaissance Europe, in Britannica  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gemini Lunar Eclipse - November 30, 2020

 Gemini Lunar Eclipse

November 30, 2020 @ 3:29 am CST/9:29 UTC

Before reading how this Eclipse will affect your life, I encourage you to watch my video with the description of all the aspects to other planets, to understand the overall energy of the chart. If you would like to learn more about eclipses, the difference between solar and lunar, the north and south nodes of the moon, please watch my webinar here. Thank you for supporting my work by making a donation

Gemini Lunar Eclipse, @ 8º ♊️ 38' on the North Node of the Moon. 

 A Lunar Eclipse makes us aware of the completion of something. The Sun shines his light on our emotional and psychic body, highlighting an issue related to the house occupied by Gemini. On the North Node, this full moon eclipse energy gives us the opportunity to realize that something has reached its expiration date. At the same time we eliminate subconscious conditionings and behaviors, we receive a new actualizing energy. 

Rahu, Head of the Dragon, North Node of the Moon
Ancients believed he 'eats' the Moon during an eclipse

This eclipse affects the houses occupied by Sagittarius (Sun) and Gemini (Moon). However, the houses occupied by Leo and Cancer are also affected, as well as any planet that the eclipse may conjoin or square within no more than 3 degrees. The Sagittarius related themes are long distance travel, wisdom, freedom, truth, higher knowledge, educational institutions, beliefs, religious systems and organizations, legal and judicial matters, justice system. The Gemini related themes are information, communication, knowledge, data, specifically skilled and healthcare workers, the environment, perception and conceptualization. 

 The Sun with the South Node in Sagittarius indicates that any of those Sagittarian themes has a flaw and needs revision, and depuration. The Moon with the North Node in Gemini indicates that any of those related themes is having a spotlight for realization, assimilation, and actualization. The new awareness of data could be shocking, and has the potential to completely change your life direction in a welcomed way. Moreover, the mentioned Sagittarius themes will suffer detriment, and your beliefs (Sagittarius) would be updated as well, based on the new knowledge. 

"Let there be light, and there was light" Genesis 1:3

Personally, you may see changes in authority or father figures (Sun) and in your family, home or mother life issues. The house occupied by Cancer may experience an increase and the house of Leo a decrease. Here is a brief description of how your rising sign could be affected. 

 GEMINI The Lunar Eclipse affects the way you present yourself, your appearance, your health, your initiative. Special attention to your body increases and you may realize something about who you are. 

 CANCER The Lunar Eclipse affects your relaxation ability, your sleep, your bedroom. You may realize that that you need a retreat in order to isolate yourself and rest. You may feel drawn to attend church, or do charitable work. It may be necessary to go to the hospital. Any of those activities can make you aware of some psychological conditioning you didn’t know. 
LEO The Lunar Eclipse affects your hopes and dreams. You may understand better something about the groups you belong to, or your friends and social media. There may be news about the money you make from your employer or your profession. 
VIRGO The Lunar Eclipse affects your professional life. You may discover something about your employer, maybe your father, or your boss. You may have a promotion, get a better job, or realize that you need to move in order to accommodate a new job in your life. 
LIBRA The Lunar Eclipse affects your education if you are in college, or in an institution of higher studies. Also, you may realize something or receive new information about your belief system that changes your way of thinking about the future, and your worldview. 

SCORPIO The Lunar Eclipse may do for you what you fear the most, reveal your deepest secrets. It may also bring news about your shared resources with your personal or business partner. Your eureka moment can relate to your intimacy or sexuality. Whatever happens can generate a psychological crisis and transformation. 

SAGITTARIUS The Lunar Eclipse affects the way you see your partner and you relate to others. It may drain your physical energy as well. What you believe about yourself may need an upgrade, because someone else makes you aware of a shortcoming. 
CAPRICORN The Lunar Eclipse affects your daily routines, your day to day work schedule, your health. You may become aware of a conflict with subordinates. You may be told a health diagnosis, that needs hospitalization. If you have a pet, maybe you learn something new about it. 

AQUARIUS The Lunar Eclipse affects the way you enjoy life, your creativity, romantic life. You may learn something else about love or your lover. If you practice sports for fun, you may learn a skill you didn’t know before. 
PISCES The Lunar Eclipse affects your home and family life, maybe also your emotional foundation. Light is shed onto your private life, your mother, or another family member. You may also learn something new about your property or the house where you live. 
ARIES The Lunar Eclipse affects your communications, skills, neighborhood, siblings and people with whom you relate in your daily life, like coworkers, team mates, roommates. 

TAURUS The Lunar Eclipse affects your energy level and body, your possessions, resources, ethical values, self-esteem, material values, the money you make, and family traditions. It may affect your voice as well.

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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Jupiter Pluto Conjunction

Jupiter Pluto Conjunction
November 12, 2020 

Jupiter is the magnifying glass and Pluto, the drill. Everything that is currently at play in the structures of society will be amplified a hundred-fold. The meeting of these two Titans brings events to remember. It is the punch line of a three-act play, one April 4, next June 30, and now November 12. Jupiter ends the 13-year cycle with Pluto and starts a new one. This is just one of the 6 new cycles that made 2020 so eventful. This last conjunction not only is the most powerful because it’s the last punch, but Saturn is the closest, with just over 3 degrees of orb. This makes it a triple conjunction of Titans. This is the Astronomy of it, so you can see that what is in the sky corresponds to what is on the Earth. As the Hermetic Principle states, “as above, so below”

Frederic Leighton - The Return of Persephone (1891)

  As we have already seen this year, Jupiter Pluto blow things, either small or big, out of proportion. Alan White said that “Pluto makes big things small and small things big“. Patrick Watson, Astrologer, wrote a research essay where he goes back in history to prove White’s statement. From Johannes Kepler with the telescope, to the Big Bang theory of Georges Le Maître, including Zacharias Janssens with the microscope, and the discovery of Pluto itself, the Jupiter Pluto conjunction has been present in all of them. 

