Wednesday, December 28, 2022

2023 New Year Vibes

January 1st, 2023 Chart

Dominant Elements & Energies

The Earth element is predominant by far. The dominant modality is Cardinal. The stronger planets are Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, in that order.

Capricorn Moon Cycle

The abundance of Earth energy will probably translate into growing struggles in the material reality (Taurus Capricorn trine) with increasingly stark climate events. The year starts within the Capricorn Moon Cycle, with the crescent gibbous Moon. The trine between the Moon and the Sun is the stage of growth and increase during the moon cycle. With several planets in Capricorn, this Moon cycle indicates that the whole year will be austere, and will increasingly present serious organizational and systemic issues that need fixing (Virgo empty leg of the trine).  For instance, extreme temperatures may devastate Nature and impact all forms of life on Earth, including human life. The problems with distribution of energy and food will probably increase and require innovative (Uranus in Taurus) ways of dealing with them. And health issues may ensue requiring urgent attention.

It's time to look at reality in the face and understand how humans have been abusing natural resources. Excessive and unnecessary consumption in certain places of the globe has overburdened other productive areas to the maximum to the point of depleting resources. Furthermore, in great proportion, most resources are later wasted by those who think that are entitled to having ever more.  

The Capricorn Taurus trine is helping to put this reality in blunt and undeniable evidence. Uranus jolting Nature in all manners of ways, brings one surprise after another inviting humans to wake up to reality. This brings forward the negligence and misadministration of the material aspects of life by the corporations and government institutions (Capricorn), which, farther from seeking the wellbeing of the people they are supposed to serve, only rule by the principles of profit and ambitious capital growth. 

Additionally, Saturn, the Lord of all these planets in Capricorn is still in Aquarius, therefore social restrictions, communication censorship, human rights violations don't go away yet. Saturn moving to Pisces will bring other reasons and ways to regulate and control the masses.

Pluto's 15-year transit in Capricorn has relentlessly brought out to light the devastating consequences of those corrupted practices. In the era of globalization and with the help of  mass media, the citizens of the world realize how they have been abused and enslaved for the benefit of a few, while these few have been building a pyramid of power on the heads and shoulders of the masses. Pluto's work has decomposed the system, and reduced it to dust. The established system is not able to cope with the current reality. Governments try desperately to patch here and there the broken sociopolitical organization, in unsuccessful attempts to control spending, inflation, production, employment, and other issues. 

With Pluto in Capricorn, the system has rotted to the core. There is no way back. Pluto destroys, demolishes, decomposes, and then, uses the compost to give birth to the new. 

The Spring of the new life is near. It's a slow process that may start in March 2023 with the shift of Saturn and Pluto to new Signs. It will continue through February 2026 when Saturn conjoins Neptune in Aries. Slowly but surely, it's coming. 

Distribution of Energies on the Chart

The planets are distributed in the last and first quadrants of the natural zodiac. This means that the old is ending (through Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) and the birthing labor of the new has already started at the same time (through Aries, Taurus and Gemini). 

Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius, and Neptune in Pisces have been in charge of the political demolition, social restructuring, and final dissolution -respectively- of the current global system. 

Eris, the Goddess of Discord, in Aries for the last almost hundred years has been reclaiming the right of existence, especially for those left out of the 'gods' banquet'. The maverick Uranus gave a futuristic perspective to the human identity (transiting Aries). Chiron came behind clamouring for those who are 'different' to be recognized and accepted as contributors in society. Jupiter is now augmenting those Aries energies until May 2023. With intense and shocking shake ups, Uranus in Taurus has been waking up citizens around the world, with urgency. He urges us to attend to our environmental reality and the way we use resources, with the objective of finding new ways of sustaining life on Earth. 

Las bodas de Tetis y Peleo, (The Wedding of Thetis and Peleus),
1633, by Jacob Jordaens, in the Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

2023 Chart Analysis

The Cardinal energy from Capricorn to Aries, stimulates us to change, to do something related to the planets symbolism and the houses they transit on your natal chart.

The final dispositors of the January First 2023 chart are Venus and Neptune. Venus in Capricorn deals with the tangibles of life, or the material reality. Money, resources, and all 'substance' and energy sources that sustains life are on the table, as well as the urge to create peace and harmony. To talk about Neptune in Pisces, the astrologer will need to write a book. Suffice to say here that Neptune activates the disease and health axis of Virgo-Pisces, where all imbalances are symbolized. The combination of Venus and Neptune brings confusion to the tangible world, and possible dissolution of certain aspects of it. Things may not be as they seem. 

Venus, Mercury and Cupid, Louis Michel Van Loo

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn increases people's mental focus on the need to organize the material reality. In addition, all Mercury retrogrades of this year will take place in the Earth Signs of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo, highlighting this focus. 

Mercury Stationary Retrograde

Hygiea is prominent for several reasons. For one, Hygiea is the 'cutting' planet, or "the planet facing, in a clockwise direction, the largest open space between two planets in the horoscope. [...] It shows the manner in which the individual enters into new experiences."1 This means that for people to initiate any activity or experience, they have to take disease prevention into consideration. If the Sun is considered the first planet instead, that means that people will think first of protecting themselves, when entering new experiences (Sun in Capricorn can build walls around). 

In addition, with Hygiea at the top of the World chart in square to Jupiter in Aries, people will have to give high priority to a better planification of disease prevention. Governments will have to better fund and manage the public healthcare system. Not only that, but Jupiter semi-square Uranus may indicate the need or demand for the freedom to decide for oneself when it comes to healthcare. However, it could also reflect legislation of technological innovations in the area of healthcare and disease prevention, which could be activated surprisingly and quickly. 

