Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Daily Transits - December 30, 2021 - Prelude to the New Moon

Prelude to the Capricorn New Moon:
Sun Trine Uranus

The New Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus.
    As the Sun in Capricorn approaches the 12º mark of the New Moon, he first squares Chiron in Aries (8º), then trine Uranus (10º), and later semisextile Saturn (12º). The Moon does the same, but all in one day, on the New Moon day. So, this New Moon carries all three blends of energies picked up along the way. It has the flavor of the wounded warrior, the rebellious teen, and the earnest wisdom of the old person.  

    What you start at this New Moon has also all those energies. It may bring with it some old wound, pain, suffering related to who you are, or of what you identify with (Chiron in Aries). You may feel that your creative power, your joy or your vitality is not good enough, that you cannot express it properly, or that it takes a lot of effort and time to express it. 

    Your 'seed' project may urge you to free yourself from a bond or an attachment, or make a sudden change. Sun trine Uranus makes your peculiar creativity look cool and acceptable though. A trine is not always benefic or a good influence; a trine means that the energy flows easily without obstacles, like a river downstream. Here, Uranus is as eccentric, erratic, surprising even shocking as can be, but there's a certain harmony in the flow. The stridence doesn't hurt the eye.   

    However, the 'seed' could also take a long time and a huge amount of work (Capricorn and Saturn) to break the ground. The soil of circumstances may not be yet adequately fertile for it to grow. It may take the Water of the Full Moon in Cancer for it to see the light. You will need patience because it may also need even six months until the Full Moon in Capricorn for you to actually see the outcome. 

    For now, just wrap up the previous Sagittarius cycle during the dark balsamic Moon, and start thinking about your new Capricorn project. More about the Capricorn New Moon in my youtube video coming up soon. 
Sat Nam.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December 28-29, 2021 - Mercury Enters Shadow!

 Mercury Enters Shadow!

Hermes (Mercury) by François Rude

    Mercury will be retrograde at 10º♒️20', January 14, 2022, to 24º♑️22' on February 4, 2022. He enters shadow exactly, today, December 28, 2021, in conjunction to Venus. It would be worth pay attention and write down conversations in and about relationships, especially those long lasting ones or those that are now coming back to the 'table' with retrograde Venus. Make sure you listen to what is said with all your senses, care and intuition, because they will be up for reflection, rumination and possible 'regurgitation' later on. Any purchase, contract or agreement will be due for review, reconsideration and especially re-evaluation. Make sure you read all small letters with careful attention. Read more about his meeting with Venus in my previous post, here.

Another crucial meeting for Mercury is his conjunction with Pluto on December 30, which will also be due for review on January 28 and February 10. You will probably want to keep this in mind by writing your notes in your diary so you can go back over in time. 

Sun waning square to Chiron at the same 8º mark where they conjoined on March 28, 2021 (just 20' shy)! The conjunction was also with Venus. Now both Venus and the Sun happen to be in the same sign of Capricorn. We will probably see a repeat of similar themes. Again, it's great to have notes you can go back to read. For the World News, here is the New York Times log of the headlines for that day. At that time in the US, vaccines started being allowed for adults of all ages. In the world, a ship was stuck in the Suez Canal. Since this is the 270º square, it corresponds to the 'Crisis in Consciousness or Beliefs' when there is a reorientation whereby the changes effected during the Sun Chiron cycle are integrated into a new level of consciousness, and the psychological patterns are actualized.

    The Mercury Pluto conjunction definitely contributes to the actualization helping people transform their way of thinking, destroying old patterns of reasoning, and coming to the bare essential elements of the perception of reality. 

Men uses an inflatable mattress to navigate the
 waters in Itapetinga, Bahia, Brazil 12-26-2021
credit: AFP/Manuella LUANA.

    In addition, Mars in Sagittarius activates the Saturn Uranus square by sextile Saturn and quincunx Uranus (forms a wedge). This configuration could be associated with the latest so unfortunate natural catastrophe in Brazil (Uranus in Taurus). On the positive side, may Mars sextile Saturn help those involved in hard work helping the victims, and give all of them great physical strength to endure. 

    Watching one catastrophic event after another lately, one cannot but wonder how much worse will it get before Humanity unites in One Purpose to stop the insanity we have been causing. My wish is for Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces to 'flood' people's hearts with compassion and unconditional love to move them to care for those who suffer. 

Sat Nam.