This year, an ultramicroscopic virus has taken the colossal proportions of a pandemic, picking specifically at the time of the two previous conjunctions. The third and final conjunction is decisive and even stronger, as we are already hearing from medical news around the globe. In some places in Peru, for example, a cemetery is bigger than the city. And we haven’t seen the worst of it yet. Now, the virus jumped species and mutated again, as Denmark has informed the world. How many species can the virus jump? How many individuals can die?

Pluto represents the power of demolition, decomposition, destruction, decay, in order to regenerate, and heal through cleansing, detoxifying, and transforming. In other words, Pluto help us get rid of the s-h-i-t. The Pluto archetype represents the cycle of life, and reminds us that everything in the Universe is vibrating and alive. Even the hardest diamond is constantly changing. However, everything that has been originated, has an expiration day. The four seasons of Nature respect this principle. Pluto reminds us that there is a time when we have to let go, and renew. If we resist that natural law of the universe, then Pluto creates cataclysmic events to force us to let go of what is already dead.

The Rape of Persephone, Rome

Jupiter expands the vision, the world view, opens the mind to a broader understanding of reality, broadens the perspective, helps us envision the long-term effect. Jupiter is associated with the natural law, moral principles, ethical behavior, the justice system, and the expanded knowledge of the role of different cultures in the survival strategies. Jupiter helps us create belief systems based on ideologies, religious ideals or spiritual outlook. 

Statue of Jupiter in the Parthenon

 I hope at least some sensible people can understand the urgency and scope of this crisis. Still, I see people not disposing of the trash appropriately, not protecting themselves with PPE, not respecting the scientific advice, and even polluting on purpose because they can’t care less about the environment, or other people. Human beings are already living on top of a dump, immerse in trash. Facing the consequences of not respecting the Natural Laws is not only imminent but ineluctable, in order for Humanity to UNDERSTAND. Some of the possible manifestations are 

• Imbalances of power, obvious unchecked power hunger of some opposed to disempowerment of others.
• Amplification of material and power greed so we face their consequences and realize its toxicity. On the other hand, huge losses that show the impermanence of the physical plane, and the need to feed the spiritual side to cope with deprivation and scarcity.
• Stronger grip to power of current authority figures in spite of their unpopular image and lack of popular support.
• Digging really deep into the very roots of our belief systems that forces us to reconsider our values, ethical principles, and ideas of justice.
• Facing the crude reality of our moral or immoral reality in order to understand the role of ethical behavior in social life.
• Magnifying the exposure of the unconscious psychological conditionings that are undermining our behavior. Being exposed to the mental and behavioral derangement, so we understand the need for healing instead of punishment.
• Revision of the perspective for the future of humanity, based on a decadent state of things.
• Understanding the implications of the environmental hazards because of the current Earth pollution and its tangible consequences.
• Show and parade of underground corruption, taboos, secret dealings, criminal and unlawful behavior, heinous actions, extreme ruthlessness, so we see the need to eradicate them if we want to live in peace and harmony.
• Understand the natural cycles of life and accept death as a necessary part of it.
• Extreme ambition, accumulation, and hogging of the natural resources that should be shared with all (land, water, oil, minerals, agriculture).
• Awareness of the decadence of solid structures with the need to reconstruct anew more efficiently.
• Awareness of the decay in the institutional, governmental, societal, educational, financial, and economic structures that require purge and upgrade. Countries and individuals could incur in sidereal levels of debt, or unprecedented debt renegotiation.
• The virus disrupts the economic safety system with its disproportionate demand of resources. Humanity realizes the need to manage resources more efficiently and equitably if we are to survive. 
• Evidence of the corruption or absence of justice in the current political system, for us to understand the necessity of the law, fairness, equability in civilized society. 
• Metamorphose of educational systems.
• Regeneration of long-distance travel.
• Reconfiguration of the Internet.
• Revision of spiritual, ideological and religious beliefs. Organized religions undergo a transmutation.
• And many more impossible to imagine at the moment. 

The 23th Degree of Capricorn

This last Jupiter Pluto conjunction happens at the ominous 22º 52’, just 6 minutes away from the point of the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January. They are reiterating the message, in case and for those who didn’t get it yet, most probably because of hardheadedness. For more information on the chart of November 12, 2020, when this conjunction is exact, and guidelines for your Rising Sign, please watch my video

Here’s the Sebian Symbol for the 23th degree of CAPRICORN: “A SOLDIER RECEIVING TWO AWARDS FOR BRAVERY IN COMBAT. KEYNOTE: The reward offered by society for the fulfillment of individual responsibility” (Dane Rudhyar's Mandala) Who will survive? You bet. Those who assume responsibility, not those who claim freedom to do as they please without regard for the Natural Laws. These laws must be respected, or else, says the Universe. 

By now, most people understand that they cannot expect to have authority figures guide their way. Each individual needs to embrace the maturity, responsibility, and integrity necessary to become one's own authority and guide. To achieve this level of adulthood, it's important to know what these basic Universal Principles are. Those principles are how the Universe works. In order for us to live, succeed, and survive we need to live by them. 

Sat Nam.

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