Statue of Hygeia

In the local Greenwich chart, the Cancer midheaven would indicate that the maximum priority for people is finding refuge and safe places in order to thrive. Yet Lilith in Cancer reflects the fear of abandonment and neglect of families. This sound logical given the massive migration movements due to hunger, wars, terrorism and crime, repeated catastrophic natural events, and all kind of issues due to irresponsible stewardship of the material realm. Their consequences have recently gone out of control in such a way that societal and governmental organizations can't contain nor solve them. 

If that is not enough, Ceres also opposes Jupiter. The overwhelming need of people in dire straits for protection, shelter, care, or 'nurturing' becomes an impossible task. "The inability to say 'no' to other people's needs can deplete one's own nurturing reserves."2

Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest

The Sun square Chiron indicates difficulties, restrictions and obstacles on our efforts to fulfill the essence of our life mission. "The expression of our lives is dependent upon attending -seriously, consciously, and intentionally- to our wounds and issues"3 This year, people will be provoked and urged to attend to their core wounds, in order to be able to express the fullness of their essence. However, many will rationalize that they have no such inadequacies of being, even though their shortcomings and vulnerabilities will be so evident that some will vent them out openly, justifying themselves with pride. Hearing people say 'what can I do, I'm this way?' is a common excuse for not doing anything to improve, even though they recognize that something is wrong with them. This year then presents the opportunities to question those assumptions because, unfortunately, the creativity necessary to face the times challenges is blocked by stubbornly keeping stuck in one's detrimental ways.

Mercury square Eris reflects expressions of discontent, There are news, communications and plans from the top down powers about people protesting to defend their own rights. Eris public rebellion represents the disenfranchised of society who strive to demand recognition and acceptance. Diverse ethnic groups, LGBTQ, disabled individuals, refugies, asylum seekers, victims of slavery, and all sort of displaced and rejected people claim to receive equal protection under the human rights. Governmental institutions, corporations and authorities in power are forced to issue statements (Mercury rx) related to their claims.

Venus conjunct Pluto intensifies desires, however, being in the sign of Capricorn people can expect to feel overwhelmed by fear of not having enough money, food or resources. On the one hand, people will obsessively increase their focus on financial matters. Due to high inflation and other economic problems, the majority of the population is tightening their belts. On the other, this will probably impact banks, mortgages, loans, debts, insurance, taxes, corporate money, most especially superfluous spending habits and the purchase of luxuries. Bankruptcies could break the financial market, and banks may need to completely overhaul their financial system (Capricorn). The USA most probably trigger this domino effect due to their Pluto return last hit December 28, 2022, when Venus is already in orb conjunct transiting Pluto.

Birth of Venus

Of course, in order to survive, businesses and corporations (represented by Mercury Rx) are reviewing their commercial practice and will not hesitate targeting the rich with high scale products at unaffordable prices for the common folk. Performing arts, music events, art festivals, art galleries and all other artistic expressions may now be reserved just for those with big pockets.

People in relationships will be overburden due to money issues. Not only that, but couple's feelings intensify and may generate possessiveness, jealousy and even a high level of abuse that could translate in 'brutal love' and increase the rate of femicides. This influence will affect the ways people relate romantically and socially. Relationships will experience deep transformations for good or no so good, resulting in breakups or breakthroughs. 

Regarding esthetics, creativity, beauty and creative expression, for example, women may take the fashion of the 'femme fatale', wearing intense darker makeup colors and black clothing. Plastic surgery may come back in fashion as well. 

Peace is more difficult to attain, and countries in conflict will have strong power struggles before and if they come to an accord and bury their arms.  

In conclusion, 2023 is a year of challenges and the urge to change the ways people deal with the material reality. Definitely, it's not a year for the faint of heart. Courage and endurance will be our good advisors.  


1- Frances Sakoian & Louis S. Acker, Predictive Astrology, pg 66.
2- Demetra George, Asteroid Goddesses, page 76
3- Martin Lass, Chiron, Healing Body & Soul.

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Sunday, November 6, 2022

2023 Lunar Nodes Aries Libra - Learning the You and Me Exchange

Ouroboros by Lucas Jennis, 1625
Rahu and Ketu are the two parts of the dragon representing eternity.

    The Lunar Nodes will ingress the Aries Libra axis on July 17, 2023 (True Nodes). This implies a shift in energy focus. Even though the rulers are still Venus and Mars, they switch roles. Mars rules now the North Node in Aries, Venus the South Node in Libra. However their energy is different in these Signs of the Zodiac. If in Taurus, the focus is material reality, in Libra, it is about the valorization and meaning of it. For example, in Taurus the art is expressed in crafts, manual creations using raw materials, usually for a practical purpose. Whereas Libra's creativity is expressed in the refinement of more developed art forms, like abstractions that convey a meaning. For example, Libra artists use technology and elaborated materials, like a canvas and processed oil colors for painting. Since Libra is an Air Sign, Venus expresses her abstract energetic octave, that manifests in relationships, and the value of things.

  It is important to consider the presence of Chiron in Aries when analysing the North Node transiting this Sign. Last time the North Node moved to Aries in 1967, Chiron was at 29º Piscis. When Chiron entered Aries on April 1st, 1968, the North Node was already at 18º Aries. In USA, the Civil Rights Movement reflected the struggle for existence and recognition of one's identity. With Chiron in Pisces, identity is dissolved and the individual feels abandoned, he or she is not being accepted as a separate entity. Moreover makes part of the whole of Life and Creation and may be merged with the whole collective and forgotten. Since Aries is the Sign of the Birth (identity) or entrance into life in the world, Chiron in Aries represents the suffering and vulnerability of not finding one's place in it, usually because of one's appearance or the way one presents or projects oneself out. Even deeper goes the feeling that one doesn't belong in the world. Thus, the skin color, or the way one identifies clashes with others' expectations (Libra) and a negotiation is needed to rebalance the polarity. 