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Monday, December 27, 2021

Daily Transits - January 2, 2022, Jupiter square Nodes of the Moon

 Jupiter square Nodal Axis

Scene from the film "Crossroads", 1986

    During the last 18 months or so, most of the eclipses were square Jupiter. Today, Jupiter at 1º Pisces exactly squares the Nodes of the Moon (at the New Moon in Capricorn), wrapping up his gigantic karmic message. Hopefully, you've been lending an ear to it, and it doesn't catch you by surprise, because now, everyone -and you- is standing at a crossroads. And you don't have control over it, this is why it's called 'karmic'. 

    A crucial situation, circumstances or event will present itself to you and you have to make a decision to leave something behind and go in a 90º direction. Will you turn right or left? -that is the question. Jupiter in Pisces increases your emotional state, your sense of merging with the whole Humanity, with the whole Earth, with the whole cosmos. It may submerge you in a profound confusion. Your life may turn upside down, downside up, and for some time, you may not be able to decide if you go right or left, up or down. 

    Remember that Jupiter rules the South Node and it's now separating from it. The True Nodes will change Signs (Taurus, Scorpio) in just a few days. Whatever Sagittarius governs in your birth chart, you are 'separating' from it in some way. If it were your fourth house, for example, your belief about the value or the dynamics of your family may not be valid anymore, or as significant as before. It could be that a loved one is leaving the nest, like going to live independently, to another geographical place, leaving you empty-nested. Or that you need to stop relying on or attaching to your family roots as you have been doing so far. Jupiter heading on towards the North Node in Gemini, in that case will pull you towards the tenth house, a new career, civil status, or public reputation. 

    Notice as well that all the planets are packed on one side of the Nodal Axis. This has a karmic effect whereby individual lives are subject to the development of the collective destiny. This configuration "considerably reduces [personal] free will" 1 , and makes for significant global reversals of fate affecting entire communities. 

    Another factor these days is that most planets, especially all the personal ones, are gathered within the last quarter square of the Natural Zodiac. The World looks dark, because an Era is closing. We are the final destroyers of the past... but also the creators of a New Era. Then, no matter how extreme the media may describe the worldly events, keep an eye on the New Beginning. 

    The new is coming March 23, 2023 when Pluto enters Aquarius. I invite you to look at this beautiful Cardinal Fire (active change) chart with six solar bodies in Aries (the initiator of a new life)! and Saturn freshly in Pisces! Gorgeous! Let's make it happen by wrapping up the destruction of the old. Don't hesitate to leave behind what you no longer need, that what is hurting your life and blocking you from stepping up into your future! Change directions, the North Node is calling you. Because that's not all (watch video "A peek Into the Future" with José A. Millán in my youtube channel). Here is our path down the road, February 20, 2026 when Saturn and Neptune meet at 0º Aries. (more about it later)

1- "The Covid-19 Genesis and the Emergence of Third Millennium Spirituality" by Bernard Duchatelle; in ISAR Magazine, December 2020, Volume 49, Issue Number 3.

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Sunday, December 26, 2021

December 29, 2021 - Mercury Conjunct Venus

Mercury Joins Venus in Capricorn

Mercury Venus & Cupid by Louis-Michel van Loo, France 1707-1771

    When Mercury visits Venus (24º♑️26'), there is much talk of love. Letters, emails, messages, and even contracts! But Venus retrograde may not be agreeable to any of it, because in Capricorn, she means 'business'. She is going down under the Sun rays already, and pretty soon, she'll disappear under the evening horizon on her spiritual retreat. It's good to hear the sweet voice of your lover, but often, their actions talk louder and not as pleasantly. This is the work of Pluto just one degree away from their conjunction. Pluto demands truthfulness, not superficial attraction, or simple desire, but authentic love. 

    Venus in Capricorn wants earnest, real, durable and committed love and values. Today, you could record those messages and check back on them when Venus comes back direct to join Mercury Rx on September 26, 2022, or November 21, 2022 when both are direct, or better yet December 29, 2022 when they will again conjoin at the same exact spot, 24º ♑️20'. Wow! They have some serious ongoing business in Capricorn.

Square to Eris in Aries

    Another important factor for this conjunction is the square to Eris in Aries, which, even though is not partile, is extremely close at all the instances noted above. Today, Eris is at 23º 43' Rx; September 26, 2022, she is at 24º40' Rx; November 21, she is at 24º 08' Rx; and December 29, she is at 23º 56' Rx.

    Eris also challenges Venus-Mercury to be honest and realistic. She introduces the discord when people are not genuine. Especially, regarding women, her ire came from being discarded, rejected from the God's Feast for being ugly. She despised the superficiality of all the Goddesses competing amongst themselves about being the most beautiful, attractive, desirable and worth of being adored. 