Now, on the opposite side, the South Node in Libra will play with Haumea, Ceres and Makemake along the way. The conjunction of the South Node with Haumea on July 28, 2023 @ 28º♎️59' in absolutely perfect square to Pluto at 28º♑️59!!!  This is also the degree of the Venus Star Point on October 22, 2022. The South Node Haumea conjunction also opposes, therefore re-activates, the previous Aries Solar Eclipse @ 29º ♈️ of April 19, 2023. Notice the T-Square SE-Pluto-Haumea! These are critical times for the regeneration of Nature on Earth. It may indicate cataclysmic events that destroy not only existing life on Earth but its capacity for recuperation and renewal. Meanwhile, make sure you do all in your power to preserve and protect with love your little corner in this world. 

Another superduper event will take place on September 4, 2023, when the South Node conjoins Ceres and the North Node joins Eris, both at the same time exactly at 25º Aries Libra. If they sell tickets for this one, please save me a seat. I'm sure it will not pass unnoticed. Remember that Ceres was one of the five planets involved in the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020. That day, Ceres -which represents the abundance of the Earth, especially of the resources that sustain life- has been overpowered and put under the dominion of corporate (Capricorn) power structures. Now, with the South Node, Ceres may represent significant losses of those life-sustaining resources, or otherwise having to go back to ancient ways and methods of producing them. As a corollary, the North Node stimulates Eris, the Woman Warrior who fights for her right to exist, belong and be recognized.  

Of course, the key points of the Aries Libra Nodal Axis transit are the eclipses.

List of Eclipses in the Aries Libra Axis:

Annular Total SOLAR Eclipse, April 20, 2023  @ 29º♈️ 50' North Node ♉️; quintile with Mars in ♋️

Annular SOLAR Eclipse October 14, 2023 @ 21º♎️ 08' South Node ♎️; semi square Venus in ♍️.

Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse March 25, 2024 @ 5º♎️ 07' South Node ♎️; both Venus & Mars in ♓️.

Total SOLAR Eclipse April 8, 2024 @ 19º♈️ 24'; North Node, stellium in ♈️, Mars in ♓️. 

Annular SOLAR Eclipse October 2,  2024 @10º♎️ 04'; South Node, conj MakeMake; square Mars in ♋️

The Ingress Chart

Nodes ingress Aries Libra 7-17-2023

The Nodal Axis ingress to Aries and Libra carries a heightened cardinal energy due to the Grand Cross formed. As seen in the illustration, the North Node conjunct the previous Aries Solar Eclipse at 29º50' (April 19, 2023) and Eris. The South Node conjoins Haumea. The Nodal axis is square by Pluto in Capricorn and the New Moon in Cancer. This Cardinal Grand Cross clearly defines the entire transit of the Nodes in Aries Libra, with radical changes in the material reality. The dominant energy is Fixed Water, which means that it will not be easy for people to change their mindset due to their intense emotional engagement. When people are driven by emotions, they tend to react instead of responding to situations and challenges. Most probably, the intensification of conflicts, clashes and confrontation between two opposite positions will dominate the one and a half year period of the Aries Libra Nodal Axis, in our personal lives as well as in the mundane arena. 

The North Node in Aries

Then, the North Node in Aries indicates the direction Humanity is going this time around, and will have to play with Chiron, but not only, because Eris is also planted at 25º. Eris fights for the disenfranchised of society to be accepted, recognized as significant players in society.

Generally speaking, not only the North Node in Aries has Humanity thrive for life and its existence, but also to recognize all human identities as human. It is a call to finding one's place in the world, the right to be 'born' and to have an autonomous life. It implies asserting one's identity without apologies or compleasance. Like a baby, Aries is bluntly honest and direct, simple and primal, doesn't know yet of conventions or compromises. 

The Aries North Node will stimulate initiative, individuality, freedom to be and occupy a space, to become an individual in their own right, and to have independence, with all that this implies for society. The multiple threats to human existence due to environmental changes will shift the population distribution on the surface of the planet, be the source for mass migrations and geopolitical conflicts.

By extension of the symbolism, people feel the urgency to focus on survival due to the critical scarcity of resources that sustain life. They will have the courage to invest their own energy and drive to explore and invent new ways of living, to develop pioneering business, or engage in any personal enterprise. We will see the first, the fastest, and the winners in many endeavors including sports and other physical activities because there will be a great focus on conquering objectives. 

Aries is the Sign of the warrior, so unfortunately more countries may be involved in wars and destruction because of broken conventions, treaties, and agreements (South Node in Libra). The countries will not seek people's approval to engage in war, and attacks could be swift and speedy, decided on a blind impulse. Many people will have the desire to become soldiers and fight for their countries. Other will find a good cause to fight for, like freedom, justice, and the recognition of the basic rights of existence. 

At a more personal level, some will assert their uniqueness, others may become more egocentric and selfish, and yet others could engage in risky behavior.  Ruled by Mars, all actions in the zodiac house occupied by Aries are direct, impulsive, often rush and inconsiderate. With the Mars motto 'Act first and think later', many will start projects without knowing if they have the proper resources to complete it. 

With Mars in Virgo at the Nodes ingress in Aries, the energy is used to make practical plans with an analytical mind. The assertiveness or aggression of Mars shows in communications, and business. Mars in Virgo is able to tackle more than one task at the same time and do them quickly and precisely. Easily irritable when disturbed, it could make someone's blood boil in an instant, but the rage doesn't last too long. Giving some time to the situation, things could be more manageable. 

Because Mars in Virgo is opposed by Saturn, people will feel very frustrated, and aggression may not reach far. All manifestations of violence, either in the street or in the war, will be met with strong blocks and contention on the part of authorities, rules and regulations. Governments will probably agree to remove or control violence displays in the news and social media. 

The exaggeration of the Aries energy by the North Node could negatively manifest itself in great irritability, anger, even rage and ensue in bullying behavior. This is due to the fear of extinction. People could feel on edge for survival, thus seeing enemies everywhere, feeling the need to fight for justice, or to protect the disenfranchised. Antagonism and heated debates even infuriated disputes could end up in severe aggression. However, it won't be easy to express them due to the Saturn opposition. 

At the mundane level, countries feeling threatened by the slightest opposing argument will show the 'muscle', obsessing with strengthening their military forces and building up their arsenals, and even using them if the dispute escalates. Their main concern will be 'defending' territory, land property and country's frontiers. As a consequence the country's leadership may strengthen and exercise more power than assigned as a representative, thus resulting in overreaching authoritarian force.  

The South Node in Libra

The Nodes work in synchronicity by pulling in opposite directions. The South Node in Libra reflects the great dissatisfaction with agreements and with the way relationships work. Due to an increase in selfishness and a 'me first' approach, there is a tendency to detach from and walk away from compromises adopting attitude that disrupt the peace. This creates situations of discomfort that, in turn, pave the way for arguments and conflict. 

The Sign of the Scales, Libra is the place where relationships are weighed to test if they are in balance. Failure to be equitable, personal, business, and even countries partnerships cannot survive. On the contrary, they will certainly break, again, due to the North Node pull towards independence and search for individual satisfaction disregarding the needs of 'the other'. 

Peace will be very hard to find if not in complete isolation. Fairness, balance, harmony, and justice will lie on the table of the discord. Especially when the North Node joins Eris in Aries. Many alliances, mariages and treaties will be broken if the parties are not able to reach an equitable compromise because pleasing the other is not in the agenda. Legal issues will have to be reconsidered and purged of dishonesty. International diplomacy will increasingly suffer due to uncompromising positions. 

If the Aries end of the rope prevails, all Libra symbols suffer. For example, if people focus on fighting, they are less likely to obey the law (Libra) and don't have time or the disposition for artistic expression, love, relaxation, and comfort. Too much individualism isolates people, making collaboration more difficult when is most necessary. As a result, the South Node indicates the need for a change of values, moral as well as material, in order to appease the urge for aggression. 

At the time of the Nodal ingress in Aries Libra, Venus is almost stopped in Leo, preparing to station retrograde. There, she spends about four months total. During that time, Venus is extra strong, helping us review our values, desires, and the terms of our agreements at all levels, personal, social, political, international. Is the relationship fair? Are we equitable? There will be a greater tendency to voice and stand up for one's own desires and rights, instead of conceding or giving out too much. 

As the karmic Nodes pull in different directions, people are called to use the positive Libra traits of validation, intercession, peacemaking and maybe legal procedures in order to balance the opposing energies. Also, the ability to assert one's own needs, and making commitments to create appropriate partnerships, helps people to join the midway between the two extremes, and achieve a mutual and fair benefit in the exchange. Try to avoid ambiguous attitudes, escapism and people pleasing as well as selfishness and egocentrism since this approach destroys the balance. The best way to navigate this period is to practice equanimity. Consider that one cannot survive in isolation, that we need each other to collaborate, and share resources.

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Friday, October 28, 2022

Personal Guide to Eclipses

 General Considerations of Eclipses 

in Your Personal Life

  As a general guideline, eclipses affect primarily any conjunction, opposition, or square to natal planets and angles. The tighter the orb (exact angle) the stronger the influence. In that case, their influence is more intense and very noticeable. However, looking back at your life story, you can investigate what happened when every 9 or 18.5/19 years ago you had eclipses in the same area of your chart. Usually, there is a theme that repeats, something you’re learning and evolving about that area of your life, regardless of having planets or points there. The same theme may present itself in different situations, circumstances, events, even people, and at different levels of development.

Solar Eclipse Shadow October 25, 2022 -credit

For a historic list of eclipses with dates, time and Signs, you can visit this link 

 Eclipses with the North Node of the Moon usually bring something new, a new challenge, new energy out of your control which you are to deal with. The incoming energy may have a more tangible or obvious form. 

The Nodes of the Moon are the geometric intersection points of
the ecliptic and the Moon Orbit around the Earth
On the contrary, eclipses with the South Node may have you revisit the past in some way, discard, surrender, leave behind, let go of something that is no longer beneficial for you. The outgoing energy has, most probably, a psychological or spiritual flavor, even though some material object or even a person may fall out of your life. 

Eclipses can only happen with the Nodes of the Moon

 In general terms, eclipses falling in houses (areas of life) have you work on the Sign/house axis, rebalancing the opposing energies as follows. 

 If the eclipses fall in the 1st and 7th houses, they will impact the whole chart, including yourself, significant relationships, home and family life, and career or reputation in the world. Your civil status my change as well.

 If the eclipses fall in the 2d and 8th houses, they will impact your personal and shared finances, your sexuality and the energy shared with another person. There could be a critical situation or event like giving birth, acquiring a debt, or receiving an inheritance. 

 If the eclipses fall in the 3d and 9th houses, they impact your way of thinking, intellectual interests, communications, learning or teaching activities, your future perspective and plans, and maybe your belief system. 

 If the eclipses fall in the 4th and 10th houses, they impact your whole life as well, because these are the angular houses. Challenges may affect your public, career, and private home life, but could have collateral effects over your health or relationships. 

 If the eclipses fall in the 5th and 11th houses, they impact your creativity and how you bring your creations to society. The challenges affect your ways to enjoy life, romantic activities or your children if you have any. 

 If the eclipses fall in the 6th and 12th houses, they impact your health, daily routines, method and place of work, your employees if any, but also your sleep and relaxing activities. You may seek isolation, keep secrets, retreat and time to recharge.

Shadow of Lunar Eclipse November 8, 2022- credit

Please, keep in mind that these are general guidelines. For personal and more specific guidance, do not hesitate to consult your Astrologer.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

New Healing Opportunity - Aries Full Moon with Chiron

Aries Full Moon
October 9, 2022

In this article, I will focus more specifically on the role that plays Chiron in this lunation. However, to complete the interpretation of the Full Moon, you're welcome to watch my video.