Eris, Goddess of Discord & Chaos

    In this square, she makes Venus stop to reflect on her banal values to help her realize and decide what kind of love she actually seeks. In your personal life, are you attracted to good looks? Do you care more about the clothes she/he wears than their moral principles? Or do you rather pay attention to their conversation subjects? Do you just want a one night stand or you care for a long lasting bond? Both and any option has its consequences, positive and negative. Your choice is a matter of value and goals. 

    With all the current transits, these days you need to pay close attention in every situation, be mindful of your thoughts, words and decisions, take time to reflect, because they may have long lasting effects for your life. 

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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Jupiter in Pisces Predictions

Jupiter in Pisces


Australia Flood - Credit Flood List

    Earlier this year, I wrote a well researched article about Jupiter in Pisces with Neptune. It focused more on historical parallels. This time I'd like to make some predictions based on the current perspective. 

    Generally speaking, Jupiter is the Solar System Giant capable of emitting more energy than he receives from the Sun. Astronomers have believed that it could have been a binary system some millions years ago. Jupiter is all gas and super expansive, therefore his influence is expansive. Speaking Astrology, Jupiter is not about only good things, luck, and benevolence. Let's leave those for Venus. Jupiter amplifies things, makes it bigger, taller, larger, deeper, huger, GIGANTIC! 


Effects of climate change on wildlife

And Pisces is the biggest wet and emotional Sign. Poseidon, the ancient Neptune God, is the God of the Oceans. Imagine how much water is there in Pisces! Jupiter in Pisces makes the waters higher, deeper, wider, and of course this will increase flooding, and accelerate the rise of the oceans. In the non physical realm, the Water element manifests in our emotional states. We will experience emotions more intensely, at times they could be overwhelming. The favorite Piscean emotions are driven by empathy, like compassion, condolence, unconditional love, especially for the disadvantaged or in catastrophic situations. 


    Because Pisces is the spiritual experience, Jupiter comes to elevate and deepen it in our hearts. Jupiter will increase our capacity to tap into perceptions coming from other dimensions and download spiritual knowledge. Even though people may receive those influences, only some will be able to assimilate them and merge with the infinite being, others may not always be able to understand them fully. So there will be confusion, chaos, and delusions. People may deceive others and be deceived, just out of bewilderment or disorientation. In extreme cases, people may go out of their mind and get alienated. 

    Looking for some grounding, people will turn to religion and other spiritual practices. Some may even become fanatics, and those who are already obsessively invested in their religious principles, may take aggressive actions to impose them on others. The negative side is that the collective unconsciousness is more susceptible to strong deceptions, or experience disillusionment. Big lies will reach paroxysmal levels. 


    Circumstances and events will reach global dimensions and affect everybody. Pisces is the sign of healing and healers for excellence as well as the use of chemicals and the pharmaceutical industry. You won't be surprised if I predict the total generalization of mandatory vaccines, and the general distribution of new drugs against the virus. But that's not all because recreational drugs are so problematic now that there could be laws (Jupiter) regulating them and making them 'legal'. 


    Nonetheless, addictive behavior of all kinds will be on the rise and soar. Because of the ethereal influence of the spiritual world, as I mentioned before, many people will attach to escapist ways to avoid a spiritual reality that is so hard to grasp and make sense of. Social chaos is also possible. You will be also inclined to dig into your past, past lives, and long gone History.


    Talking about health, Jupiter in Pisces will increase our vulnerability to illness, especially yeast, fungi, mold infections, but also bacteria and to some extent virus (surge of invisible enemies). More critical will be those days when the Moon transits Cancer and Scorpio when the water aspect will grow. So will increase the healthcare activity, with overwhelmed hospitals and exhausted healthcare providers. Take care of your feet, your immune and lymphatic system. Vigorous exercise that breaks a sweat is necessary to move the lymph in the body since there is no central pump for it. It is a good idea to keep a good physical fitness routine during the next five or six months. 


    Lastly, your imagination will do overtime and the creative Muses will visit you with all kinds of ideas for artistic expression. If you are an artist, the next half of the year is fantastic for your creations. And you'll be prolific as well. You will see inspired and inspiring new music (maybe the 'Blues'), films, poetry, plays, romantic novels, and any other make-believe artistic expression. Music themes could be religious, life and death, love, disillusionment, and such. Magicians will see the light of day and will become popular as much as scammers. There could also be a revival of the art from ancient cultures. 