Sun ♎️ opposite Chiron ♈︎

October 7, 2022

According to the myth, Apollo adopted the rejected, abandoned, orphaned Chiron, and took him under his 'wing' of protection. It was thanks to the Sun God, then, that Chiron first realized that he could gather all the pieces of his wounded life, put them together and make something significant with it. It was thanks to the guidance of the Sun God, that he was able to re-create himself, gain optimism and find joy in life.

When Chiron was first in front of the Sun God, Apollo, it was probably the moment when he saw so clearly his flaws, and his wound became so obvious. However, it was the benevolence of the adopted father, Apollo, that awoke in him the desire and the energy to put those weaknesses, insecurities and pains to good use.

The protection, teachings, and leadership of the Sun's Higher Power instilled in Chiron's soul new energy to overcome the confrontation with his dismal reality. He was taught specific skills that helped him gain strength, wisdom, dexterity, and the necessary knowledge to understand himself, find meaning and purpose in his wounds. He discovered and studied different ways to develop his creative healing force.

Apollo enlightened Chiron, he taught him all he knew about diseases, healing, music, poetry, songs, dance, archery, and much more! Thanks to the Sun God, Chiron became an authority in the field of Healing. As such, he was a Shaman, Alchemist, Astrologer, Healer, Wiseman, Moral Guide and Leader. Apollo trusted his disciple with higher responsibilities when he assigned him the education of Asclepius, who later became the God of Medicine, Healing, Rejuvenation and the Doctors.

Personally, the Sun may bring another person to our life who can show us how to use our flaws, and weakness to our advantage. That person may be a mentor to help us see our imperfect life not only under a more positive light, but also as the very instrument of our leadership. That person may do it even inadvertently, but we will immediately know and receive the message that will transform our life completely, and finally heal our wound.

Venus ♎️ opposite Chiron ♈︎

October 10, 2022

The Sun opposing Chiron makes an existential threat extremely obvious. It seems that natural catastrophes are not enough to exterminate life on Earth. The previous days, the news has brought out the threatening (and hateful) speech of Russian president and the threatening actions of the North Korean President that make Humanity tremble.

Chiron's archetype has the energy to perfect love. When opposing, Venus and Chiron have the power to heal each other by hurting each other. This may indicate that Humanity may not learn the lesson before things get much worse.

In all kinds of relationships, Venus opposing Chiron, brings a karmic partner/opponent, a soul mate, a person capable of scratching the deepest wound of our existence. We are magnetically drawn to each other with a strong pull that seems unavoidable. Often times the unconscious attraction is based on a past life relationship experience, or similar childhood wounding. Even if it's hurtful, we feel an inexplicable need to be together. We may unintentionally hurt each other in the process. However, this happens because, at the present time, the other person/entity is the medicine one needs to heal the love/un-love wound. We are helping each other heal.

From the spiritual perspective this aspect represents the love/hate human experience toward themselves. In the mirror of Venus, Chiron has his sense of inadequacy awaken. He feels rejected, unwanted, not good enough. In front of her beauty, his nakedness feels ugly. In Aries, Chiron's defects or wound may be on his face, head, any part of his physical body, or related to his ability to initiate action, or perform sexually. He feels vulnerable and believes that he can never possibly measure up to be with her. He strives for his wholeness. This process asks us to transcend the realm of form and material reality to understand the we are spiritual beings making this physical experiment.

Through us, the Infinite Creative Consciousness realizes itself. As Carl Sagan said, "We are the way for the Cosmos to know itself"

Venus sees his wound open and forces Chiron to see perfection in his imperfection, completeness in his incompleteness, competence in his incompetence. Having gone through the purifying fire of the Sun, Venus doesn't focus so much on her physical desires. She understands love at a higher level. Here is when her higher octave comes into play, and we can raise the love to the vibration of Neptune. She pays more attention and appreciates Chiron's qualities, skills, abilities, traits of character more than his physical appearance. Our love becomes considerate, compassionate, unconditional.

If we have this opposition in a Synastry (between two people), this is the most sublime love story we can ever experience. Venus offers us the promise of spiritual completion, first with a seemingly cruel separation, only to later bathe us with the purest love balsam there is: acceptance of our imperfection, integration of the wound, and finally, deliverance from its suffering. Venus opposite Chiron is the burning that ends up cauterizing the wound, so we learn to love ourselves.

At the same time, this awkward relationship with Uranus (quincunx), shows up as a dislocation between the harmony required in this new beginning and finding difficult to conform to 'normal' expectations. Although we accept and integrate our feelings of imperfection, and of not measuring up to the circumstances of our relationships, yet in order for us to break free, we want to rebel against those who don't tolerate 'differences'.

Humanity as a whole realizes now how broken it is. We have our own self-undoing in our face. It shows up as the refugee, as a disabled person, as someone with a non-binary gender identity or sexual orientation, as a needy person, as a rejected friend from a group, as a rejected citizen from a community, as another war-broken human being at our door. We are all damaged goods. We are challenged to revise and adjust the social norms to liberate us from the conditioning that constraints us from accepting and allowing a relationship with the 'other' who is different, original, 'out of the norm'.

We now got to the point that there is so much migration in all directions, that those who have been stubbornly holding to 'my way' is the right way of being, will break down. We got to the point of having to recognize that there is only ONE HUMAN that needs a human way to survive, even though the package changes colors. This is evident in the long-lasting semi-sextile between Chiron and Uranus. As a whole, humanity will be forced to bridge the gaps of differences and understand that whatever we do to others, we do to ourselves.

Melanie Reinhart called Chiron, the Rainbow Bridge, between two worlds, the ideal and the material, the spiritual and the physical. It is through experiencing the pain of being human, with basic survival needs for food, shelter and safety, that we finally understand the commonality, that we can finally build a community where we live and work for the benefit of all, not just for the selfish survival of the individual. We will learn mutual cooperation, because we will understand the downside of the competition that is taking us to extinction. We will learn innovative and alternative creative methods never considered or used before in order to operate this shift and survive as the human race.