George Harrison's "Sweet Lord" (he has Sun in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio)

Where is Pisces in your chart? Would you like to learn how Jupiter will affect you there?

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December 26, 2021 - Venus Sextile Neptune

 Feeling Inspired?

    The dynamic of this aspect is that Neptune increases the sensitivity of Venusian themes, raising them to a spiritual level. The sextile is always an open door, but it's up to you to enter. So, some people may or may not tap into the higher sensitivity of this day. 

    Loving relationships can become more compassionate, empathic, romantic, peaceful. You may feel more inclined to harmonious exchanges with your partner, and disgusted by raw and distasteful behavior. Meeting a potential lover may look like a dream come true and your imagination may add a bit of fantasy to it. If you are in love, your amorous fantasies may take fly. Be careful because Venus is retrograde and you may have unpleasant realizations once she comes back direct. 

    You feel very romantic and see charm in others. You intuit the feelings of others as well. If you have a partner and the relationship is satisfactory, then you are more loving and affectionate with each other. Venus Neptune activates your Muses and you could write inspired messages or romantic poetry to your lover. Here is an excerpt from a Romantic letter from the end of the 19th Century, in Edmond Rostand's play, Cyrano de Bergerac:

(Roxane is reading Cyrano's letter who wrote it on behalf of Christian, her lover, although pouring in it his own feelings for her)
"'My heart to yours sounds but one cry:
If kisses fast could flee
By letter, then with your sweet lips
My letters read should be!"

    This harmonious aspect of Venus to Neptune makes you more sensitive and you express a higher level of love, sometimes, it could take the form of a platonic love, or making love with your imagination.  

    Venus Neptune stimulates imagination and fantasy, great ingredients for a boost in creativity and art. It could be a great time to finish an art project or complete a new one.  You may notice that you are inclined to listening to pleasant music, and watching movies of love, compassion, goodwill, harmonious themes.  You like artistic expressions that show refinement and feed your spirituality. 

    And, of course, because of the Venus retrograde motion, these new tastes may not be your usual ones. It's just an opportunity to explore different and more peaceful values and desires. 

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Thursday, December 23, 2021

December 24, 2021 - Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries

Mars in Sagittarius Trine Chiron in Aries

Jesus saith, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk". John 5:8

    Mars, ruler of Aries, trine Chiron, relates to the global actions attempting to resolve the health crisis Humanity is going through. A great part of the healing process comes from the personal and individual initiative of becoming healthy from the inside out. Our actions may determine the protection we have from the hidden enemies of our body. Jesus message to that man in Bethesda was 'do your part' first, ("rise, take thy bed, walk") then, you will heal. 

    Dane Rudhyar says about the Sabian Symbol for the 9th degree (8º27') "A mother leads her small child step by step up a steep stairway," meaning "The need in any social situation to assist the less evolved in their management of the problems which society requires its members to solve. Climbing stairs is a skill made necessary by the building of several-storied houses — a product of civilization. What is implied here is social concern for the less evolved of society's members." (Astrology Mandala)

    New types of treatment and new types of vaccines are being developed attempting to help in the prevention and healing of the coronavirus. Also, the governments of developed countries have come to realize their inherent responsibility to help the less developed ones to achieve preventive goals because this could contribute to the wellbeing of all. The theoric principle is praiseworthy. 

Second Venus Pluto Conjunction

    However, the Venus conjunct Pluto for the second time at the point of the Jupiter Pluto conjunction of last year in April and so close to the Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 2020, rings the bell of an overreaching institutional and corporate influence for the sake of power and control, if not for economic domination or subjugation. In this, the biggest powers of the world compete against each other in seducing the less advantaged nations. 

Rapture of Proserpina" by Luca Giordano (1684-1686)

    Venus has already joined Pluto once while transiting direct, on December 11, 2021. They both did so at the exact midpoint of Mercury and Jupiter, rulers of the North and South Nodes of the Moon. That indicated the pervasive exaggeration of data, and the media obsessive hammering of a single subject with the purpose of increasing power and control as well as profit. The global reach of an uniform message expands the intense focus on one and only goal. The insistence on a certain rhetoric based on panic and fear contributes to the development of a certain belief or a search for meaning. Then, having Venus and Pluto at the midpoint between the Nodal rulers also represents the power of using data to create a belief system. 

    Venus will join Pluto once more after exiting her shadow, on March 2-3, 2022, this time together with Mars at 27º during the Pluto return of US chart. One may think of the Rapture of Persephone myth. It will be a significant time to observe the country's values being exposed 'naked', and the Treasury Department announce crucial news. Stay tuned, there is more to come.

Sat Nam.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Saturn Square Uranus

2021-2022 Saturn Square Uranus

    Saturn and Uranus are mythological enemies. The Greek Myth tells us that Saturn rebelled against his father, Uranus, and castrated him. In Astrology, Saturn represents tradition and the past, Uranus innovation and the future. Uranus is often associated with the Myth of Prometheus who rebelled against the Gods and stole their fire to give it to the Humans. 

Prometheus Giving the Fire to Humans, Heinrich Fueger, 1817, Public Commons

    Even though on December 24, 2021 Saturn and Uranus will perfect their last incidence of the closing quarter square, their square will linger within minutes of arc until November 2022.  The clashes between the status quo and the urgency for change will continue. Since both Aquarius and Taurus are Fixed Signs, both planets will be slow to give in, if ever. People will have the tendency to be opinionated and oppose changes, thinking that we still have the possibility to go back to the old ways. However, the longer the resistance, the longer the suffering. 

    However, Uranus being the outermost planet and the ruler of Aquarius, has the upper hand.
He has already shaken and fractured the material reality in more ways than one.  The surface of the whole Earth (Taurus) trembles under his mighty electrical discharges. As the Lord of the Heavens, his winds have been violent and cruel. 

    Saturn on the other hand, tries to keep the collective (Aquarius) in order. Saturn filters through Uranus advancements, chooses what and how to integrate Uranus novelties in the social organization. Not all Uranus eccentricities and futuristic views are viable, and Saturn is in charge of adopting and implementing new structures and regulations that incorporate those that are practical. As the Lord of his House, Uranus challenges Saturn's conservative ways and introduces radical surprising innovation, even with sudden swiftly destruction of the Saturnian physical forms. 

Uranus Castrating Chronos

How different are Saturn and Uranus?

SATURN – solid matter                                              URANUS – electricity, wave energy
Past                                                                                Future
Rock boundaries, and foundations                                Open air, fast movement
Tradition                                                                        Innovation
Old ways of doing things                                              New ways of doing things
Authorities                                                                    Rebellion against authorities
Conservative politics                                                    Progressive politics
Vertical societal structure                                              Horizontal societal structure
Duties and responsibilities                                            Experimentation
Slow to change if ever                                                  Instant change
Obedience                                                                     Rebellion and creativity
Known expectations                                                     Unknown expectations
Stable solid reality                                                        Exploration of other realities
Categories in society                                                    Rupture with the system
Separation of classes                                                    Mixing of classes
Fear of change                                                              Audacity, temerity
Complaints, criticism                                                   Bright, genius solutions
Regulation, restrictions                                                Freedom to act
Depression/melancholy                                                Excitement, courage
Land travel                                                                   Air travel
Physical technology, hardware                                     Lighter technology, software
Routine, methodic, repetitive                                       Uncharted territory
Conventional                                                                Unconventional
Father figure reference                                                  Self-autonomy
Dependence                                                                  Independence 
Stability                                                                        Instability
Rocks, mountains                                                         Air, wind
Solid stable matter                                                       Electromagnetic waves
Land pollution                                                             Airborne pollution

    The first square at 7º ♒️♉️ in February 2021, both planets were in the first decan of the Signs, which reinforced their significations of energy and material resources clashing with the needs of society as a collective. The second one at 13º in June 2021 and final one at 11º, happen in the second decan, of Gemini and Virgo respectively. The clash focuses on the polarity ♊️ generated by the healthcare issue at hand and the multiple conflicts and desarray ♍️ that has generated in the functions of society, like commerce, distribution of resources, air travel, healthcare and educational systems to name just a few. 

    Things are due for significant transformations. Therefore, this will be a time of rebellion against the traditional ways. The transition brings economic recession or depression, when economic progress and development will require much patience, hard work, self discipline, and social maturity. At the same time, Saturn always requires integrity, practical common sense, and a higher level of social responsibility. 

    Uranus shows a different more progressive kind of development. The only way to break through the challenges will be an overhaul at all levels of society. We can expect new educational, economic, healthcare, production and commercial systems with the use of cutting edge technology. Saturn in Aquarius last quarter square with Uranus, favors manual and mechanical work, scientific and technological innovation, and values intellectual advancement.

    There will be a clash between the urge for rebellion and need for stability. Old ideologies may be banned or relegated, but new scientific discoveries, or inventions may be rejected or opposed. People may resist taking individual responsibility, embracing changes, in a state of anxiety and fear of an unknown, though promising, future. Those used to unjustified privileges will have to make sacrifices. Some people still attached to the past may be pessimistic, and have a negative approach because they find it hard to adapt to the changes. 