Diplomatic Conversations - Venus and Mercury in Libra

Venus is the ruler of this Libra New Moon of September 25, the start of October moon cycle. Since September 29, she is comfortably installed in her own harmonious house of Libra in the company of his friend, Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods since October 10, right after the Full Moon. However, Mercury is coming back to Libra for the third time. He had explored Venus house, found something wrong there and went back to Virgo to chat with her and tell her before she arrived home. Their diplomatic deliberations were empowered by their trine to Pluto, so once they ingress into Libra, they are ready for serious negotiations. Venus and Mercury loving considerations call us out on the need to find balance and justice to face the existential threats represented by the opposition to Chiron, and seek healing.

Mercury ♎️ opposite Chiron ♈︎

October 19, 2022

There might be painful news in our relationships. Any kind of communication is hard to accept, digest and assimilate. We feel highly sensitive to the messages we receive from another, and others in general. A friend, partner, or sibling may give us bad news, or have a hurtful truth about who they are and what they think. Conversely, they can express that they hurt because of the way we behave towards them. We may have difficulty saying what hurts inside, or about the relationship. Repressed deprecating thinking may slip out of our mouth hurting another person's feelings. One may feel rejected by the partner because of our lifestyle, appearance, the way we present ourselves, or because who we are. Another person acts as a mirror reflecting to us our own vulnerabilities, feelings of not being 'good enough', or confronting the limiting beliefs we have about our identity.

Personally, we may read or receive a message expressing exactly the pain of our existence. We feel that our communication is insufficient, illogical, inadequate, hurtful, fragmented, inappropriate, faulty, lacking cohesiveness. Something in the environment makes us realize the need to heal our flawed thought patterns, or teaches us to accept ourselves just as we are. We may come to understand that we are in a learning journey to know ourselves, and today we gather one more piece of the puzzle we are.

One can read or be told a healing story. Tricksters, shamans, and storytellers have the talent to take us on a healing journey. I think of the memorable movie Life is Beautiful, where a loving father risks his own life making up a story that may save his son's life.

Because Chiron bridges our physical reality with the spiritual reality, planetary oppositions to Chiron tend to elevate the nature of their archetype to the higher octave. With Mercury, the mind will take the liberating, maverick and innovative signature of Uranus. We may feel the urge to become aware of our true individuality. Sudden insights come in flashes of thought, intuitively awakening the consciousness, and breaking openings into the unconscious. Alternative, original, even versatile healing modalities can help us break thinking patterns. Uranus preferred healing modality is vibration, and sound waves. That's why the most appropriate healing method to use for this aspect is meditation, especially Vipassana, Mantra, Breathwalk, and Mindful meditation techniques.

As I Began to Love Myself
Charlie Chaplin

As I began to love myself
I found that anguish and emotional suffering
are only warning signs that I was living
against my own truth.
Today, I know, this is Authenticity.

As I began to love myself
I understood how much it can offend somebody
if I try to force my desires on this person,
even though I knew the time was not right
and the person was not ready for it,
and even though this person was me.
Today I call this Respect.

As I began to love myself
I stopped craving for a different life,
and I could see that everything
that surrounded me
was inviting me to grow.
Today I call this Maturity.

As I began to love myself
I understood that at any circumstance,
I am in the right place at the right time,
and everything happens at the exactly right moment.
So I could be calm.
Today I call this Self-Confidence.

As I began to love myself
I quit stealing my own time,
and I stopped designing huge projects
for the future.
Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness,
things I love to do and that make my heart cheer,
and I do them in my own way
and in my own rhythm.
Today I call this Simplicity.

As I began to love myself
I freed myself of anything
that is no good for my health –
food, people, things, situations,
and everything that drew me down
and away from myself.
At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism.
Today I know it is Love of Oneself.

As I began to love myself
I quit trying to always be right,
and ever since
I was wrong less of the time.
Today I discovered that is Modesty.

As I began to love myself
I refused to go on living in the past
and worrying about the future.
Now, I only live for the moment,
where everything is happening.
Today I live each day,
day by day,
and I call it Fulfillment.

As I began to love myself
I recognized
that my mind can disturb me
and it can make me sick.
But as I connected it to my heart,
my mind became a valuable ally.
Today I call this connection Wisdom of the Heart.

We no longer need to fear arguments,
confrontations or any kind of problems
with ourselves or others.
Even stars collide,
and out of their crashing, new worlds are born.
Today I know: This is Life

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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The World that is Coming - Pluto in Aquarius - Collective Reformation

 The Collective Reformation

Pluto dips feet in Aquarius from March 23, 2023 until June 11, 2023, only on 0º. Back in Capricorn to  finish business there, Pluto may cut the last chords that still keep the archaic patriarchal feudalism in place. Then comes back to Aquarius from January 22, 2024 until September 2024 when he travels up to 2º. However, he is not done with the Capricornian demolition, reason why returns until November 20, 2024, when he finally enters Aquarius to stay for more than 20 years. 

Mars long transit in Gemini is preparing the mind, intellectual activity, and social dynamics needed for a new kind of liberation movement, and the freedom of ideas. In Gemini, the sign of 'mirroring', Mars divides and creates conflicts based on opposing ideas and information. He could create especially disturbing battles when in square with Neptune, due to the illusory nature of the ideas confronted, namely fake data and conspiracy theories. At this stage, people prepare to join their preferred ideological tribe. 

Another precursor is Saturn in Aquarius, trying to strongly hold onto rules, set boundaries and create structures in the air spaces of society and social connections that have been severely challenged by Uranus in Taurus. Futile! Saturn will soon be exiled in Pisces.   