    But the new Air Era is dawning. We made this chaos, because we want to evolve, develop and grow as a Human Species. Embrace the New Dawn of Humanity! Let's make it together!

Update October 6-7, 2022

Last chance to internalize the energy of this Saturn Uranus closing square comes to a peak on October 6-7, 2022 when they will square within a 37 minute orb, at 18 degrees respectively in Taurus and Aquarius.  No matter how much one longs for the 'good ol' days', the Earth is crying out for transformation with catastrophic natural events one after another. This forces us to completely break with our past dependence on traditional sources of energy, unpayable debts, and an obsolete financial system (South Node in Scorpio) all in the break of collapse. Saturn shows us different ways of organizing society that will facilitate becoming autonomous and self-sufficient in the production of energy and the discipline to use it efficiently (North Node in Taurus). 

Let's keep in mind that energy is what keeps Humanity alive (Taurus). This transformation (Uranus) not only do we need to take it seriously, but the very existence of Life on Earth is at risk. If you haven't thought about this before, just imagine spending a winter or the summer -depending on the region- without electricity, gas, gasoline or gasoil. Sidereal inflation doesn't allow people to access their prices. I predicted this shift a year ago when I talked about the Taurus/Scorpio Nodal Axis and the Saturn square to it. Now, another source of life at risk is added to the mix: the lack of water. Extreme drought in many regions of the world and even floods in others hinder the production of electricity and the distribution of potable water! As the North Node in Taurus with Uranus indicates, humanity needs to reckon with the reality of the Earth changes, not tomorrow, not next year, not next decade, but TODAY, NOW. 

Hopefully we are all awaken by NOW. 
Sat Nam

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Monday, December 20, 2021

Chiron Turns Direct

Broken Man

     Chiron was here (8º♈️) on March 21, 2021. Apparently, he'd forgotten something and went back to pick it up. What was it? Chiron spent all his life learning how to heal his wound. Not only did he want to heal the poisonous wound on his leg, but he had deeper poison in his heart, the cruel wound of abandonment. Rejected and abandoned by his mother and father, he could have died right then and there. So, that's why Chiron in Aries is much concerned about finding ways to survive, or about an initiative that can allow him a space to exist. 

    We can't deny, with all the tragedies we've been experiencing since Chiron entered Aries, that all human efforts have been focused on finding ways to survive, or finding a place that allow people to exist, to be, to occupy a space. People struggling to cope and survive with a virus, people struggling to put a roof over their head, people struggling to get a job, people struggling to find food to eat, people struggling to get out of a war zone, or out of a natural catastrophe.

    Let's remember that the first one who gave Chiron the opportunity to live was the Sun God, Apollo. He adopted Chiron, fed him and sheltered him. He later mentored him in all branches of knowledge of the time. During Chiron retrograde, we should have had a long five month's review of our wounding and reflected on what we are doing to heal it. 

    Now that Chiron turns direct, we are ready to take the initiative and do what you found out necessary to heal. Let us consider the benevolence of the Sun and look for his energy in our birth charts. As the Sun represents the core essence of who we are, let us tap into his energy and shine it bright in all directions. 

    Who are you? How can your Sun welcome, embrace, and sustain your Chiron? What knowledge and lessons can your Sun impart him? Let your Sun offer shelter and comfort to your Chiron and initiate your healing journey.

Kintsugi is the art of mending bols with gold.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

December 14-15, 2021 - Mars in Sagittarius - Mercury in Capricorn

    Shift of Energy, Shift of Mind

    Mars ingress in Sagittarius may be uneventful or atypical because he immediately meets with Ketu, the South Node of the Moon. It will take time for Mars to recover his natural energy and impulsivity in that Fire Sign. The first few days you may have to make compromises, and restrain your willpower. You may be impatient to go on adventures, meet strangers, open your mental horizons, travel, or go to college, but your energy level doesn't agree. In fact, in making extra efforts to get things done and obtain what you want, you may actually hurt yourself or get sick. Projects not only take more energy, but can in fact drain you.

    At the world level, for the collective, governed by Jupiter at the end of Aquarius, Mars is actively making changes in the social structures and networks. Social media platforms are on the table for review. Long distance travel and trade transportation are on the works. Private companies implement necessary activities in order to move the marchandise faster. 