With Pluto in Aquarius, society will undergo a powerful reformation. During his transit in the first decan (Uranus), Pluto regenerates the collective consciousness. In the second decan (Mercury), it will be the turn to regenerate the mind, its perception of reality and how people make connections. In the third decan (Venus) Pluto will re-create the social and personal relationships as well as the social values. During the first 7 to 8 years, Pluto will pass through the crucible the use of freedom, the civil rights, human reason and intellectual activity, science and technology, the light industry, all systems and networks, financial markets, legislation, and the social development for the future. All their impurities will be extirpated. 

This is Great! In 2024, Pluto enters together with the Sun and Moon in trine! 

Freedom & Independence Movements

With Pluto in Aquarius, the collective consciousness is regenerated. People have been struggling to get free from the oligarchic establishment that has seized all power, control and wealth standing on top of the masses (Pluto straddling between Aquarius and Capricorn for three years). Taken to the extreme,  the system implodes on itself, because the crushed masses becoming ever so weaker, no longer can support the top. Around the world, the system has reached such an extreme that the masses are dying of starvation and disease without any efficient attempted solution. Some sectors of society even think that the process is intentional, and others wonder if human cynicism is possible to such extreme. However, history is full of examples that don't leave any doubt about it. The seeds of rebellion and the hunger for freedom are planted and germinating. 

Yet, like the rats that leave the ship ready to sink, the elite now send missions to the Moon to establish bases on its surface and explore possibilities of living there, while the problems on Earth stay unresolved. Alas, human stupidity!

Pluto can bring to light the dangers of extreme desire for liberation from restrictions. Is it possible to have complete freedom in society to do as they please? In order for this to be possible, one's rights should end where other's begin, right? This way everybody can have the same freedom. Otherwise, it would be debauchery. Some would obviously step over the rights of others to do whatever they want. Thus, Uranus promotes independence and liberation from limitations, Saturn regulates and creates boundaries of contention to be able to enjoy that freedom. 

Last time Pluto was in Aquarius in 1778-1798, people broke the chains of oligarchic oppression. A liberation movement took the whole world taking arms in order to defeat the enemies of freedom. "Aux armes, citoyens" - sang the French revolutionaries, and later on bloody heads rolled down the streets of Paris, during the period known in history as "the reign of terror". The shadow side of Pluto recreated the imbalance in the power interplay of the Leo Aquarius polarity.

 The Leo Aquarius axis is the polarity of authority: individual authority in center stage, and the authority of the community. Pluto in Aquarius is associated with the shadow of power of the masses. Last time Pluto was in Aquarius, the plebeians (Aquarius) raised against the nobility (Leo). As a corollary, the independence movement of the late 18th and early 19th centuries was the origin of another political feature: the polarization of unitarian (centralized government-Leo) and federal (grouping of autonomous provinces or states-Aquarius) governments.  

Nowadays, social media may become the tool for the next independence revolutions. Networking allows people to develop powerful social connections, promote humanitarian ideologies, freedom ideals, and other mutual collaborations to protect human rights, and the rights of other life forms. However, since Pluto brings to light society's 'shadow', online criminal activity may also thrive as an extreme expression of it. Thus, the interest of the elites of power and political institutions to keep the social media under their control. 

Transformation of Human Rights

Pluto in Aquarius in the late 18th century brought about the First Declaration of the Human Rights, and also the Rights of Citizens and the Rights of Women specifically (by Olympe de Gouge).  Nowadays, the rights of so called 'minorities' are at stake and oftentimes the struggle turns to tragedy. People of 'other colors', refugees, migrants, disabled people, non-binary gender or sexual orientation, natives, and others may empower themselves when Pluto comes back to Aquarius, more so, as Pluto travels in the second and third decans of the Sign. 

Other personal rights Pluto may touch may relate to the right to existence and to occupy a place in society, the freedom of identity, freedom to die as one may decide, and the right to accept or reject scientific improvements to the human body. Again, Pluto could stimulate the controlling powers of the scientific elites over those subjects, since his influence could go to any extreme, empowerment or disempowerment. 

Intellectual Innovations

At the root of the independence movements of the 18th century was the resurgence of reason as opposed to religious dogma. Philosophers like Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Montesquieu, and writers like Thomas Paine, Kant, and others had set their intellectual foundation on reason, and the ability of every citizen to think on their own, apart from the religious doctrine. 

Pluto in Aquarius stimulates research and investigation of reality based on the scientific method. Myriad of inventions saw the light of day due to the free and deeper use of the mind. It was the cradle of the industrial revolution that came later on to implement and bring to physical existence those innovations. 

The shadow side of it was that such philosophy disregards the effects of industrialization on Nature and our Planet Earth. Those who got first to the resources and hold now the power over them think to be the owners of the planet, and the rest of us the vassals who have to pay 'tribute' to be able to use the resources. Some industries even got to the extreme of patenting some natural products that should only belong to Mother Earth, so only those who have the money to pay for them have the right to use them. Shouldn't the planet Earth belong to all life on it? Does she belong to anybody? With the same token, who is the owner of the Universe? 

Taking the philosophy of reason to the extreme, and ignoring other aspects of Life has demonstrated to be devastating for human very existence. This time around with Pluto in Aquarius, we have to be careful about what intellectual ideas govern the so called 'progress', and 'economic development'. Human beings need to understand that Earth is finite, it can only give to a certain level, and we need to give her time to recover from the exploitation. At this point she has all the signs of exhaustion. If she doesn't recover, we will go down with her. 

Third and last ingress in Aquarius

High Technology

 At this point, industries seem to be guided by the belief that technology can 'enhance' human 'intelligence', even though the results have demonstrated the contrary. With Pluto in Aquarius the time may come to challenge the mind even more. A profound transmutation of the AI industry, like robotization, automatization of tasks, brain implants, and increase digitalization of reality are regarded as 'progressive' and even desirable. In this way, Pluto ingress in Aquarius is in charge of making the physical reality lighter, which is in fact what the Air Age (Saturn Jupiter conjunctions in Air Signs) is all about.

As Aleksandar Imsiragic pointed out in an ISAR webinar 1, since the recognition of Sofia AI as a Saudi Arabian citizen, Robotics stepped up to center stage in the Air Age. As you see in her 'birth' certificate chart, the 0º ♒️ becomes prominent with Mercury (the robot's mind) there in the 9th house of higher knowledge and near the MC. Pluto standing at 0º ♒️ for many months, as indicated above in the article's introduction, will certainly trigger an increase and higher development of robotics. 

©️Aleksandar Imsiragic

Other 'Air' developments will accelerate the transmutation of industry, namely, flying vehicles for local human transportation (decan of Gemini), the virtualization of most services, including banking, and even lighter communication devices. Many jobs will be automatic and independent from human handling, which, in fact, could hurt certain levels of the labor market. Libraries, medical care, pharmacy, banking, and travel are some examples of places and services that could become almost completely digitized. 

As a consequence, society will feel dehumanized, cut off from the other components of what human life has been known for, namely the spiritual, psychological and emotional ones. Keep in mind that Pluto symbolizes control by a certain power. All those aspects of human life may fall under a certain 'social' control. Suppose that a self driven vehicle causes an accident, the human being is now in the background, victim of the machine, possibly unable to be heard. Moreover, scientists are studying already the cloning of beings as source of 'parts and pieces' for transplant, without existent regulation, and with complete disregard of life wholeness. 

There are even projects to 'enhance' the human experience through AI technology installed in the body with unknown and unproven consequences. After the great tech experiments the entire Humanity has gone through (i.e. mobile phone, 5G, internet, vaccines, MRI, genetic modification, video games) those in power already know that there is a way (fear/panic) to have everybody subscribe to 'innovations' implemented in haste, even if they have not been sufficiently studied and appropriately proven safe. 

Therefore, the very human condition, or what is considered to be a human, is at stake (Chiron in Aries). 

The Internet & Communications

Internet as a communication device/medium becomes even more powerful one way or another as Pluto enters Aquarius. As it happened with TV, Internet could be also used to further manipulate and brainwash minds. It has already started 'in crescendo' since the Saturn Jupiter conjunction at 0º♒️, but Pluto injects a dose of dominating force into it. 

Virtualization and digitization of reality increases our distancing from the natural law, creating an alien reality. A parallel Internet could run on the background/underground creating the alternative reality of deeper secrets, criminal operations, black markets, subversive plans and activities, human trafficking, drug dealing, pornography, parallel currencies, etc. Among the subversive activities, there is also a great risk of cyberwar with extremely powerful hackings, especially directed to networks and electronic systems that manage utilities. 

In order to face those challenges, governmental institutions will create stricter regulatory devices to avoid, protect against, and eliminate the online corruption. This translate into more surveillance and control of every day communications and information traffic.

During the first decade of Pluto in Aquarius, telecommunication corporations will increase their power, influence, price, and space pollution. The increase in satellite population rotating around the Earth could have an impact on climate (air and atmosphere) with consequences not been considered or intentionally overlooked. 

Pluto in Aquarius will show us the toxicity of Internet, and its consequences over human health. 

The Air & the Climate

Pluto is the planet of extremes, and Aquarius rules the air, the atmosphere. We can expect extreme winds, extreme temperatures, that can either go extremely cold or extremely hot or both. Both winter and summer are already becoming extreme, giving way to more extended fires and droughts, with the consequence over food production and supply. Another consequence will be the mass migrations of people looking for a more hospitable place to live. 

Pluto is also the Lord of extreme magnification, that could also go both ways, magnification of big, or magnification of small. This could mean an increase in air pollution, having more toxic microscopic particles floating in the air, due to volcano eruptions, dust winds as well as biological/microbial pollution created by the individuals or animal life. 

Pluto reminds me of the underlying theme of Alice in Wonderland of changing size and transforming perspectives. As Pluto does, Alice makes herself magically smaller, tiny, or tall at the whim of certain elements or magic tricks. Pluto could also remind of the effect of a gallery of mirrors that distort the images they reflect. Pluto can consume big things into their essence like in decomposing organic matter into basic elements, as well as blowing small things out of proportion like with the atomic bomb. And, in fact, Pluto is associated with both composting and the atomic power. 

Hopefully, human beings understand the effect of their behavior on the transmutation of the Earth elements, and decide to change a few assumptions, like taking Nature for granted.

Side Note - Some Effects of the French Revolution 1789-1799

Pluto was last in Aquarius 1778-1798

As shown in the chart of the iconic Bastille day, Pluto in Aquarius was also square the Nodal Axis in Taurus and Scorpio as will be this time around. The difference is that he was opposite Uranus in Leo, but now, it will trine Uranus in Gemini during the course of its transit in Aquarius. The liberation movement will probably be smoother this time. 

To refresh the memory,  the development of the French Revolution resulted in the following issues. 

Social chaos, clash of classes, collective killing of the social group in power, demolition of institutions, abolition of church tithes, confiscation of church properties, system of charity funding was not replaced, disruption of social support networks, increase of taxes and rent, disruption of all financial  and educational systems, fall of agricultural and industrial production, persecution of speculators & traders of the black market, increased deficit, upheavals in systems and networks, end of feudalism, introduction of the notion of nation, disruption of supply chains system, social reforms, change of inheritance rules, increase of small social enterprise, rise of the middle class, creation of small independent farms, removed financial burdens to farmers, ended privileges and monopolies, favored political ideologies, introduction of the rights of humans and citizens. 2

These issues clearly reflect the themes associated with the Fixed Signs Grand Cross lead by the Nodal Axis (see chart above).

Hopefully, Humanity will be smarter and brighter with Pluto in Aquarius.


1- ISAR Webinar preview only

2- Wikipédia in French, La Révolution Française

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