    Once Mars gets through on the other side, around the time of the Full Moon, then, travel may take off and you may be on your Sagittarius horse (centaur, actually) and aim to the wide horizons. Just before reaching the square to Neptune, because then, you would be better swimming!

    With Mercury in Capricorn, you control your speech, and command your thinking. Governed by Saturn in Aquarius, Mercury may put a break on social networks that are not socially or politically correct. People may be afraid to speak their mind. There is a necessary constraint of discourse, especially if one does not follow the given version of the stories. Your mind may be more inclined to  methodic analysis of messages, concerned by propriety, exact meaning, organization of ideas, careful tone of voice, etc. Even though Mercury will not be retrograde in Capricorn, your mind may go back in time, and review long gone memories, or refer to ideas of the past. 

 Mercury has a nice meeting with Venus to look forward to on December 28, while Saturn and Uranus are still square at 11º. Mercury could become Venus mouth-piece for her message of Value. We may learn then what she is 'thinking' about, or what she has to say after meeting with Pluto two times. It will certainly be a powerful message. 

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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Daily Transits - December 9-11, 2021

Venus in the 'Rapist' Alley 

The Venus Sun cycle forms a five-pointed Star in the Sky.
Nature reflects its beauty in many ways.

    During this Venus retrograde season that started at 11º♑️04' on November 18, 2021, is important to consider what she is doing in Capricorn. On the one hand, as she slows down (direct) she reviews security structures, fears, social conditionings and conventions, and all those social and political rules established to live harmoniously in society. Her nature is to find a good balance between what one desires and needs and the needs and desires of others. 

    Since Saturn (Lord of the Sign) is in Aquarius, there is an undercurrent of struggle for social freedom. People want to have their lifestyle preference respected, but because of the Saturn Uranus square, there is a strife between the need for constraint (pandemic times) and the need for independence. So, Venus has a tough task these days. 

    Considering that she's been out of bounds until just a couple of days ago (October 11 to December 7), matters related to her archetype have manifested wildly and intensely, in some instances, out of the norm. One example, is the women's rights now under legal scrutiny by the political powers. Issues that women had been taking for granted for so long are again disputed and fought for (Venus square Eris). 

    As I say, now Venus takes her time, she is down within the bounds, coming back to reason and taking stock of reality in a cold and austere Sign, where, in fact, she's not completely uncomfortable. For example, she likes her things to be stable. A good friend of Saturn, she likes serious committed love, stable finances, fair relationships (Libra), and durable values (Taurus). She likes the security (Capricorn) of having the things she needs to thrive (Taurus). 

    Today, though, she falls in the arms of the 'rapist' of the Zodiac, Pluto. However, this is not the first time, especially around the time of her Capricorn star point. On January 9, 2018, she had a similar embrace at the exact time of her cazimi at 18º (ungraceful if not disgraceful degree). Do you remember any event in your life related to Venus back then? 

    When Venus makes her first conjunction with Pluto, you may feel an obsessive desire to have something or someone. (I want a new laptop!) Someone else may try to manipulate or dominate you in some way, sexually, financially, emotionally. Be careful and pay attention. The perspective will certainly change when she comes back over Pluto and during the whole retrograde period (December 19 to January 29). And what you value now will have had a definite transformation once she exits the shadow zone in March. Make sure you don't get seduced by shiny promises and that you use discrimination when it's time to evaluate an offer or opportunity of any kind.

    Codependent, obsessive and possessive relationships reach now the climax of tension, despair and disgust. If the situation has been toxic for a long time, you now have the great opportunity to break the chains. Go for it! I already heard about a couple of such situations coming to a head in a traumatic and liberating way. You may need professional help or assistance from friends, family or the community, though. Make sure you seek protection if you are in danger. 

    In addition, Mercury sextile Jupiter, which makes you think with incredible optimism and be ultra enthusiastic about your ideas. However, the Sun square Neptune may make you even more vulnerable because it weakens your vitality. Not only could you be susceptible to the seasonal bugs (bacteria, virus, fungi, allergy), but to hypnotic suggestion, psychic disturbances that hinder your ability to make a good judgment. You may only see the good in people and get such wrong impression that you fall for something dangerous. You may also feel defeated, unable to enjoy yourself, doubting yourself. In a bad relationship, someone may try to make you believe you are wrong, mentally unstable or sick because you want to change things (deceptive manipulation).

Credit, Kat Ha, Helleborus

    The best way to use the Sun Neptune square is to dedicate time to express yourself with art, music, dance, render service to poor, sick, or vulnerable people, or go swimming. In fact, your creative expression could be your life saver these days. 

Have a great weekend! Sat Nam.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Daily Transits - December 7-8, 2021

 Mars Activation of Eclipses

    Today, Mars enters the last few degrees of Scorpio. First, Mars square Jupiter, then hits the November 19 Lunar Eclipse 27º, and soon enough joins the South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius. 

    Your strong will goes overboard and may cause you to impulsively pursue your passionate goals with forceful actions. You may become so obsessed with your desire to win, that instead of openly ask for it, you rather manipulate your way towards it. Now you have a strategic plan, and you follow it with accuracy. However, the exaggerated confidence in your determination may actually fire back because your aggressive attitude may not be welcome by others in the 'game'.

    Mars Jupiter overbearing energy impacts the themes of the Lunar Eclipse. When you go back to the events that happened back then, or contemplate the Scorpio Taurus themes of your personal chart you may understand the significance of transiting Mars influence on them. 

    But at the mundane level, a subversive strategy, or a strategic discipline with an iron fist can be used in regards to fix something on the financial markets, currencies, state/countries solvency, national debt, and the distribution of goods and food. Stay tuned, changes in everything related to values in general and shared values in particular are on the table for all year 2022. This include currency, the banking system, but also how we evaluate, appraise, and appreciate everything in life. These themes will be worked out by the current Venus retrograde period in Capricorn, especially as she joins Pluto, since they are the respective rulers of the Taurus Scorpio axis and the upcoming Nodal Axis shift. 

Blessings, Sat Nam.

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Monday, December 6, 2021

Daily Transits - December 6, 2021

Mercury in Sagittarius 

Square Neptune in Pisces 

A Message in a Bottle, Who Will Get It?

Public commons image -
The message in a bottle, drawing by Edouard Riou,
included in Jules Verne's 1860s book In Search of the Castaways.

    Remember when Mercury conjoined Neptune in Pisces on March 29, 2021? Here comes the silver-winged Messenger God closing their synodic cycle in waning quarter square. Mercury is at odds once more with the Lord of the Oceans, where everything dissolves. Am I imagining this? Is this true? Is it or is it not real? Is this thought mine? The mind is foggy again, we don’t really know what exactly is going on. And you are right, we don’t know. More so considering that Mercury doesn’t account for the details in Sagittarius, the place for broader perspectives. The challenge presented by Neptune in his own home of Pisces is not only that of mystical visions, imagination and fantasy, but deception and avoidance. 

    Reviewing the headline news for the day of the Mercury Neptune conjunction I read that "WHO-China study says bats, not lab leak, likeliest coronavirus origin". People died in a flooding in Nashville. Biden calls for 'vaccine passports'. The Pope is quoted to have said, "The Devil is taking advantage of the crisis to sow distrust, desperation and discord". A ship was blocking the Suez Canal. It was the apogee of the vaccine rush. And Joe Biden was about to unveil his major infrastructure proposal that is still being debated now, especially because they don't agree on where to get the money to finance it. You judge for yourself how much of all of that is real or delusional, true or false, extremely hopeful or too good to be true. 

    As the cycle draws to a close, you are to do your own reckoning with your beliefs. As Mercury in Sagittarius thinks, reads, speaks, chats, communicates, and publishes about ideologies and convictions, he remembers that he was just eclipsed together with the Sun and Moon a few days ago, advising them to review and discard assumptions and postulations that are not based on facts and reality. Because, Mercury rules the North Node in Gemini after all! As such he's been gathering information all around the zodiac since his meeting with Neptune and now is ready to draw his conclusions about what he heard then.

    Nowadays, much is going on behind the scenes that the public doesn’t know. Only some highly developed intuitive, spiritual beings, can have the psychic discernment and enlightened vision of what is real and what is fake. They may receive insights from the collective unconscious (Pisces), if they apply themselves. Meditation is encouraged and very appropriate to develop such abilities.

Moon and Venus Square Eris

Eris Goddess of Discord and Strife, Art by Instagram: @CryscoPhotography

    The receptive energy gets feisty and proactive. Venus in Capricorn and close to Pluto may be empowering herself or being overpowered by the establishment. So the square to Eris acts as a catalyst of rebellion, discord and chaos. This Venus retrograde season, women and women's issues will give a lot to talk about, starting NOW. She first squares Eris, then conjoins Pluto, and in retrograde motion, first meets Pluto again, then rebels again with the second square to Eris. And the story repeats when Venus comes back direct next year. Of course, as predicted in my video about Venus Retrograde, finances will suffer as well as relationships. But most of all, our values are due for a bath of lava. Brace yourself!

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